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Messages - Hipsterrin

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / New Pack Idea, Any Interest?
« on: November 12, 2016, 02:46:13 am »
So, this would be a pack in-game, not merely forum based. If we got enough interest, perhaps we could make a forum for it, but I want to do an interest check.

I want to do a pack based off of Regna Ferox from Fire Emblem.

Not with the actual characters, but he ranks, the culture, and such. I think it'd be an interesting concept, and it'd offer two main checks in the ruling of the pack, the East and West Khans.

Now I just need some interest, and some clever souls to help me decide which other FE ranks to use for members, and some nice tags for them as well.

I just think it'd be fun to do?

The pack itself would probably be titled Regna Ferox, and it'd be literate and mapless. Perhaps we could even make two packs that generally intermingle with no issue, and who ally with one another against any enemy packs?

Of course, we'd have the occasional fight between the Khans, and follow the rules about the victor being in charge of the pack for a set period of time, while the loser would be treated more like a second in command.

Species / Re: The Ahuizotl
« on: November 03, 2016, 10:19:10 pm »
I actually looked up how to pronounce it myself, lol. It's Ah-hui-zol. The tl in Nahuatl makes the t silent and makes an 'l' sound. Trust me I was like whaaaat too. But I'm a sucker for weird mythological creatures.

Dude if I saw one roaming the grounds besides myself, I'd freak and do a happy dance that would be //so great//.

Request Maps / Map Needed, please!
« on: November 03, 2016, 04:45:10 pm »
Hello! I'm looking to see if someone could make a map for me. It's for my fantasy/species rp, Tezopolli Tribe. I'd like for it to be based around Tenochtitlan/Mexico, with a large lake and an island in the center, plus land around the lake.

The characters in the rp are capable of building shelters, so if you could make some structures, I'd highly appreciate that as well!

Species / The Ahuizotl
« on: November 03, 2016, 03:46:45 pm »
An Ahuizotl is, at the base of it all, a creature from Aztec mythology. Ahuzotl is the Nahuatl word for "spiny aquatic thing", which, they're named for their love of water and their waterproof fur, which collects into spikelike clumps.

The Ahuizotl has the head and body of a dog, with a long muzzle, sharp, pointed ears, and a canine body shape, but instead of paws, they have hands resembling a monkey's or a raccoon's. Along with this, they have a long, prehensile tail that also has a hand on the end. They can come in varied colors, black, grey, and various shades of blue, though they tend to stay in darker tones. Their eyes range from yellow to green, with very rare cases being brown or blue. Males are slightly larger than females, but they tend to both be smaller and slighter in scale than wolves and dogs.

While they're not the biggest and strongest of creatures, the Ahuizotl are able to survive due to their enhanced intelligence and the advantage of hands over some of their neighbors. They live in large tribes, usually ruled by two monarchs and then descending down into a detailed hierarchy.

Ahuizotl are carnivorous, and while their preferred prey is humans, in the absence of humans, they feast on fish, water fowl, and reptiles.

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Ahuizotl typically mate for life, and can have litters of pups once a year, usually birthing around two or three pups per litter.

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They can technically live anywhere, being semi-aquatic, but they prefer to reside somewhere near a body of water, the deeper the better.

Presets & Markings / Re: Shurtle's Presets
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:14:17 am »
Aaaahhhh~ The preset is so beautiful, Shurtle! Thank you!

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Kai Ken Preset?
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:07:53 pm »

Thank you so much, Shurtle! I hope this isn't too much, I just really love the brindled markings of Kai Ken dogs, and like LordSuragaha pointed out, they're awesome dogs!

Request a Preset/Marking / Kai Ken Preset?
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:35:33 am »
I'd be really appreciative if someone could make one for me, please! I can provide a reference, if you'd like!

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