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Messages - LuinLasse

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Request a Preset/Marking / Simple Creature Preset
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:12:04 pm »
I haven't really worked my hand at making presets in a long time, and I've also sort of struggled with it anyways. Anyways, I've been wanting a preset made for a character I have. I made her and then happened to find a picture of something similar on google (so I'm not claiming the image) that I think would make it look even better.

Soooo... Here's what I'd like a preset like.

The markings in-game are currently different, but if this preset was to be made, I'd say the front legs can be a solid color. Obviously the feathers are not needed, but if it would be possible, could a mane be made where it's mostly the reddish shade with a bit of creamy color on the tip? The tail will just be a cat tail, so it only needs a small cream tip on it while the stripes do not need to be there. I would like eyebrows, though! The pelt can be whatever texture, but I'd like to retain a bit of the "disney" look. Just make it a little feminine.

Also, this would go on a canine model, with a short muzzle and large back-ears.

Thank you so much if anyone does this!!

Art Gallery / Re: Furry Furriness! :D
« on: May 19, 2013, 07:28:12 am »
-derpily flops over- I still don't ever know what to say. Chu are all so nice. ;w;

Art Gallery / Re: Furry Furriness! :D
« on: March 22, 2013, 10:04:02 pm »
=^-^= Well...! Hehe. Thankies.

Art Gallery / Re: Furry Furriness! :D
« on: February 09, 2013, 02:02:02 am »
Wow... I... I don't know what to say. =^-^= I'm happy you all like my drawings. :3

Art Gallery / Re: Furry Furriness! :D
« on: January 17, 2013, 06:20:58 pm »
=^-^= D'awww... Thanks, everyone. I'll keep spewing out random pictures. :3

Chur not a weirdo x.x I think they're awesome! And for Ground Dragons, they breathe these weak little sparks of flame XD And lol, Tua's strengths include her strength. xD

Anyway, I like Tua and MoriLumna. You made them both quite realistic (as far as realistic dragons go). I might just change MoriLumna's name to Lumna, but Tua's name sounds good. Thanks for the suggestions!

Hehe. Okay, well I'm glad I could be of some assistance... in the idea department. owo Heh. ^-^ -floof- Good luck on your story!

Art Gallery / Re: Furry Furriness! :D
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:53:59 am »
Thanks, Logic. ^-^

I think I'll just make some random characters that you can put into your story if you ever feel like it... Just 'cause I'm a weirdo. x3

Full Name: Tua Kemen
Nickname: Tua
Gender: Female
Age: Juvenile
Clan: Ground
Breath: Hm... I'm not sure what you'd like here. x3
Description: Tua is a long-bodied, slender-framed creature with a fine coat of pebble-like scales. Her wings are bat-like and a rusty-black in color, whereas her body is generally a solid amber color. Her jaw is square, and all along it and her snout are powerful plates that she is able to use like a battering ram - especially against hard packed earth.
Personality: Tua is a good-natured female with many ideas to add to any situation, but she sometimes makes rash decisions that can lead her and her friends into trouble. She usually means well, and it's hard to keep her down-in-the-dumps, though her cheeriness may get on others' nerves.
Strengths: Helpfulness, Compassion, Strength
Weaknesses: Patience, Seems to lack common-sense
Role: Semi-Protagonist (main character)

Full Name: MoriLumna
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Clan: Storms
Breath: Lightning
Description: He is sleek and attractive to look at, but his deep blue scales are jagged and rough, though they glimmer in the light. Both wings can lift him at high speeds, though their maneuvering abilities are just a little lacking due to brute strength. His tail is long and whiplike with a golden antler-looking protrusion that matches the single trail of spines that lead down his spine.
Personality: MoriLumna is an old-fashioned dragon who has countless 'rules' that he lives by, but he is extremely territorial and protective.
Strengths: Muscle-power, Morals
Weaknesses: Friendliness, Ability to understand others' emotions
Role: Probably Antagonist...?

I'm bored... :I

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:08:35 am »
7/10 It's kinda nice, but I'm more a fan of cool colors than warm colors. ^-^" Otherwise... -thumbs up-

Art Gallery / Furry Furriness! :D
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:05:03 am »
Hey, people of FeralHeart. ^-^

I just have to say right now that I WAS am in the furry fandom now, so if any of you don't like that... please just leave this post and don't say anything harsh. We hear enough as it is.

Anyways, on to the topic of art. ^-^

Just to explain it right away, I've got a boyfriend who is also a furry, so I draw a lot of pictures with us together... ^w^" I ain't with this doof no more. >:U

Me an' Wolfy. =^w^=

This is my fursona, Tazer Teia. :P

I drew this by hand first and then digitized it on GIMP... Hehe. <3

Off on some gallivanting adventure. ;3

This one has funny proportions but... I like it. ^-^" The only good part is that I got our heights correct together for once. x3

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