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Messages - iCandy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Art Gallery / Re: Candy's Art
« on: April 19, 2014, 04:30:47 pm »
Thank you all so much!! I hope to decide on an art style sooner or later!

Art Gallery / Candy's Art
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:09:46 pm »
I'm surprised you guys are looking at this, eheh.
I drew all of these. Please don't steal, always ask permission before using them!

Okay :3
Here's a small picture I made for practice. I use them in roleplay templates at, a Warriors roleplay, if you would like to join :O

I not the best background artist :c It took me about three years to get to that point.

Here is art I made for photoshop practice. People in the past asked if I took the Pokemon image from somewhere else, but no, I drew them.

And then there's art I'm  neutral with. I'm not sure what my style is yet, but I'm leaning to these types of paintings:

This is the one I'm most proud of. It's my favorite Warrior character.

I love you for this. +Floof :O

It's nothing! I'm glad you like it <3

As I walk you through animating your name with JavaScript, you will learn the basics of Booleans, functions, variables, strings, and maybe a few other things. This coding guide will be updated when I have time, so don't expect this to be an every-week thing. Things I will be tutoring you one will be HTML codes, Java, python, and maybe some others.

JavaScript~ Interactive banner name~

Let's start with strings, shall we?
A string can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. Strings are surrounded
with quotes. Example:

"She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"

In our JavaScript code, we're using document.write() simply to display your string.
The important stuff is inside the parentheses, so focus on that. To discover the length
of a string, simply code in '. length .' after the code. Example:

document.write( "Muffins" ).length.


Now, you must know math to code.

Addition: 2 + 3
Subtraction: 2 - 3
Multiplication: 2 * 3
Divsion: 2 / 3

If we multiply to big numbers like so:

document.write ( "100 * 43" )

The answer on screen should come up as the problem. It will NOT have the answers, since
we put it in a string.

Let's take a look at booleans.
A boolean is like a like a light switch, but you would replace 'on' and 'off' with 'true' or 'false'.
People use booleans in their code by writing statemants that evaluate to 'true' or 'false', like so:

88 > 10 would evaluate to 'true'.
88 < 10 is clearly incorrect, so the computer would evaluate it to 'false'.
Booleans are extremely useful because they let us run certain parts of our code only IF certain
conditions are TRUE. Let's take a look on how to do this...

We'll be making a statement that evaluates to 'true' if the length of the string is greater than 10 characters, like so:

document.write( "I'm coding like a champ!".length > 10)

After writing something like that, your computer will say it's 'true'. If you made the lesser than sign,
your computer will evaluate it false and therefore showing 'false' on the screen.

Lets learn to animate our names, then! You should make sure you understand this before you go on.

Alright. In the previous section, we obviously just started learning how to use JavaScript. So far
we have used:

and Booleans.

In this section, we will program and animate our names- when we put the cursor over it, it will scatter but soon close
back up together when you remove your mouse from it's range. Fun, right?

To do more... Complex codes, we need a way to save these values. This is possible with variables. A variable
stores and string, number, or boolean and gives it a specific, case-sensitive name.

var myName = "Paradise";

var myAge = "14"

var isEven = true

So, when we use this code (You can replace what's in the quotes):

var myName = "Paradise";


With that code, JavaScript should have your word in a collection of bubbles, how? Like this:

01. In line 1, you created a variable named myName in which you stored a string of your name.
02. In line 5, a function named drawName() took your name string and threw it on the screen.

WOAH, Woah, woah... What's a function?
A function takes in an input, does something with it, and then returns an output.
In our code, the input was your name, and and the output was the picture
of your name in a bunch of fun bubbles- ah, the fun of bubbles. Who knew. right?

Let's give bubbles some color.  I've prepared another variable named blue and that stores the color blue.
We will add blue as another input to the drawName function, like this:

var myName = "Paradise";

drawName(myName, blue);

Great! The word (or your name) should have been drawn in bubbles. Wouldn't be fun if we can make our
name all pretty and colorful?

Variables, like myName, can store numbers or strings. But so far, we've only been
able to store one number or one string at a time.
Good thing we have arrays. Arrays store lists of data.

var names = ["Paradise", "Candy"];

var blue = (196, 77, 55];

Anytime you see data surrounded by [], it is an array.

In fact, computers can understand colors like blue as an array of numbers, as shown in the example above.
So. using the code below, we used an array to make our name more than one colors because we stored more data.

var red = [0, 100, 63];

var orange = [40, 100, 60];

var green = [75, 100, 40];

var blue = [196, 77, 55];

var purple = [280, 50, 60];

var myName = "Paradise";

letterColors = [red, orange, green, blue, purple]

drawName(myName, letterColors);

Colorful <3 We just gave the function two inputs. One was your name, and the other was an array of colors.
The Output was a multi-colored picture of your name. Now, if we add another function called bounceBubbles, the output would be your banner name flowing up an down every time you hover your mouse over it. The
 code looks like this:

var red = [0, 100, 63];
var orange = [40, 100, 60];
var green = [75, 100, 40];
var blue = [196, 77, 55];
var purple = [280, 50, 60];

var myName = "Paradise";
letterColors = [red, orange, green, blue, purple];
if(10 < 3) {
    bubbleShape = "square";

else {
    bubbleShape = "circle";

drawName(myName, letterColors)

We used Booleans to make sure the program does not make your name out of squares, only in circles. If you're confused about anything, PM me!


Make your own adventure game with Java!

Game Help / Re: "Object Not Found"
« on: January 13, 2014, 03:05:09 am »
Either take some time to watch the video that Big Bang showed you, or answer my question:

did you type .mesh after 'waterfall1'? You only mentioned you typed 'waterfall' and 'waterfall1'.

Presets & Markings / Re: ~iNsAnItY'S PRESET SHOP~ [OPEN] UPDATED! 9/29/13
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:03:53 am »
Username: iCandy
Forum name: iCandy
Ref picture (or a very good description): Too lazy to go to tinypic, so here is link:
Side notes (optional): Please make the fur as realistic as possible, and make the preset's mane look soft and fluffy but has the name colors as the one in the picture. I hope asking for this isn't too much trouble! Also, can you add a scar across his nose?

Presets & Markings / Re: FH Preset Maker Program (VERSION 2!)
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:46:07 am »
This is impressive! May I ask what language you used?

Game Help / Re: Gibberish
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:30:44 pm »
Your computer is not programmed with its own meshing program. You should download blender if you want to open a mesh and edit.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Invalid token wtf?
« on: November 18, 2013, 03:44:05 am »
An invalid token (probably) means that your connection is weird or too many people are logging on. It might also mean that the game failed to get you into the map you want.
Also, you cannot change your username. Only your display name can change, but your username stays the same for forum and game. Also, the 'wtf' part was totally uncalled-for!
Hope I helped.

Game Help / Re: Game icons messed up, help?
« on: November 18, 2013, 03:35:36 am »
Well, was is it supposed to look like?

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