Author Topic: Realistic, semi realistic, unrealistic  (Read 1909 times)

Offline .Dionysus.

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Realistic, semi realistic, unrealistic
« on: August 18, 2014, 03:43:49 am »
Ok so this has been on my mind all night and I finally decided to post something.

Am I the only one that thinks the way people classify roleplays is kind of odd?

Now hear me out. When someone says a realistic roleplay, they mean realistic colors, no powers and no wings. But that doesn't really make sense because in the roleplay, the animals talk and that's not very realistic. I was just wondering if I was the only one that found this kind of odd. How can you classify your roleplay as realistic if the animals can talk?

I feel it should be classified more like this:

No animals talking and the only way they communicate is by actions and animal noises. Using tail positions as dominance instead of just adding a tag at the end of your display name. Only markings real animals would have and only using colors, eyes and eye colors that go with your species. No pack/clan/pride names. Instead to just have a small group of family and loners you take in. They should also follow the natural social order of things. Fighting for dominance, only leaders can produce offspring, etc. following your species actions, personality traits and skills.

Semi realistic:
Talking animals, named groups, tags, leader ship assigned. Colors are realistic but basically any markings you please unless they are unable to be in nature at all. Going with personalities, anyone can have their own offspring. Dominance is earned. Allies and enemies.

Any color pelt you please (besides neons). No wings, powers, chains, cigarettes, necklaces etc.

Now I feel like that would be a lot easier for people like me who absolutely enjoy roleplaying highly realistic roleplays and I'd be able to find them easier. I feel bad whispering someone and asking them about their roleplay and having to say I'm not interested because the animals can talk etc.

Anyway, tell me your opinions on it!
I know some of you may disagree but this is just what I thought and I wanted to know if anyone else agreed with me or not.


Offline Kovu-The-Lion

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Re: Realistic, semi realistic, unrealistic
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 03:50:10 am »
Though some of what you say is True like the Realistic stuff it would be quite hard to do in a game like Feralheart because its not really made for being "Silent" just basically a giant chatroom you can disguise yourself as a Lion or Wolf. Plus the fighting is also hard to do as well because everyone wants to win in a battle of course, and just saying "He punched, Pawed, etc." Would get boring. Along with that the Pelts would all seem the same
The Semi-Realistic sounds like our current realistic we have right now, It would be literally overrunned and basically the Realistic Roleplay wouldn't exsist. Most of the Prides and packs have to be Dominanced Earned, Allies and enemies, etc. Plus What many mean by realistic today is to steer people from going into the Neoned or White-belly actions of their characters, or even like 20 albino lions xD
Plus Items could be used here, but not like Huge winged items but like simple ear feathers or bracelets.
Unrealistic of course seems like the one we have currently.
But this one is basically like the Warriorcat rps, Since they desire both items and medics, herbs etc etc. Not only that but witchdoctors fit into this as well, Where or who would they turn to?
But anyhow that is my opinion on How I see the feralheart world and the Post xDDD
~Love Kovu
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 04:14:05 am by KovuIsLion »

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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Realistic, semi realistic, unrealistic
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 04:01:05 am »
I have to agree with KovuIsLion.
Plus, I don't think very many people would have / want to have a role-play that has zero talking (though, I could be wrong). Myself, I don't mind if the animals talk or not, since animals communicate - not with just body langauge - chirps, barks, etc. which is kinda lije talking, though in a language that human's can't even begin to understand (sure, we recorded animal sounds and watch animal's reactions, but we're not able to understand what they mean anytime soon).
Plus, where would our current unrealistic members be? You listed three categories that can all be listed in out current realistic category, but you seemed to have forgot that there are beautiful, unrealistic characters. We have the option to create and use any color of choice, wings, items, etc., so where would those characters fit?