Author Topic: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open for now| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|  (Read 27885 times)

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2013, 10:08:21 pm »


Bullets zipped through the air around Nymeria as she ran through the burning Jungle, her vision was cloudy and her breath ragged, but she could not stop. "Hurry Bran! Run!" she shouted, keeping close to the smokey figure of her cub as the men continued to chase after them, their guns scaring her more than they ever had, why, oh WHY had she let Bran talk her into coming here. "Mom-I can't!" cried Bran, stumbling over a low, smouldering log. Nymeria ducked as a few more shots came shooting past, and let out a roar as one nicked her shoulder. "Mom!" cried Bran, his eyes wide with fear and tears fell down his face as he spotted the blood. "I'm fine Bran, we've got to keep moving, come on, keep running Bran!" she said, giving him a nudge before they started on again, the bullets were less now, and for a brief second hope flared in her chest as she saw the smoke was starting to thin, "We've made it!" she said with a smile as the grizzle broke out of the fires at last and arrived on the edge of a small stream. "Bran look-" she broke off as she turned around, her smile fading as she finally realized that Bran wasn't there.


What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #81 on: April 22, 2013, 06:30:04 am »

Leah shook her pelt, then just ran. She heard stumbling, probably the bears, but then heard a roar... Her eyes were wide, and she spun around. She walked backwards, and stared at the shadowey figures of humans, so she ducked in the undergrowth. She wanted to growl, but she saved her energy for that. The smoke was floating in the air, but Leah was escaping the worst by ducking. She watched them, and they seemed to be fussing over something. "A lycan?" Leah wondered out loud, her eyes suddenly wide with fear, and horror.  

((Can I save Bran? :P ))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

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Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #82 on: April 22, 2013, 04:00:28 pm »


DarkShadow flinched as the three humans ran after the werebear. She growled quietly thinking about if she should follow. Shots rang out and she made her decision when she heard the the werebear roar. "Ferrix please don't let them catch the werebear or see me" she prayed to her goddess. Quietly she crept through the trees, the darkening shadows of the dusk making it easy for her to move unseen. She froze, the scent of a werewolf was here! Her fur rose and her old hatred of werewolves arose yet again. "Maybe they're trying to stop these humans too" she muttered and hoped she was right as she crept towards the scent. (Feel free to get different pictures of your character that suit the situation  ;) )
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Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #83 on: April 22, 2013, 05:25:20 pm »

Leah breathed in, the scent of a WerePanther was near... A low, loud growl came from her throat, but she shut her self up... Leah strolled forwards, and saw the shadowey figure of the Panther. She breathed in, and let the angerness fall out into the smoke. "We've got to help the Cub, I know he's missing," Leah whined, shaking her pelt from the ashes.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Genesis9

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #84 on: April 22, 2013, 08:37:09 pm »
I'm's a bit too late for that :c))


Xavier walked forwards through the smoke, the dual pistols held upright in his hands as he walked forwards, flanked by Miguel and Fabrique until at last they reached a slight clearing in the smoke. A small figure lay on its side, dark blood seeping from a gunshot to the neck. "-What is that thing?" asked Miguel uneasily and Xavier's eyes widened as he kneeled down beside it. The thing moved ever so slightly, its faded amber eyes looking up at him. "Please..." it whispered before it suddenly grew very still. Xaviers hand flinched away and his heart started pounding in his ears. What had he done? This was never just an animal, it spoke! It was alive and intelligent and every inch as important as any other human child and he...he had been the one....

Stumbling back, Xavier shoved his guns into their holster on his belt. "It was the cub. The bear was a mother." he said coldly and Fabrique and Miguel exchanged glances as they watched Xavier start to walk away. "Oi, where are you going? We've got to finish the job-" "THIS ISN'T A JOB, IT'S MURDER!" shouted Xavier, whipping around on the two who flinched at his sudden rage. "These aren't just mindless animals. I can't- I can't do this, and both of you would be idiots to want to pursue that bear any more. If she comes back, there will be no end to her rage." he said quietly. But as a roar of anguish split through the woods, it would seem that the time to flee had already passed. "Run, RUN!" shouted Xavier, and the two rushed after him as a thundering of paws started towards them.


She was beyond rage. This was fury, this was vengance all broiled together in mindless hate. Transforming into her hybrid form, the great bear raged through the jungle, leaving the body of her only son behind as she sought to bring whatever justice was left in this jungle to Bran's slayers. She could hear them shouting and running away, finally the humans were showing their true colours, but she would not stop. Spotting the first, she let out a roar and leaped forwards, smashing through the crumbling trees and ashen foliage before she grabbed the humans body up into the air as if it were no more than a piece of paper and flung him against a tree, before stabbing her claws deep into his chest and ripping him limb from limb. The other two paused long enough only to watch in horror. "FABRIQUE!" shouted one of them and ran forwards to try to help, but she knocked him out of the way easily and scratched the dark on across the arm when he tried to help the other retreat. Rounding on Miguel, she roared again and plunged after him through the jungle as he tried to run away, her eyes burning with hate and malice, anything that would come across her path now, friend or foe, would fall to her might if they dared get in her way. Blood dripped down Xavier's arm and he gasped in pain before dissapering into the woods.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #85 on: April 22, 2013, 08:48:51 pm »


DarkShadow nodded at the werewolf. "Yes, we should help." She turned back to the path of destruction the humans had made and cold dread gripped her as she saw one of them kneel down next to the cub. "I-I think its to late" she stammered and her eyes grew watery. She flinched back at the sudden  out burst from one of them. "Did you hear that?! He doesn't like doing this. Maybe we could capture him." Her fur on her back rose untill it was standing like spikes and she crouched down in fear as the werebear tore through the jungle. Without looking at the werewolf she stalked through the undergrowth and followed the one that had escaped and had no furious werebear after him (Xavier). The scent of blood made it easy to track him. She made sure she stayed a good few meters behind which was hard beacause humans moved so slow.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 09:19:24 pm by BuioUmbra »
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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #86 on: April 22, 2013, 09:41:09 pm »
Missing out alot..Might replied later.))

Offline Horzie

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #87 on: April 23, 2013, 06:12:57 am »
Are you still accepting?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 06:35:33 am by Feral »

Hey people! I'm so excited now because I just found out I'm going to Spain for the first time ever! :3 Anyway, I will be inactive from July 30th to the August 6th. I will be back on on the August the 7th though cause of my flight times!

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #88 on: April 23, 2013, 07:06:09 am »

Serah Vandom

Serah has witnessed without her will to a merciless death,as she saw the dead body of the bear cub from before.The poor creature.The three men seemed to regret what they did and wanted to move forward but the mother already came and seeing the horrible view,rushed to them.Serah got out from her hiding spot and approached the lifeless body."I'm...sorry"she whispered slowily.Her attention was drawn by red spots on the grass,they didn't belonged to the cub."If those guys will survive by noon,then they would be damn lucky.",Serah looked once more at the cubMay Ferrix take care of you,little one.she prayed.The hunters went too far this time,to kill helpless animals,she decided to follow the trail of blood,maybe she could help in teaching them a lesson.


Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #89 on: April 23, 2013, 07:38:45 am »
Are you still accepting?

(Yes we are. ;))
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