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Messages - angelre0702

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 41
Game Discussion / Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« on: July 19, 2019, 11:25:36 pm »
All of these are bringing back memories.

Y'all remember the large stone "mountain" in Fluorite that, once E-dash-glitched into, was a popular open RP spot?

This game used to be so much fun. Endless daily content for you to enjoy because not anywhere was the game totally barren. I remember getting frustrated that you couldn't just sneak off with your friends - you were always trespassing in some "territory".

Oh the good ol' days.

Screenshots / The Ground's Moonwalk Line.
« on: July 19, 2019, 06:07:49 pm »

Just a collection of a random dance line I helped start!

Was fun.

We need more moments like this!

Introduction / Re: Comeback-ish. Re.~
« on: July 19, 2019, 04:56:55 pm »
Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes! I remember quite a few of you from back then.

Hey to all of you as well, I'm definitely coming back with my head held high.


Morqque: That's so funny LOL, I never would've even thought of that. I guess that is kind of confusing!! And you helped me on Paroxysm. yesterday so thank you for that!

Ellen: I remember seeing you around! <3 Thanks for the welcome.

LordSuragaha: SURAAA <3 <3 <3 It's been so long!!! I'm so glad to be back, trying to find that preset Feareh made me all that time ago. I've just wrangled up all the old art from way back when. Good luck with all the drama, I'm sorry it's getting so rough. Hope we can catch up soon. <3

Game Discussion / Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:48:05 pm »
I almost totally forgot about the fantasy Temple of Dreams characters that populated that map.

Reading these replies got me in the sads, y'all. I miss old Feral Heart!

This may come off as controversial but frankly the unique "specialness" of the old maps never really translated into the new - it was the history that kept people coming back, not the fanciness or decoration of the maps themselves. Not to be unappreciative of the hard work that went in to them, but I'm of the mind that totally wiping the old face of FH wasn't the best of ideas...

South Pole was literally just endless snowy plains, but it was known as the "wings patch" map because it aired alongside them when LKD came back for that brief Christmas period. Everything grew from there!

I see Mate Centers spring up every now and then but the crowd it used to draw doesn't really exist anymore. I guess they vanished with the old maps.

Last Cave sure was something as well. One of my favorite things to do, back when Atlantis backpacked off South Pole, was to explore the underwater ruins. There seemed to be something around every oceanic corner. The coliseum was, for it's time, frankly beautiful.

I agree with a lot of responses in saying that the activeness is a postcard from the earlier iterations of Feral Heart - people all kind of conglomerate in The Grounds but the meaningless roleplays and sparkledog characters don't exist anymore.

Current Feral Heart has turned itself into an inactive chat hub more than its predecessors, in my opinion.

Game Discussion / Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« on: July 19, 2019, 06:22:27 am »

I've been thinking lately about 1.13 Feralheart and before, specifically about the good times clueless kid me had on the server.

I joined April 2011 officially but ended up leaving for a few months because for the life of me, baby brain couldn't figure out how to use MMO controls. (Point-and-click's really aren't a thing when you're used to playing Free Realms and JumpStart.)

Are there any memories of 1.13 central FH that you, veteran players, miss?

Personally, I have fond memories of the "NO GOD MOD XD" TLK copiers that took informal residence on Pride Rock in Bonfire Island. It's like it was a competition to see who's more neon Simba could officially rule the Pridelands.

One of my earliest memories, back when Bonfire was the spawn point, was the buttswing chaos that eventually turned out a week-long shutdown of the server. It was also one of my funniest experiences as a kid because I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Condensed specifically, though:

- TLK RPer's in Bonfire
- HTTYD/Dragon characters who vastly dominated Sky's Rim (And how if you fell before wings, you were... ahem, solidly out of luck, if you hadn't set your
- Diversely populated Ficho which contained the most egregious fight dogs to creepypastas to foreigners
- Ascension Island which acted as a chat-hub for those, commonly anime characters, who didn't want to face the difficult parkour course
- South Pole and their endless open dog-pack roleplays across the vast, snowy hills
- Cape of Distant Worlds' local chat at the cliff, as well as the TEC on their rock
- Fluorite's L(ion) island, stone-bridge, and what was dubbed the Mod's rock
- Human RPers who had to pay the price of either being eternally shirtless or butt naked due to the limitations of the Chimera markings
- General chat, well, in general.

That's all I can think of at this time, be sure to give me some I've missed!

Any experiences that you just don't see in the newer versions of the game?

Let me know.


Introduction / Re: Comeback-ish. Re.~
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:32:13 am »

Introduction / Re: Long Time - No See
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:31:20 am »
Hey! I remember you!

Welcome back!

Introduction / Comeback-ish. Re.~
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:28:33 am »

I've technically been back for a hot minute under the user Paroxysm., but I'd probably be remembered best under the user Re.~ around 2013-2015.

Trying to become active again due to early childhood nostalgia, pretty much. I miss a lot of you!

Coming back in the midst of a storm it seems. I've been keeping up, though, so don't worry. I'm all filled in. B)

Glad to be back!

God I have so many accounts on here it's ridiculous.

I managed to get FH+ as my first download of Feralheart and switched the two in my brain, somehow. I got stuck with the controls because as a previous kids MMO player, WSAD keys weren't a thing. After realizing that the arrow keys didn't work, I got confused with the point-and-click system to the point of getting "irreparably" trapped in the ocean.

Because I couldn't turn around. LOL.

As a newb who came back after few months I'm pretty sure I made a generic sparkledog and joined the buttswing "parties" back in pre-week-ban Bonfire because I was a clueless nine year old. And then swapped FH+ for the original, like a dingus. Everything looked so bland. :(

I still remember whispering a random Kovu player if he would be the mate to my awful default lioness, to which he declined.

And the Puss-In-Boots roleplays.

Good times.

Introduction / Re: Hello, I am new in game
« on: June 19, 2018, 05:35:34 pm »
glad to see you've joined the community! Wishing you all the best, hope to see you in game sometime! <3

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