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Topics - Squee

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Request/Find Meshes / Meshes I'm looking for...
« on: October 26, 2012, 03:11:44 pm »
I've seen a lot of these meshes in maps and if I can download them, I'd like them.

-The broken Cherry Tree?
-Other and all trees
-Plants and grasses
-Water textures (reds, blues, and darker colours like green and brown)
-Glowy particles
-Volcano like meshes?
-Eery and creepy meshes of any and all kinds!
-Flowers <3

Will give floofies for being a good floof and posting links to the meshies. :D

(PS: I've already ravaged Jayfeather, Courtney, Glave and everyone they linked on their profiles) :D

Request/Find Meshes / Savanah meshes in need.
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:09:50 pm »
I am working on an African map called the Masai Plains, it will be public and open to Roleplays if I ever get it done. I just need some help with finding any and all African/Savannah Plain's meshes that are lurking on this abyss of forum awesomeness.

That means anything that belongs in Africa! The map has adaptable space so I have room to swop and change according to the meshes I have which are all but not limited to: Acaccia Trees (Default) and a rock... o3o

Please help!


Request/Find Meshes / Steampunk!
« on: September 01, 2012, 07:59:36 am »
Alright, so me and some friends have been working on map plots for an RP. A steampunk RP. Because we all feel like there needs to be something different! But... The problems come with meshes, so!

If you could help us out by posting threads to ANY industrial/gothic meshes, post them here! As well as water textures! Really needed! c:

Thank chu~
Love Squee~

Species / Capricat!
« on: August 04, 2012, 02:54:45 pm »

The capricat was inspired by capricorn as well as felines!

To make a capricat requires one specific thing, bull horns!

The pelt can be any colour with any markings on it, though I'd be ashamed to see my darling species overrun by neon-nuts so be kind and don't make a sparkle kitty, they are no fun for anyone's poor eyes!

Information behind a Capricat:

Height: (F) 30cm at the shoulder.
            (M) 40-45 cm at the shoulder.

Weight: (F) 7-9 kilograms.
             (M) 7-15 kilograms.

Pelt colours: Unlimited, light colors.

Head: Pupiless eyes. (Orb) Horns. (Bull horns)

Body: Claws are semi-retractable, they range from fluffy to bald and anything inbetween.

Tail: Tails come in variation from cat to cat. Extremely rare to find a stub-tailed Capricat.

Mane: A patch of fluff from their shoulders to mid-section. (All)

Diet: Their diet contains small mammals such as birds, lizards, mice as well as eggs. Occasionally, depending on the biome and species around them they will settle from insects and snakes but cases such as these are extremely rare.

Environment: Southern Africa; Australia; Asia; Russia; Antartic region and Western South America.
Lifespan: 30-45 years. (depends on climate; gender and human interaction; too much will cause a shorter lifespan.)

Capricat, copyright Squee. :)

Member Bio & Journals / Mah Bio. (EDITED)
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:13:30 pm »

Other Mods/Creations / Items needed!
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:43:47 pm »
I, like many others, am an Items junkie, already having Ringo and delays' Pack. I just want to know if there are any other item packs available or even single download items. (Yes, I've seen Paintbrush's amazing porto-den, which by the way, a brilliant concept.) I was thinking more along the lines of neckwear!

I'm mostly looking for collars, like a proper collar.

And even a few bracelets and tail decorations! Not really into the whole following pets (Unless they move) and sword thing because they're too bulky and my characters are far too small and fragile.

Also if you can find any tribal like items oh and a hat, a nice black hat, like Ne-yo wears. :D Thankies!

Loooooove Squee <3

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