Author Topic: Disguised Destiny Part 2  (Read 1174 times)

Offline _Rache_

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Disguised Destiny Part 2
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:16:16 am »
A week had passed since the incident on the walk. His mother was yelling at Ashton about Damian, but he wouldn't listen. Damain laid on the couch next to him, staring blankly at her. "Mom! Stop yelling at me!" He shouted, making a fist with anger. "Did you just give me a fist, Ashton!?" She raised a hand to slap him, but he grabbed her arm. His eyes almost glared a demonic glow, and he bent her arm backwards until he heard a snap. Damian jumped off the couch, sinking his fangs into her neck. Ashton, brainwashed, choked her with his bare hands, and covered it upto makdit look like a robbery gone wrong. He ran outside after cleaning up Damian, and called the police. Immediately they were on the case. Nobody ever accused the two of the crime.
A few days later, his father and sister were still distraught. He attempted to be distraught too, and even Damian put on an act of not eating to seem disturbed. Such a clever creature he was. Damian and Ashton were cuddled up together on the couch, Ashton expressing his unstable minded ideas to the husky through whispers. Johann came back from work, treating the kids and the dog with vanilla ice cream cones. After finishing up, Johann and Stacie left the house for her dentist appointment. They would be gone a while. "Alright Damian...lets get to work...!!.." Ashton set up a trip wire from fishing line, and used more extra strength fishing line to set the trap. With a satisfactory laugh, the two waited. Such of a psychotic, unseperable bond.
The door opened. "I'm home!" Right as he entered, he tripped and fell. Damian lunged ontop of him and held him down, triggering another line with his tail. He jumped out of the way, and a heavy Boulder crashed down onto Johann. Damian tore into his neck until he died. Then Ashton came out into the living room and cut out his heart, mounting it on the wall. Damian then killed Stacie, who was trying to flee to her school. Damian returned, her heart dangling in his mouth. Hers was mounted as well. "Look, Damian, now its only us! Just like you wanted!" Damain suddenly knocked Ashton to the ground, breaking their loyalty bond in an instant. The two wrestled and fought, but Damian tore his torso to shreds, laying his mangled corpse on the couch. "Now it's just me..." Damian snickered, panting heavily. Blood trickled off his tongue as he panted, and his lips curled into that supernatural human-like grin. Smile Dog. He trotted back to the shelter, and played outside. A car halted to a stop, seeing his cute furry coat and classic angry looking eyebrows...and fell in love with that cute little dog, Damian.

Hope you guys like. Hahaha turned out to be a Creepypasta eh? Leave comments and feedback. :)
I love you