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Messages - Willersmunk

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Exe. file & Preset Uploading
« on: April 05, 2020, 12:05:04 am »
I feel like you have it a little confused. If you're just trying to access the Feral Heart FOLDER, then go under where you installed Feral Heart to. From there, you can access your preset folder by:

(where ever you installed it) > FeralHeart > my_presets > preset_3 (in this case)

If you can open the game, then an executable extension isn't what you're looking for. You're looking for the GAME FOLDER.

Another thing to look out for, while making presets or adding preset image files to the game, is the little ".material" file that's in the preset_x folder. In that, you may have to make edits to the image file extensions within that .material file, so it'll actually see the image files and overlay them onto the character model. For example:

Say you have a .png but your .material only reads .jpg ---> Open the .material file in notepad and change the file extension so it reads to .png, it'll read the image files now.

I also misspoke about it being under 'Tools'. It'll actually be under a tab called "Creative Den" on the main menu, and once you click that, it'll show you a few editors. "Preset Maker" is the one you want.

Hope that helps :)

Presets & Markings / Re: C o r b o
« on: April 04, 2020, 11:26:36 pm »
Thanks everyone :D

Game Help / Re: Exe. file & Preset Uploading
« on: April 04, 2020, 04:23:31 pm »
Unfortunately, when it comes to Linux/Chromium based operating systems, running applications like Feral Heart isn't possible without the use of WINE or a similar application. That being said, using WINE or a similar application will allow you to actually open the game. Specifically for ChromeOS, I did some digging and found this post on the forum that might help you further:

From there, once you've got that setup and working, should be able to load up the preset under Tools on the main menu, and export it.

Good luck :D

Presets & Markings / Re: C o r b o
« on: April 04, 2020, 01:32:58 pm »
Thank you!!!  ;D

Presets & Markings / C o r b o
« on: April 04, 2020, 01:24:55 pm »
I made this preset a WHILE ago, but I only got around to posting it on D.A. and other places recently.

This is my sona, Corbo. Corbo says hello :D

Game Discussion / Re: Why FeralHeart Could Be So Buggy
« on: April 04, 2020, 12:49:54 pm »
Back in FH's heyday, it wouldn't be unusual to see 200 - 400+ people on at a time, spread across the maps. Honestly, there are a lot of issues going on rn with the server and that could also be a cause to a lot of stability issues. I can't get on with the idea, however, that the server has not been changed since the game's invention. That's simply not on/not true. I'm personally going to wait until something official is said on the matter and everything is explained. Which is what I recommend for all of us, just be patient and let the server controller and the moderation team work it out.

Forum Games / Re: Describe Feral Heart in 4 Words
« on: March 06, 2020, 07:01:19 am »
Flashbacks to simple times

Pages: [1]