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Messages - Jackalfur

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 113
Leaving / Re: This is the start. There may be an end.
« on: March 18, 2014, 02:32:00 am »
why didn't i say hi i'm such a terrible person fff

D'aw, Re. I'm aware I don't know you all that well, but honestly when I saw this thread I felt sad. I was estatic and even surprised when I realized you adored The Last of Us just as well as I do-- and to be honest I'm quite the fan of RileyxEllie in addition --and I'm disappointed that we might not be able to get to know eachother more. However, I completely understand and respect your reasons for wanting to leave, and I'm really sorry to hear that you're suffering through such a difficult time.

All in all, regardless of your decision, I wish you the best. <:

Game Discussion / Re: How much time have you logged? Just a guess?
« on: November 13, 2013, 07:21:14 am »
I'unno how much time I've spent sitting in-game... but I know it's a heck'uva lot.
In a rough estimate, I'm probably on for most of the day e'rryday, whether it be weekend or weekday-- and most of the time, I just sit there and wait for friends to come online. I'm not even joking. /I'm not even joking/. ;w;
I'm already not much of a social person, but since I've been in online schooling I have very little public interaction in general, and nowadays I'm in my room a lot more often than not. Gosh, ain't it obvious I am in need of a life. eAe;;

Other Games / Re: Any Kid Icarus Fans Around?
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:04:29 am »

Kid Icarus: Uprising is an amazing game in my personal opinion. I have yet to actually play it but when it first came out I watched a walkthrough and I just recently refreshed my memory of it with Chuggaaconroy's Let's Play because I was tempted by you and Mew to get into the series once more. >w>

There are many ways as to why I think this game is amazing. The graphics, for one-- although graphics don't matter to me in games, I'm absolutely impressed how they managed to pull it off. Sure, it's a 3DS title and 3DS titles tend to have improved graphical designs and such, but it's still a handheld system that could easily fit in your-- well, hand, of course. The gameplay and voice acting is great, and not to mention the /dialogue/. 'Dat nonexistent fourth wall breakage. ;w;

I think my favorite characters have got to be a tie between Pit, Viridi and Hades. Pit's a pun-fueled character who gushes about hot springs AND HE'S SO ADORABLE HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM AHGDFJ and I just love him to bits (that "hos'PIT'al" pun definitely made my day), Viridi is a sassy tsundere who seems to have a soft spot for the humorous main protagonist, and Hades is Hades. I have mixed feelings for him; he's just so malicious that you could smack him upside the head but you just can't hate him for it. His personality is just so trollish and evil and jerkface-ish but that's what makes him who he is. x'D

Not sure if I should've used a spoiler because it's not necessarily spoiling the plotline, but I'm just playing it safe so I don't spoil anything for those who haven't played the game yet and are interested in doing so. owo;;

I've missed you so much asdfghjkl ;w; How've you been?

Whelp, since I don't really have that much on my plate as of now and this roleplay seems very interesting, I've decided I'm 'gunna apply and maybe see how things turn out. ewe
I'm still trying to whip up a character, so this is 'prolly a big fat WIP. I'm sorry ;w;




Any Powers?:**

Discussion Board / Re: Your favourite youtuber?
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:56:19 am »
Alright; sorry about that. Just thought I would reply to KitKat's post, although I probably should've done so in personal message instead. I feel kind'a stupid now though asfjdfd

But yus, if I were to choose my favorite YouTuber to this very point, it would have to be Chugga. I've watched a small bit of PewDiePie in the past, as well as a couple others, but I'm gonna have to say he takes the cake for me. He's only spewed a bit of actual profanity in his earlier Let's Plays (which is a plus since I sort of prefer those who don't curse into the microphone every time they turn around), and on more than one occasion he's made me smile and laugh. Honestly, I would find it amazing to have a guy like him as a friend.

Okaythat'senoughaboutmenow. <w>;;
*flounders away*

Discussion Board / Re: Your favourite youtuber?
« on: October 03, 2013, 03:52:53 am »

Discussion Board / Re: Your favourite youtuber?
« on: October 03, 2013, 02:16:10 am »
I'm not a YouTuber, unfortunately, but Chugga's a gigantic inspiration for me. If I ever were to become a Let's Player, he'd most likely be my main motivation to be one. owo

Yeup, I'm a fellow Professor Layton fan alright! <3 There aren't very many fans that I've seen around here...
But I shall gratefully accepth. :'3

Discussion Board / Re: Your favourite youtuber?
« on: October 02, 2013, 03:11:44 am »
*automatic cling of happiness*

OkayIshall 8'D

Discussion Board / Re: Your favourite youtuber?
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:01:07 am »
Chuggaaconroy. It's gotta be Chuggaaconroy for me. Doesn't use actual profanity all that much, has made Let's Plays of some of my favorite games, and he's quite a humorous and generous person. :'3
It's a shame I haven't run into any more of his fans here, though... I must spread the loveee ;w;

Introduction / Re: A Overdue Introduction~ ouo;;
« on: September 22, 2013, 08:37:16 pm »
Hey, Shadow, it's Jackalfur! owo

Welcome to the FeralHeart forums! I hope you enjoy your time here~

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