Author Topic: Beasty's Bio  (Read 993 times)

Offline Beasty

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Beasty's Bio
« on: October 13, 2013, 06:36:39 pm »
  Hello guys, come here to learn about Ol' Beasty?

      I'll start out with myself, Hey, My name Is Casey, which I often shorten to KC beause of my laziness. I'm 15 years old, and I've been playing FeralHeart for about 3-4 years (Yes, that long). I started when I was around 12, and I was an amatuer to online games like FH. I hadn't really played any other games like FH except for WolfQuest, which the lexicon chat ran me  crazy in that game. So I start FH and I basically chill around Bonfire for days, asking questions that would probaly make me faceplant into a wall if someone asked me them today(xD). I didn't know that there was other maps, and I found all of them boring. F Plains were boring and seemed to have no people at all, and all the other maps didn't have the excitment that Bonfire had.
      It wasn't until I started roleplaying that I discovered why people liked F Plains so much, it was much better to roleplay in and had alot more RP privacy and space for prides, clans, and packs. I quickly fell into Lion RPs, and I've never looked back.

Now to the good stuff. ;)

Good-Natured People
Chicago Bulls (Basketball)
Animals: Lynx, Leopard, Lion, Wolf.


Bullying (Over Race, Sex, Age, Looks, anything, it makes me sick.)
The use of "Noob", (Idk why, it just irritates me to hear someone call someone that. :/ )
Cap Lock Abuse xD

So I hope you liked it, I'll add more soon. If you have any questions asked me in a reply. :)