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Messages - Nevercanth

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Game Discussion / Re: Where do people actually RP?
« on: November 05, 2016, 05:02:10 am »
Alright, thank you! Sorry for not seeing the prior posts. ^^;

Game Discussion / Where do people actually RP?
« on: November 05, 2016, 04:37:25 am »
I've basically been laying off the game since it seems there's no RP hubs. I mean, with reg down, no new faces funnel into one good place for RP anymore, so... Makes sense everything's dying/dead

Like... Y'know how Bonfire was the 'anything goes' RP hub, Flourite was for lit planning and recruits, Ficho Tunnels had random fandom RPs, old era <2012-2013, maybe '14ish> Sky's Rim had demons vs dragons until that died...

Is there anything like that now, or is the whole game just a slowly declining, elaborate mmo chatbox at this point?

Other Games /
« on: August 01, 2016, 02:59:23 am »
I'm Team Mystic all the way... but living in a not-big city or in a not-downtown area has its downsides when it comes to actually getting pokemon or items from pokestops. I haven't bothered with fighting gyms yet, seeing as my highest CP pokemon is a 600-something Flareon named Flof, and runnerup being a 500-something Jolteon named Naruto. I just wanna get a good stock of stardust and already high-CP pokes before I do any insane leveling.

Characters / Some Characters I guess (lotsa images)
« on: August 01, 2016, 02:53:17 am »
So er... I don't often use the forums, if that isn't already apparent by my member rank. I also don't RP nearly as much in-game, but I do have a few characters to share.

So uh.

Peach Pearl

A Steven Universe OC. I know it's not the most creative thing, but, eh... Can't win 'em all.
Not much to say about her, other than her being one of my first gemsona-type characters. She can control fog and mist, I guess? Not much else.


Another Steven Universe OC/gemsona! (With a really old reference image I drew on my old phone, haha). Not much to say about her either-- She's a crossbow user, and she's purple. Not much else...

W.I.P./More to come

Game Discussion / Re: How you go about making Character Bios?
« on: June 25, 2016, 07:48:20 am »
for me, the formatting really depends on the mood or what I'm feeling. I've done the template-like list way, but I've also put spins on it being, say, an interview, which an IC explanation and an OOC answer following. (I did that for my new character, Kichirou)

Imo, do as you want to! as long as it doesn't break the rules, it's good.

Discussion Board / Ensemble Stars, anyone?
« on: April 09, 2016, 03:43:45 pm »
Am I the only one in this idol boy fandom on here?

Introduction / Ah, I'm semi-back.
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:35:59 pm »
So uh... been a while, hasn't it?
I know I'm not the most popular kid around, mostly because I'm often absent, doing other stuff... I still sorta am involved elsewhere, which is why I say semi-back. I decided to return after a loooong hiatus of the game, and I guessed I missed a lot. A whole lot.

Either way, I'll probably play some, but I'm liable to disappear intot he void of offline for who knows how long, whenever I do.
Anyways, uh... That's it.

Game Discussion / Re: Feralheart, Feral Heart, Feral-Heart
« on: August 03, 2015, 05:02:55 pm »
I do both feralheart, feral-heart, and fh. Most of the time I don't capitalize, seeing as in ooc talk I'm rather casual.

Ah... my two characters I've RPed with count, right?

If so... The boy who's god-awfully nervous around people due to a bad upraising, but still has a curious nature that hasn't yet been broken and is most likely the one reason he hasn't become a lone wolf or hermit.

Along with the violent and self-centered alien who only stops to smell the roses for the purpose of sating curiosity or to ward off the inevitable boredom that sets in after mercilessly slaughtering some woodland creature for being irritably yappy.

Ah, creepy for me? While I was RPing in Ficho with a friend I hadn't seen in a while, a stranger whispered me asking if I'd play a game. I didn't know any better, asked what kind, they responded that it was a holding your pee game then crawled towards my character. Needless to say, I blocked them and whisper-told my friend-- turns out the person whispered them but my friend ignored it. Whether or not it had... uh, primal implications or was a gross prank, I still can't believe the nerve of some people to suggest things like that.

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