Author Topic: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas  (Read 15487 times)

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Re: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2018, 11:07:42 pm »
Oh wow look at all this! I can see you worked super hard on all these suggestions and it's absolutely wonderful!
Where I do agree that more contests would be a touchy subject, combining boards and making things more "tidy" in terms of how to forum is navigated would be incredible ♡
I can't wait to see what the staff come up with for the future, especially now that they have these awesome suggestions!

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Re: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2018, 01:00:53 am »
Thank you all for the responses! Responding underneath the spoiler:

I like many of these ideas, as for the art thread's i believe one is for Feralheart related things, and the other for any random art (non related) to the game, I think its best to keep them seperate. I'd much prefer being able to see all the feralheart related pieces and not have to scroll through a bunch of other random art. It just makes it easier for those who don't wish to see things that don't involve this specific game.
Thank you for your input! Some Great idea's in this thread.

Good point! I'd like to hear some other opinions on the art boards, since between my friends the general consensus has mostly been "There's the big art board, and then there's the shadier art board". I personally haven't noticed much of a distinction in regards to the actual threads people post, I kinda assumed people just mostly posted all their art to the first board they saw xD If anyone else has any thoughts on this, I'd like to know!  I'm curious if there's lots of people who like the distinction, or would agree with the merging.

This is all very interesting, I agree with a lot of this honestly. I think a liking system, showcases and MORE contests would be amazing! Tagging would be nice as well so we could get notifications when someone responds to your post or something. Notifications in general.

Honestly, if we could use Proboards for the forum, it would give us a lot more to use, and theres PLENTY of different templates and such we could use. A nice simple layout, and coding there is fairly easy! Banners could be done and theres a bunch of neat crazy 'plugins' we can use!

I also do miss having a Banner, feel like it'd spice the site up a bit more, personally I don't have too much of an issue with our site right now, but maybe a MASS cleanup on the site could be done? Merge some boards so we aren't searching for a long period of time, possibly rid old threads from 2016 and lower? But as I said before, the forum isn't too bad in my opinion, way better than the last one we had honestly! But a like system, tagging or a better way for "notifications" would be neat!!!

My main request = more contests please!! I'd love a chance to do more stuff with the community, events in general, movie nights again and all that! I'd totally be all for a Map contest and character contest!

Ooh yes notifications! The most we have for notifs is basically just for when someone sends you a PM, but more notifications for other actions would be great!

A mass cleanup is a good idea, too. I really think we should have the option to delete our own threads and posts (as far as I know, members can't do it themselves without asking a mod?), and maybe there could be a bit of a push for people to delete their own unneeded and unhelpful threads. I personally have quite a few posts I'd love to go through and purge, considering they're not helpful to the community and mostly just embarrass me LOL. And yes to the board merging, I originally had a few other ideas for merged boards, but I decided not to include them at the last minute.

I actually thank you for this, Torksite. I'm sure this will be really helpful to the staff when we need a list of things to improve or fix. We've been scouring the boards and looking at some ideas, so thank you for compiling this! <3

Aww thank you! I'm hoping at least a few of these could be helpful!

We will keep this in mind and discuss it with Raz when he is back after the weekend.

Good to know! Hopefully he'll be willing to consider a few of the ideas~

This is indeed something interesting. I've never seen such a large thread of suggestions, but I love it! This will also help out the staff team. I will put in my two cents on things! <3

As for the suggestions and ideas, I do agree with almost all of them. I really do miss the banners as well, it gave the forum more style and it really would catch the eye and give a small bit of insight into the game if you were stalking. I also really do agree with adding some sort of tagging feature, if that could ever be implemented into the code. As for the contests -- I agree that there have been little to none. Back in the day there were more, that I felt like were around and contests would bring the community together even further and allow for some different changes. Hall of fame for contests would be cool as well and give those who won a chance to be remembered for their hard efforts.

Saved drafts need to happen. There has been PLENTY of times where I accidentally click off of the page or something of the sorts and my entire post will be gone. I'm sure I am not the only one. Also forum wise, I believe personally it would do well with an update. Some nice touches to it whether it be bringing back banners, that awesome sidebar that existed before or just newer and fun colors.

And lastly, any sort of teasers and update logs WOULD be nice. It would fix the barrier that has been lodged between staff and members for so long. Not only that, but it would attract newer members as well due to being able to see this information.

I completely agree with everything you mentioned! And I've lost so many forum threads to computer crashes, accidentally clicks, or just the page refreshing for no reason. An autosave might take up too much space, but manual saving would still save quite a few threads.

I'm impressed. These are actually really nice ideas- and not impossible to do. But I do see drafts being a problem (like you stated earlier), and having the banners and main picture changed would be the least of our problems. But man-o-man -- It would be so nice to see this page organized and be able to navigate the forum with ease! I'm still new to the forums, so even I have troubles searching through it. The funny thing I came across as a newbie was; for all the new things posted on the forum recently, I had to click a link at the bottom to find. You would think that would be at the top somewhere in bold screaming "RECENT POSTS" or something. Maybe that can happen if the layout of the forum gets changed up (more cleaned up than how I've put it, but ya get the idea).

Haha yeah, I've brought up a few features that are on the forums to people in the past and they've had no clue it was even there! There's not much help in regards to any tutorials for site navigation or anything, either. Some easier navigation would definitely be helpful!

Only situation with the "More Contests" idea is that we would then have to come up with "more prizes" as members will then begin to expect/demand more than just the regular, typical prize list: dA points, art, presents and etc.
Imo, if you'd like to see more contests being thrown around the community, here's what I think should happen:

- Not just the Staff, but YOU, as FH members, can up with your own.
- If official plans have been made, you could approach Staff about it and get their opinions/alterations and additions on how the event should be conducted to make sure that it is safe and friendly as well as fun.
- Come up with your own prizes to keep things spicy!
- If it's all accepted and a thread is posted, the Staff could potentially make it an official event but not run by them, in fact run by you.

Of course, these are only add-ons to what you've been saying, as it's better to encourage users to come up with their own ideas and events based on their levels of creativity. As you said, Staff can be too busy sometimes to come up with an event inbetween, so rather than being given the weight on their shoulders to run one, you could simply do these yourselves and perhaps ask for a Staff member to be present throughout just to keep the rules enforced. Maybe the Staff will also attend and participate!

Other than this quick opinion, I agree with what you've suggested entirely and will be sure to pounce on the rest of the Staff over this.

Thanks for the input! I hadn't considered the prize aspect, but I completely understand how that could cause issues! I wasn't really aware that contests run by members could be made into official, but member-run events, but that's an option I'm hoping to see more people consider in the future.

Oh wow look at all this! I can see you worked super hard on all these suggestions and it's absolutely wonderful!
Where I do agree that more contests would be a touchy subject, combining boards and making things more "tidy" in terms of how to forum is navigated would be incredible ♡
I can't wait to see what the staff come up with for the future, especially now that they have these awesome suggestions!
Thank you! I'm hoping some of these could be implemented or considered, at least the very small minor changes!

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2018, 05:03:50 pm »
Giving this a lil bump! I've crossed off a few that were actually implemented (thank you for the manual update, I owe you my life)

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?


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Re: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2018, 07:11:06 pm »
Glad to see some things crossed off! [that manual was a doozy]

Hopefully we will look into this list more and conquer a few more things that the community would enjoy seeing. Thank you for updating! <3

Offline turtlies

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Re: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2019, 10:38:47 pm »
Giving this a bump! A couple of the ideas suggested were listed in the MOTS newsletter, so I've updated those with a lil note, and added a few more suggestions!

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: A Really Long List of Forum Suggestions/Ideas
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2019, 08:37:46 am »
Something the 'Dorus were talking about was the ability to toggle the minimap position between the left and right corners, probably within the options like the new pointer option.

Drafts? I have my concerns about the space that'd use up, it's gotta go somewhere for it to be loaded right (and I wonder how long they'd be kept, lots of messages typed that might not be used. o.o)? However, if it is added, that's convenient. c:
I just use Notepad to type my stuff first. xD
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