Author Topic: FoxCat  (Read 1576 times)

Offline silverwolf120

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« on: August 21, 2013, 09:08:12 pm »
Foxcat's are Rare only about 20-25 Foxcat's still exist.


Foxcats, live in damp dark places like caves or underground burrows. But mostly caves. They can usually be seen around The little lake in Ficho tunnel so mainly around that area.


Since their isn't much to hunt in a cave and there isn't that much berries in a cave Foxcats mostly eat fish if there is lakes with fish nearby.


Foxcats have about 4-5 pups in a litter. They are very loyal. So if their mate dies they usually never get a new mate.


Foxcats are about the same size as a normal fox. The males are bulkier and less agile than females while females are skinnier and more agile than the males.


Foxcats are usually a rusty red color their eyes come in many diffrent shades such as Red, Blue, green, pink and orange. Females usually have they eyecover mane and have no tufts. While male's have full tuft and either center, flame, forward mowhawk, Backward mowhawk, or large mowhawk. All foxcat's have a white tailtip.


Foxcats are generally easy to make. *But some rules. 1.Since I only allow about 25 people to make a Foxcat this is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! 2. Only me and someone who I trust can make a Foxcat clan. 3.If you are late and no more spots to make a foxcat are open DON'T BEG!!!* Now to making a fox cat just open the spoilers.


Code: [Select]
Foxcats Name:
Foxcats Age:
Foxcats Gender:
Rp Sample:
There are 24 spots open to make a foxcat. [/color]


Yes. Foxcats van be tamed. Foxcats do relatively well being tamed. Of course they get lonely. Foxcats are used to being in big clans so you should probably get two so they don't get lonely. Foxcat's are very loyal and will protect their owners no matter what. They make great companions.


Foxcats have many different traits. Foxcats are very loyal to their clan mates, owners etc, Foxcats are very kind and usually try and avoid wasting food. They are very smart and can even pick up on human language.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 09:20:09 pm by The-DreamEater »

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