Author Topic: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)  (Read 20565 times)

Offline LuinLasse

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2012, 01:59:21 am »

I'm sorry to hear that. :C I hope you feel better soon.))

Offline Theobear

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2012, 03:40:52 am »
Goliath grunted, as he scented a doe.  His ears perking, he grunted again.  Lifting his head, he extended his neck.  His best attempt of locating the doe, he flicked an ear.  His large rack seeming to be floating, he scanned the grass.  Turning his head to the right, as if he was displaying his large antlers--when in reality he was taking in the sights, his blind left eye was restricted from viewing.
After all this time?

Offline LasVagas

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2012, 11:54:33 am »

The young fawn waggled her ears exitedly. You really mean i can patrol with you? She sqeeked, her tail held high and her bandy legs wobbling in joy. Dusky started to pounce around Tavish, her head bobbing side to side as she did. The lush, thick green trees towerd over her, letting through lumps of sun through the leaves, the rays setting on her back. What are you ment to do? Will i have to help? Is there any danger? Dusky gasped. Danger. This is going to be great! She thought to herself. The thick foalige behind her swifted roughly as the breeze knocked it. Above, large puffy white clouds past her, in which Dusky though they were piles of snow that were air-born. Her wet nose pointed up to the stags antlers. She sewed her eyes to them for minuets untill she caught Tavish's eye and looked away, not wanting for a natural thing like antlers get her amazed. Mr. Tavish sir? Only boy's get them, don't they? The fawn grunted, directing her head to Tavish's rack. Because if girlies get them, we will look like boys. She giggled. And i don't want to look like a boy. Dusk lowerd her neck and  snapped the stem of a flower, folding it between her teeth. She munched on it for a while, tossing her head too and fro, eager to get going.

(I can't post much when i need a reply :3)


Offline LuinLasse

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2012, 12:53:15 pm »
Tavish laughed. It was a deep, bellowing sound that didn't echo very far, but it filled the space around them. He tried to answer all of her questions one by one.
"Yes, you can patrol with me. We have to search for danger or signs of bad things. But there's no danger right now. And of course, only boys get antlers, because girls are supposed to be pretty. Antlers are there just for protection so we can save you from other creatures." He paused, twitching both ears patiently.
"And you're a very pretty little doe, so I don't want to see you being sad about having no antlers."
Tavish switched his small tail and began walking, a proud gait that moved him at a smooth, steady pace. "What is your name, by the way? I don't want to just call you 'Fawn'."

Something caught Aleri's eyes, and it stopped her instantly in her tracks. A pair of velvet-antlers stood tall over some shrubs and bushes. The doe tilted her head, and her tail flickered about instinctively, but she didn't know what to do for now.
It wasn't the rut, which was in the golden days of autumn, so she would naturally have nothing to worry about from any buck. That was the only reason she didn't bolt immediately.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2012, 02:30:15 pm »
Ashok's eyes quickly took in the opposite stag's demeanor, detecting no threat or hostile. A good sign. He's wondering the same thing I am, he realized, noting his hesitation. The young male had to show he had no intention of fighting, otherwise the opposing deer's wariness could end in the defensive. Clearing his throat, Ashok spoke in a clear voice, polite if a bit formal, "Hello, there. I hope I'm not intruding. My name is Ashok, I was just passing through on my way to the meadow. I apologize if I disturbed you in any way."

The young stag was about to say more, but a whiff had cut him off. Momentarily his gaze lowered from the slightly taller buck's to the area behind him, taking care to keep the male in his sights still. It's another deer, he analyzed, and female. Much better than a buck, for friendly reasons. It appeared that the other male in front of him noticed to, but he was shifting his head like he was taking notice. Ashok waited a moment, expecting him to say something to their visitor as she was closer to him, but he remained silent. Though he found the gesture a bit odd, being used to other stags boasting and bragging all the time, Ashok merely shrugged inwardly and decided he could do it. Even if nothing much was going on, he hated being spied/eavesdropped upon.

"Hello?" he called lightly. "Anyone out there?"


Nimai's ears flicked forward gleefully, happy that the response she received was a welcoming one. She recalled one time of being yelled and lectured at by another doe she tried hanging around with, an experience she did not like to repeat as the crazy female chased her off nearly half way through the meadow. Though she was pretty elderly.

The young doe took a few more steps forward, but paused at a respectable distance. Now that she had a clearer view, she could see that the doe before her wasn't a White Tail like herself but a Red. Not that it made any different to her, but her eyes couldn't help but admire the nice shades and patterns the color had on the female. "Sorry to just pop in like this," she began politely. "It's just I've noticed you around before and you always seem to be on your own. That could be a miscalculation on my part, though, as I'm always moving about. Still, I thought you may like some company? I know I would, but I will leave if I'm bothering you."

The smile had remained upon her visage, the last thing she wanted was to seem like she was pushing an invitation on the other female without the option to decline. She really would leave if the doe requested it of her, she understood when others needed some alone time.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Theobear

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2012, 02:46:33 pm »
Goliath grunted, then dropped his neck.  His head snapping back to the buck, he flicked his tail.  "No, I was just heading to the meadow."  Pawing the leaf littered ground, he gridded his teeth.  The big buck, snorted.  Raising his head again, he sniffed the air, the doe was still near.  Flicking an ear, he lowered his head to the ground, tossing it gently, he began to graze on a couple of stray grass blades.  His head turned, his dead murky useless eye gazed blindly at the buck.  Normally, Goliath would have always been keeping his "good" eye on a stranger, but considering the buck's stance and the statement he had just provided. Goliath felt somewhat comfortable, though if the smaller buck tried anything, he was ready.
After all this time?

Offline LasVagas

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2012, 05:44:21 pm »

The fawn watched the placid gait of Tavish marching of. Dusk tryed to do the same, her front knees raising high, nearly touching her chin. It was more of a frolic than a trot. The dew hoof of the small doe tickled as she pass around the meadow; she thought that the grass blades were delibritly doing this. Her crown(Top of her Head) faced forwards as she stared at the water droplets on the grass, dribbling onto the soft turf to were woodlouse and ants scatter, trying to avoid the huge dribbles. A huge gust of wind knocked her into the stags shoulder. She felt the pulse in his musles beating steadily. She did this a few times. It was comforting to her. She had always fell back to her mother in a gust of wind, because she was always beside her. She realised that Tavish was talking, asking for her name. Im Dusk, or Dusky. My mother called me Dusk because the liked it when the sun was setting and it was becoming dark. My friends nicknamed me Dusky. We used to put Y's on the end of everyones name. Even if it sounded silly. She giggled. My older freind was called Petal, and we called her Petaly. Then she did not want to play with me no more 'cause... i sort off... bit her. I did not mean to. She was winding me up, uh, Mr. Tavish, sir. She finished. She was starting a whole diffrent topic that wheeled off to a conversation. Dusky's clear voice bleaped around her, but could not be heard very far. Do you like the sound of the birdies in the trees, Mr. Tavish, sir? I think they sound pretty. She meeped, her large ears flapping as she heard the elegant song of a great tit, alluring a female bird to breed with. A Cardinal mingled with the birds songs. The songs blending was soothing to her ears.


Offline LuinLasse

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2012, 08:13:09 pm »
((Dusky is so freakin' cute. <33333))

Tavish paused in his stride on one such occasion that the little fawn barreled into his shoulder to help her regain balance. He lifted his head, the brow tines of his antlers pointed straight towards where the birds Dusk had been speaking of were twittering and whistling.
"Of course, Dusky. May I call you that?" He wiggled his nose-tip in a comical way.
Their course was headed for the trees, but he didn't intend to enter them. Fawns were usually forbidden to enter them, as that was the place where fawns would most likely be caught by foxes or wildcats. Not that that rule was always followed.

Aleri, deciding it wouldn't be a bad thing to seem friendly, she poked her head through a screen of brush and flicked both wide, long ears. "Hello," she said rather timidly to the two bucks, more to the one who had hailed her with the question.
The slender white-tail doe pushed through the vegetation, shaking the leaves off of her tail with a few quick flickers. Like any female, she was slightly transfixed by the proud antlers that each buck carried upon his skull, and she blinked her large, chocolate-colored eyes in awe.
After a few more blinks, she lowered her gaze, but she couldn't hold eye-contact for long from the shyness that tickled at her mind. Despite this outward appearance of polite submission, she was ready to leap away at any moment, should things turn for bad.

Lilias dipped her head and then leaned her long, curved neck to one side. The hind wasn't exactly a talkative one at first, but this White Tail that had approached her seemed especially friendly.
"Oh, you may join me," she replied, her cocked back leg straightening so she could tilt the other one instead. "I'm Lilias, by the way." She put on small, calm half-smile.

((-stares angrily at my rps- Why you not more descriptive? >.<))

Offline RavenShai

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2012, 03:36:43 pm »
((Sorry for the lateness guys! Connections been very annoying lately ._.))

Ashok observed the other male curiously, wondering about his behavior. At least it seemed like they were headed in the same direction, and he sounded friendly enough. Perhaps he could offer accompanying him? About to ask such a thing, and for his name, Ashok was shocked into silence when he finally realized the rather oddly glazed eye. Is he blind? he wondered, then quickly corrected his mistake. No, not completely. It's only this eye. Not wanted to be rude or show disrespect, the young stag avoided looking directly at the eye and instead shifted his gaze to the doe, who finally emerged.

"Oh, hello there," Ashok greeted her. His head tilted slightly when he noticed her demeanor, not quite uncommon from usual doe though she seemed especially shy. Hoping to ease her edginess, Ashok offered a friendly smile and kept his distance. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady. My name is Ashok, may I have your name?"

Though his head was held up, it wasn't in a way where he was trying to show dominance or a challenge. His eyes occasionally flickered off to keep vigilance of his surroundings but otherwise he stayed focused on the two before him for politeness. If things went well, perhaps they all could accompany each other.

((Quick note, the "my lady" comment was in no way a response to try and "flirt" with Aleri, it was merely a polite acknowledgement since he doesn't know her name yet x3))


"Great!" Nimai replied happily, her tail flicking upward as she smiled. However, her ears pinned back and she blushed lightly beneath her fur, completely embarrassed as she realized she hadn't introduced herself yet. How very rude of her. "Nice to meet you, Lilias. I am known as Nimai," the young doe answered, looking almost apologetic as she did. Her dark eyes then went over the meadow, checking the surrounding deer and seeing if any change had been made, testing the air. Finding nothing wrong, she returned her attention to the doe.

"So why are you all the way out here, if you don't mind me asking?"
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Kyugima

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Re: .:Rothaw:. (Deer Role-Play, Accepting)
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2012, 04:11:21 pm »
  Leila hesitantly stepped from her protective cover of the trees as she slowly made her way towards the centre of the meadow, a bold move for the small nervous doe. With every significant noise she came to a complete halt, every muscle ready to dart for the cover of the trees. When she got far enough into the meadow to feel somewhat more relaxed thanks to the fact there had yet to be an incident where she had to honestly panic, she lowered her head cautiously to the grass below her, slowly begin to nibble on the crisp green shoots. She was still not fully comfortable in this environment, where she could be spotted by anyone hiding in the tree's and she wouldn't be aware of their presence, causing her to stop every moment or so and lift her head, ears alert for any sign of danger before she would allow herself to continue eating.

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