Author Topic: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Open & Accepting, Actvity Check Ended.|  (Read 27310 times)


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. Omicron Pride .

Males|:| Two.
Females|:| Six.
Cubs|:| One.
Member count|:| Nine.

We are accepting males, Only two.

. About the pride .

. The Law's of the pride .!

. Law one . !

. Respect .

All members are expected to show respect to the rank above them. If they do not, they shall be punished by the Queen or King, A knight may do so as well if either is not around. !

. Law two. !

. Activity .

Activity is a must! Please do not apply, and leave your character just sitting there. It just takes up space. If your not on every two weeks or role playing with the pride, you will be kicked from the pride, unless you note the leader of your reason for absence. !

. Law three . !

. Realistic .

This is a realistic pride, meaning lions only. So please contain realistic colors, markings, etc. !

. Law four . !

. Attack . !

Do not go on your own to attack another pride or individual; we are not a waring pride. Unless we are at war with that pride, we are not to attack. Mind where your paws tread. !

. Law five . !

. Mating . !

The females, or Queen can choose to mate with any male in the pride. They can not be forced, however mating out side the pride is forbidden. If such occurs, The punishment is banishment, or if the Queen or King sees fit. Death. !

. Law six . !

. Outsider cubs .

They will no be protected or taken it, if any lioness is seen looking after or helping one, they maybe punished by the Queen. Cubs out side the pride are not accepted and will be killed on sight.!

. Law seven . !

. Rping and out hitting.  !

Please be a decent RPer, I'm not asking you to write a book, but we have standards' you must apply by. Also, yes talking is allowed in our role plays, we have decided to allow such to allow more interesting interaction with one another. Also, auto hitting is a big no no, you will be warned three times by the said person to stop, or you will be asked to leave the role play. If this continues, you will be removed from the pride, and blocked. !

. Law eight . !

. Outsiders . !

None are to be welcomed or tolerated on pride lands what so ever. Females within the pride will chase off lone females, as males will deal with any loner males. !

. Law nine .!

. Challenges . !

Within the pride, we can decide to accept or decline challenges for any member. This does not count outsiders or loners, but they must Occly or pm a pride leader to plan out side challenges. !

. Law nine . !

. Problem . !

If you have a problem with someone in the pride, Please pm one of the pride leader's. Twiliac. Also, I repeat do not, take Occ matters into Ic, goes both ways. We don't need the extra drama and stress. !

*Please note, more rules maybe added later on.

. Pride lands .!

* Open Fh folder, Scroll down and look for the Exports folder. Put the file in that folder for the map to work.

* You will, Have to get rid of the old Fh and download the new one Here Or it will not work.

. King .

* Lead male of the pride.

. Vane .
Gender: Male.
Char. Desc.: Vane is a large male lion with faint spotting on his back and rear. He's of a tawny coloring with a pale underbelly and a thick mane a shade darker than the rest of his fur. His eyes are bright green and framed by light fur as well. Though he seems to have a rather indifferent disposition, he relaxes around his pride when circumstance allows and will patiently endure anything the cubs decide to put him through. He will never side with someone before hearing both sides of the story and is a fierce warrior when he needs to be.
Username Ingame: Keo911.

. Knights .

* The less dominate males, that have joined up with the King.

. Scio .
Gender: Male.
Char. Desc.: Scio is a pale-coated male with an even paler mane. His pelt is white with darker grey markings dotted around his back and head, and his tail looks slightly stripy with the silvery markings that cover it. His mane is a white as stark as his fur and his eyes are a true sky-blue.
Username Ingame: Lux Lucis.

. Queen .

* One of the older, and more experienced lioness in the pride. Also, the dominant one of the lionesses usually.

. Avinia .
Gender: Female.
Char. Desc.: Avinia is a quiet lioness, though strict. Mostly, she will be laying around, watching the proceedings of the pride in silence. She does not, however let any step out of line, it matters not if it's a fight or simply one not knowing her place. Generally she isn't one for cubs, but she tolerates them best to her ability. [Wipish.]
Username Ingame: Twiliac.

. Huntress .

* The lower ranking females in the pride, who do most of the hunting, with or without the Queen.

. Shungi .
Gender: Female.
Char. Desc.: Of a medium-large height, and a slim and streamlined body weight, Shungi hasn't stopped growing yet, and her muscles, as well defined as they are, are still to reach their peak. Her pelt is of a dark mahogany with traditional lighter underbelly. Her nose fade and ear rims are the same charcoal black as her tail tip. She sports Merle markings on the base of her tail and a striking dorsal stripe that is the same color as her tail tip. Her eyes are of a strange vivid yet pale green.
Username Ingame: FoxfangPitbull.

. Adilyne .
Gender: Female
Char. Desc.: Adyline is a young adult lioness with off-white, cream colored fur. Her markings are a soft shade of grey; however as she ages her markings will either become more distinguished or disappear. Adyline's eyes are a steely blue and her underbelly, like her markings, is also a soft grey.
Username Ingame: Chantaey.

. Vevila .
Gender: Female.
Char. Desc.: The usual shade of a lioness. Light tan with a dark brown tail tip. Although she has rare light green-ish eyes along with dark brown markings here and there. She also has a 'dark' white underbelly.
Username Ingame: Cynder-.

. Cub sitter .

* The care takers of the pride, those that see to the prides future.

. Tezzia .
Gender: Female
Char. Desc.: Tezzia is a long, slender feline. Her eyes are a green/blue color that almost seem to sparkle, surrounded by a medium light beige pelt. Tezzia has a few faint markings that make her unique. She is very outgoing and gentle, always keeping anther's feelings in mind. Tez is easygoing and enjoys the simplest of things, making for a very calm and sincere lioness.
Username Ingame: *LittleLemon*.

. Adaeze .
Gender: Female
Char. Desc.: With her fur merled a dark red, Adaeze still appears to be mostly a light tan. Her eyes are a deep gold and full of the love only a mother could feel. She has already borne four litters, rearing five cubs to maturity and is often the one to stay behind during a hunt to watch over all the cubs of the pride. Although she is perfectly willing and happy to do so, it does not mean that she has grown old and weak. Her muscles are still powerful and many of the half grown lions in the pride can attest to the strength of her paw. She can be loving and playful, but she demands respect where it is due. Her belly still hangs low from this year's pregnancy and consequent birth. Only one cub was born.
Username Ingame: Trivia.

. Cubs .

* The future of the pride, to be looked after by everyone.

Do not apply for. All cubs are pride born.

. Brydi .
Gender: Male.
Char. Desc.: Brydi is a young male lion in every aspect of that description. He is grown a little bit, but is only a few weeks old, so his grey spots and tawny coat are still at odds with each other and have yet to fade into any more than a hint as to what he'll look like when he is older. His eyes have changed from their newborn blue to the same dark gold as his mother, but his limbs are still wobbly and his tail is nowhere near to gaining that characteristic tuft of an adult male. Being a young little thing, he is rambunctious and curious, and quite possibly more playful than he has any right to be. Nothing and no one is safe from his explorations and play, though they can easily escape his toothy ministrations by walking away. He is obedient, as any young cub needs to be to survive, but he can't help asking why he has to do things even as he does them. Thankfully for everyone's peace of mind, he is also still young enough to need even more sleep than an adult lion, and rarely keeps awake if he stays still too long.
Username In-game: Nemaisare.

Do not apply for. All cubs are pride born.

* Coding (c) Twiliac. Don't use without permission, Please.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 09:17:16 pm by Twilia »


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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Don't post please.
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 01:44:51 am »

. Application .

Code: [Select]
Pic here.
[b]. NAME HERE .[/b]
[b]Rank Desired[/b]:
[b]Char. Desc.[/b]:
[b]Username Ingame[/b]:
[b]Role play sample[/b]: Must be a paragraph. 5-6 sentences long.

* Correct spelling, will help your chances of joining.

. Example Application .

* This is a example used from one of our members. This character is (c) to the rightful owner.

. Demita .


Rank Desired:

Char. Desc.:
Demita is a very smart talking, quick tounged female who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is often seen joking around and has been called 'The boy' because of her tom-boyish actions. She has little care of what others think of her, and she isn't one to coo over cubs.

Username Ingame:

Role play sample:
Blixemi lay still in the surrounding darkness, her breathing slow and deep, indicating that she was in a hard slumber. From somepart in her, Blixemi could feel herself awake by the touch of another. This startled, yet gave comfort to her. Even though she wasn't fully awake, she blinked her eyes open, and looked into the cave. She couldn't see anyone specific, so she brought her head back down onto her paws.
The rain was now a steady drumming on the roof, making soft music echo freely around the den. A thunder clap rolled in the distance.
The first spring storm always showed that Winter was now gone for the year, and had no chance of coming back. The pounding rain forced back the snow for now and allowed warmer weather to pass through.
Though, the rain brought darkness on the valley, and what should have been a bright morning, seemed to be midnight dark.
Blixemi curled her tail around her body, ensuring the most warmth as she could get and closed her eyes once more. Allowing herself to fall back into a peaceful sleep.

Please copy and paste, as shown above. No Images more larger then 180x180 or 520x200 pixels. !

. Banner .

Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 01:54:13 am by Twilia »


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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Don't post please.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2011, 01:45:36 am »
. Updates .
Pride created 5-14-2011. !

. Reminder .
Be sure to read the rules. !
Be sure to search for Omicron Pride, In the Group search engine and send a request to join. !
First activity check started 5-24-11. !
Activity check ended 5-30-11. !

. Importance Notice .

« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 03:05:59 am by Twilia »


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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Don't post please.
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 01:45:53 am »

. Enemy .

None, apply?

. Ally .

None, apply?

. Neutral .

None, apply?


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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Don't post please.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 01:46:14 am »
. Activity Check .

. Those accounted for.

. Need to check in .
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 03:04:47 am by Twilia »

Offline Keo911

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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Open & Accepting|
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 02:10:32 am »

. VANE .
Gender: male
Rank Desired: King
Char. Desc.: Vane is a large male lion with faint spotting on his back and rear. He's of a tawny coloring with a pale underbelly and a thick mane a shade darker than the rest of his fur. His eyes are bright green and framed by light fur as well. Though he seems to have a rather indifferent disposition, he relaxes around his pride when circumstance allows and will patiently endure anything the cubs decide to put him through. He will never side with someone before hearing both sides of the story and is a fierce warrior when he needs to be.
Username Ingame: Keo911
Role play sample: trololololo


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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Open & Accepting|
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 02:31:26 am »

. Kyran .
Gender: Male
Rank Desired: Knight
Char. Desc.: Kyran is a fair-sized teenage lion, with steely gray eyes. His fur is a chocolatey brown, with deeper brown stockings and stripes on his tail and a tawny underbelly. This male is somewhat serious, with a no-nonsense kind of attitude.  He is generally quiet around other lions, mostly keeping to himself, but will speak up when need be. Kyran is very quick to anger, an arsenal of harsh words at his ready. He might not be the most tolerant lion ever, but her will let cubs walk all over him - Literally!
Username Ingame: Luxaeterna
Role play sample: Don't need it. Muhaha.

Offline Chantaey

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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Open & Accepting|
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2011, 02:50:29 am »

. Adilyne .
Gender: Female
Rank Desired: Huntress
Character Description: Adyline is a young adult lioness with off-white, cream colored fur. Her markings are a soft shade of grey; however as she ages her markings will either become more distinguished or disappear. Adyline's eyes are a steely blue and her underbelly, like her markings, is also a soft grey.
Username Ingame: Chantaey

Adyline gazed longingly over the sloping hills as the sun sank below the horizon and the last bits of heat began to disappear from the air. She found that the long views in this place helped her best forget her barren frozen home; she missed her birthplace, missed the feeling of the snow under her paws, but she also felt a longing to prove her place among a new family.
She turned her head away from the sunset as the dark began to take over, her body felt more alive in the early stillness of evening. True, her colors made it very difficult to hunt here, but she had become very, very skilled at hiding by learning to take advantage of loose dirt and mud that was so widely available in this new place. The incredible lack of frozen water also made restoring her coat a considerably easy task. Pushing herself up with her large front paws she glanced toward the river--she was excited for the game she knew she would find there. Her tail flicked eagerly as she stood and began padding toward her next meal.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 03:15:13 am by Chantaey »

Offline wolfsraindragon

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. Kesamei .
Gender: Male
Rank Desired: Knight
Char. Desc.: Kesamei is a large male lion with a grey-white stripe along his back. His fur is completely white, with his dark green eyes as the exception to his coloring. This male can usually be found sitting alone near a group, preferring to keep quiet and calmly watch from the sidelines. He doesn't speak out a lot, but he is always ready to defend others if need be. Kesamei finds joy in the playful attitude of cubs, and will always make room in his day to spend time with them.
Username Ingame: wolfsraindragon

Kesamei gazed out across the sea, wondering if he would ever meet anyone from his homeland again. He had traveled far in hopes of finding a new family. Even as Kesamei watched, the ocean seemed to lose some of its beauty as he remembered why he had left in the first place. However, now was not the time for unpleasant thoughts. Kesamei had traveled far to find a new family, one that would finally accept him, and he was determined to make that happen. He wasn't exactly sure how, but his mind was made up. Kesamei turned away from the waves, knowing he would eventually reach his goal. Perhaps one day he would return home, but that was unimportant now. Kesamei started traveling again, his mind set on finding a new beginning.

Offline Keo911

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Re: ~::Omicron Pride.::~ Realistic Pride. |Open & Accepting|
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2011, 03:56:16 am »

Temporary map for the Omicron Pride while I work on the official one. ~_~