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Messages - BlazeTheLioness

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I'm sorry if I'm considered to be necroing this thread, but I've got an issue. I tested the outlines by themselves and they work just fine, but whenever I try to use the cel shading coding, the character appears as blank white with the shading regardless of the textures (Example: I've changed the preset texture file names, re-downloaded all the needed files quite a few times and everything, but it seems to keep happening. How do I solve that to get the cel shading to work?
Check the brackets in the material file, bracket problems can cause the lion to turn white.
Try to remove the cel shading from the preset's material file, and see if the problem still happens.
It's helpful to post the preset's material file, but either put it in a spoiler or make a post in the help board.

I actually solved it ^^ Turns out the cell shading materials had an incompatibility with the mods I had installed. Thanks for the help anyway!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Preset Special Effects and Crashing
« on: October 07, 2017, 08:17:25 pm »
i personally think that they should add the effects to the preset sync, or at least make another version of the preset sync with all of them downloaded for those with more powerful computers. i personally adore the outlined presets, and would love to use them more often, though of course that interferes with those who have the preset sync and don't have those files installed.

i don't think that they should be added to the community patch since there's quite a few players with some not great computers that already have issues playing the game with massive lag and all that, so they should, at the very least, make it optional.

Personally, I do believe it would be good to have the effects in the community patch. As you said, though, it could be optional, like the full & light installing options we already have in the game installer. The Full version could have the special effects applied to it, but the Light could work for slow computers and do not have them.

I'm sorry if I'm considered to be necroing this thread, but I've got an issue. I tested the outlines by themselves and they work just fine, but whenever I try to use the cel shading coding, the character appears as blank white with the shading regardless of the textures (Example: I've changed the preset texture file names, re-downloaded all the needed files quite a few times and everything, but it seems to keep happening. How do I solve that to get the cel shading to work?

Finished Maps / Re: [v.1.13] Pridelands [Complete.]
« on: July 24, 2012, 09:51:39 pm »
I have a problem, I can not go into the map! I have this message: "Failed to connect to map server" again and again

Sometimes, your computer is the problem. Try to reinstall FH and the map.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: -blaze-'s retextures (no markings)
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:01:29 pm »
They do. I am at the final touches now.

Nevermind it. I wanted to make different eyebrows for the canine and the feline models, but both have the same image file. I am not making them anymore

Other Mods/Creations / Re: -blaze-'s retextures (no markings)
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:01:07 am »
Next stop: Better eyebrows. I am starting to edit the textures so the eyebrows are larger (like the one from Simba at TLK)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: -blaze-'s retextures (no markings)
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:49:00 am »
Okay. download is up. the main difference is that the nose color escaped the shader's space for it. that is one of the things I fixed.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: -blaze-'s retextures (no markings)
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:40:51 am »
Indeed. I am posting 3 link, and taking back the old texture. get back in a sec.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: -blaze-'s retextures (no markings)
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:29:39 am »
Thanks. I am thinking on adding two downloads: That one from the texture fixer, and another that will hide the snouts, leaving the character (feline) like Sirius is actually, at that picture.

Other Mods/Creations / -blaze-'s retextures (no markings)
« on: July 02, 2012, 11:48:29 pm »
Hello again feralheartians! After some long time of hiatus, Sirius is back once again! and this time, with more news. the first of all is the...

Nose Texture Fixer (aka IT-style nose)

As said at the name, this fixes the default FH nose texture to fit with the shader from the feline. Upload is coming soon, as well with more stuff.




Snout Remover:

Just place the downloaded file(s) at C:/Feralheart/Media/textures folder. replace anything that is asked.

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