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Topics - The EvilKittyEye

Pages: [1]
hi there.. EvilKittyeye here (Rasmirasim on DA)

Since  intend to release my warriors map soon, I was thinking that the Star Stable horse meshes were perfect for my map. But if somebody could convert them for use on fh, I would greatly appreciate it, due to the fact this rp map is due to come out some point within the next week or so....

Urgently needed really.... Or the map will probably have delays on several things... Also, I'd just like to Point out, that I have tried before to create a mesh using Blender, yet it doesn;t seem to... how I say... 'knuckle the buckle'

Anywho... as mentioned above, The star stable horse, rider, trees and rock meshes and anything else available seems to be a great idea for my map.

Possible have a few poses for the horses and maybe have some riders on horses too...

Anybody who is up to the task, shall receive a drawing or more than one drawing of which ever character they would like, they get good karma on the fh forum and a very special mention in my next DA journal. They will also receive special permission to help out with my rp ^^

~Greatly appreciated,
The Evilkittyeye/Rasmirasim

Other Mods/Creations / Could someone convert this for fh?
« on: September 29, 2012, 06:01:28 pm »
hi, slycan originally made this run cycle (show in the gif on the left) for whomever could and was making an IT server or wants to. Only thing is, I was thinking maybe someone could make it usable in fh too? if anyone could, that would be brilliant thanks :)

Other Mods/Creations / Evilkitty's Little Corner
« on: September 09, 2012, 01:02:33 pm »
Hi, you have reached EvilKittyEye's little corner of such.
Below you shall find:

1- Art
2- Maps
3- objects
4- Particles (if i learn how)
5- Interfaces and skins
6- Re-textures

post 1-


Nul as of yet

Game Help / how to get FH+ to work.
« on: July 25, 2012, 09:01:18 am »
create a char on NORMAL FH, then put it into the cape. then go on FH+ and THAT char. then youll be in the FH+ cape. now you can just follow portals and tunnels or what-not around fh+

Other Mods/Creations / Mountain cave mesh request
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:44:33 am »
can anyone make a mountains mesh? with like... a cave in there with a ledge on the outside? i can put a drawing on deviantart of how i kinda want it to look if you like. I'm only at re-texturing waterfalls and rocks..... i turned 3 rocks blue.... 3 waterfalls red, green and blue....

I'd appreciate if anyone could make the mountains mesh with the cave in it.



Game Suggestions & Ideas / plz read! FRUGGIN AMAZING IDEA!
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:48:23 pm »
wouldn't it be cool to be able to hunt, drag the prey into a den and eat? or even drink water and bath? and be able to click on a player in a group, select a rank, then they're marked as it? or even have the basic things, eat, drink, bathe and such? also, maybe add a seacreature, such as dolphin/shark? so you can have canines, felines horses, and marine animals? if you think so, give this a thumbs up :D also, new weathers like thunderstorms and fog. maybe even some more terrains?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / New idea for FH!!!!!!!! PLZ READ MODS!
« on: February 16, 2012, 02:47:08 pm »
In fh, if you could 'hunt' eat sleep and drink water and drag your prey to where you like it, then that would be fun, i just said it on general chat in-game and everyone liked it, they think its a good idea, if the prey moved ass well, please over see this as a small idea to improve the game.........
also people seem to agree with me on this, please could you consider adding it?

Characters / Mah Darlin' Calibri
« on: January 01, 2012, 06:18:02 pm »
name: Calibri | age (LY) : 5 | mate: none | cubs: none | species : black winged lion | eyes: Blue ( even tho she was just blinded) | Crush: Not Tellin | Friends: King18 (Fighter) SilverAnimal (Tuarus) magic2011 (skykit) | group: Dark Shadow Clan | members ( including herself) : 4

bio: Calibri is a fierce young lioness, who always tries her hardest to protect others, she enjoys living in Bali ha'i and has a few good friends, when threatened, she will turn into an angerment, ( she even turns dragon) and the result, will probably not be good. :) xD

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