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Topics - Withorn

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Returning player ♡
« on: May 18, 2021, 05:46:09 pm »
Hey there! My name's Withorn.

Just thought I'd make an introduction for myself. I'm a returning player to Feral Heart, I used to play this game way back in 2013 and had lots of fun in the past with wholesome memories. Feral Heart and it's community has always held a special place in my heart, and while feeling a bit nostalgic I thought that I'd return here once more. I enjoy the abundant amount of character customization and exploring the maps. I also love animals, and have quite a few pets of my own. Two pet chickens, a sweet little guinea pig, two parakeets and a small hobby in Aquascaping. I like to draw and write in my free time. Hope to see you around!

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