Author Topic: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...  (Read 87196 times)

Offline gh0ul

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Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« Reply #130 on: August 06, 2019, 04:54:50 pm »
I have a problem with the new patch and idk how to fix it.
So I downloaded the patch, installed it but... It's not working. When I'm trying to log in to the game, it tells me to download the patch.
So I did it once again but it still isn't working.

did you have preset sync? try uninstalling it, because it doesn't work with the 1.17 patch


Offline Arrrchie

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Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« Reply #131 on: August 06, 2019, 07:51:14 pm »
I have a problem with the new patch and idk how to fix it.
So I downloaded the patch, installed it but... It's not working. When I'm trying to log in to the game, it tells me to download the patch.
So I did it once again but it still isn't working.

did you have preset sync? try uninstalling it, because it doesn't work with the 1.17 patch

No, I didn't have preset sync :v
Idk what could cause problems
- Archie

Offline WolfLover732

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Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« Reply #132 on: August 07, 2019, 09:04:35 am »
I have a MacBook AIR and I downloaded the game but whenever i try to login it says that it's still in patch 1.16 and i can't seem to find the place to download the game for mac in patch 1.17?

Maybe I should wait a little bit more until it's updated?

Offline Blasphemy

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Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« Reply #133 on: August 08, 2019, 12:02:01 pm »
hey ! this is officially my first time ever engaging with the fh forums. i've ran into this game years ago. fell in love with it, followed it every day as i grew. i was thrilled to have found a community that i fit in almost perfectly! but like i said as i grew, so did my ambitions and interests. i end up deleting my old feral heart account, out of the sake of "i probably won't be coming back to play this game ever again".  and so three years or so passed, i see the game is still up and running, but now there's been an update. i get struck with this immense nostalgia and DANG, i ended up creating three accounts since i saw the opportunity when the registration was open. i quite loterally had my jaw ajar after seeing the game has been completely redesigned. a bit sad seeing that the original soundtrack is no lomger there (the one which i nowhave on my phone and listen to every day religiously). my obsession with the game started once again, but ot was nowhere near the old days. the number of players was slashed down significantly, and there was a lack of that mutual interest and aura between people that somewhat irked me. i eventually lose the ability to go online, hence the extreme "gaming hiatus". i sort of forgot about this game, but at the same time not. i'd always find myself reminiscing on the past days where i couldn't bare the lag of bonfire island. and today, seeing there are a mere 65 players online just made my heart wrench. to see a four digit number drop to two really devastated me. so i know for a fact that i will stay by this game's side till the very end, even if i'm not able yo log on and enjoy it. i sure as hell promise to do so once i am able to, though. i thank you for all the times you have spent with me, and all the memories created, as i am eternally grateful for being a part of such a humble community. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't blinking away my tesrs right now. you do not have to read this, or give any notice to it, but these are my sincere words that i had to serve out. sorry for the messy writing, too. sincerely, former flamespark :]

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Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« Reply #134 on: August 08, 2019, 01:34:03 pm »
I have a MacBook AIR and I downloaded the game but whenever i try to login it says that it's still in patch 1.16 and i can't seem to find the place to download the game for mac in patch 1.17?

Maybe I should wait a little bit more until it's updated?

Hopefully this helps

There is not an official version for Mac yet, however if you download the released Windows version of 1.17 and run it through PlayonMac, you can possibly run it that way.
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Offline zora666

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Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« Reply #135 on: August 19, 2019, 09:08:37 pm »
Source code finally acquired? Well this changes everything :-)