Author Topic: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?  (Read 42717 times)

Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2013, 01:07:18 am »
     Sesthillis reacted first.  Suddenly clawing up Aster's arm to dive under his hood...  It wasn't a good thing however as the sudden clawing made him wince before the other person's presence startled him.   His muscles overly relaxed as he slid backwards off the bench of the table.  He had been thinking about different things...  And didn't expect anyone to approach again...  Thankfully he didn't spill anything as he was able to quickly retake his seat.  ONce more not acknowledging that his hood had fallen down.  Sesthillis having dove inside and now curled up nervously inside his hood.  "I-I don't...  It's not my choice to make..."  He answered the question awkwardly, without even looking up.  Using only his peripheral position to watch their position.

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2013, 11:12:56 pm »
..."I-I don't... It's not my choice to make..."

The reply brought Kyler's full attention away from the bustling cafeteria and back towards the young man's lowered gaze with guarded interest and slight amusement (not in a negative way). "What do you mean 'not your choice'?" Kyler asked, his expression softening. "'Course it is! You can say whether you'd like me to sit here or not."

His grey eyes studied the young man turned downwards to the table and the food tray before him incredulously. Even his creature had scurried up his arm and hid in his hood- which evidently knocked it down again to reveal the man's red hair, causing Kyler's grey eyes to flick their gaze on it for a moment before returning to his face, deciding not to say anything about it- yet.

From the position the young man was in, he couldn't tell if he was looking at him or not, but he still offered a friendly smile as he stood at the seat across from him. The thought of sitting down anyways flashed through Kyler's mind, but he disregarded it in an instant- he wouldn't just barge in and sit there without asking. He wanted to be as respectful and open as possible with the man.

"I'm cool with anything, honestly. It's totally up to you!"
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2013, 02:55:21 pm »
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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2013, 04:59:55 am »
[/color]Desmond looked up, seeing a familiar dragon. He motioned to Thyus, then looked at Mars, relizing that despite his height the crowd made every thing difficult.

"Could you-..?"

"Consider it done."
Mars flew off towards Thyus, stopping in front of the dragon. Mars made a small buzz and motioned his tail towards Desmond, indicating he'd like him and Carter to come over, then flfew back to Desmonds waiting, outstrecthed fingers.


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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2013, 12:31:24 am »
Thyus blinked his golden eyes at Mars, watching him fly away back to his Tamer. The tip of Thyus's tail twitched and he smiled, glad that he had accomplished in finding a seat for his Tamer(with Mars's help of course) and he turned, flying back to Carter. He landed on Carter's shoulder, rubbing his muzzle across his cheek then turned his head in the direction where Desmond sat. Mars and Desmond offered us a seat, he said. Carter followed Thyus's gaze then smiled at the sight of a familiar face.

Then what are we standing around here for? He moved on through the crowd with his usual pardons, making his way towards their destination, and at last came out of the sea of Tamers and Spirits. He sat himself down at the table, setting his plate down in front of him and smiled at Desmond. "Hey, thanks for letting us sit here. Finding a place to sit is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack." Thyus jumped down onto the table and took a piece of bacon from the plate, chewing on the juicy meat, his little claws holding onto the strip with his teeth munching on the end of it.

Kuroi walked up the stairs and made it to the floor with the Stimulation Rooms. He came to the door and it slid open automatically, allowing him entrance, and he walked right in with Cethin slithering right behind. He went over to a chair and sat right in, leaning back as the helmet lowered itself over his head, and the black lens slid over his eyes. Cethin coiled around by his chair, a similar helmet lowering over his head, along with the black lens. Then instantly both were transported to a whole different world.

Everything went black for Kuroi, but when his vision began to return, he glanced around and found himself in the middle of a wide feild. He sneered in discomfort. He and Cethin always worked in stealth, a wide field was definitely not their tastes, and they were at a disadvantage already. Cethin hissed his irritation, and Kuroi turned his gaze to him. I know, but we'll have to work with what we have. Think of it as a challenge, we have to pull through no matter what the circumstance. Cethin ceased his hissing but he still looked displeased, then his form began to change.

He grew longer, spikes emerging from his back and horns sprouted on his head with spikes between them like a mane. He was now taller than Kuroi, his full length about 20ft long, but thin and slender, made to construct his body around a victim. His tail now had four curved blades at the end, so a single swing is bound to make contact with skin on a opponent unless they dodge it entirely. Kuroi grinned his wicked grin, pulling out his venom-filled sword. Well then, lets go look for our opponent, shall we? Cethin hissed and lowered his head, and Kuroi climbed on and moved around the long spikes and stood by one of his horns, holding onto it with a hand.

Cethin lifted his head and slithered across the field, both his and Kuroi's eyes scanning the vast wide field and skies for their enemy. They had been so focused on the ground and skies, however, that they never noticed that something was coming at them....directly below the ground.

Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2013, 07:31:04 pm »
     Aster sat quietly for a moment before answering again...  Not expecting another response...  With how he usually ended conversations of any sort so abruptly it was hard to respond with anything.  "It's.  Fine.  Y...  You can choose.."  He said it wrong again and slightly scratched at his eyebrow with his hand laid across his face...  Dammit...  He meant to say 'Your choice.' not 'You can choose.'  And that is the point where he noticed that his hood had fallen back once more...  He suddenly stopped moving.  Stopped breathing.  Time slowed minorly for him as his mind worked rapidly.  Vision shifting to look between his fingers at them.  His heart beat rapidly.   But outwardly he only seemed to slightly stiffen, and stop moving.  This time.  Even through near sickening levels of anxiety.  He looked calm as he lifted his hood back up.  Sesthillis curling up around his neck as he did so.  It left him slightly shaky after.  But at least he didn't look too much like a panic stricken fool...  "Your choice..."

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2013, 03:47:44 am »
So it's gonna be like this, eh? Kyler thought absently; not through annoyance, but more so through observation. Kyler hesitated for a moment, weighing whether or not to persist or not- and he even opened his mouth to insist- but then closed his jaw and decided that it would probably only make the conversation even more redundant and not to mention awkward.

With a quick shrug and an 'okay, thanks,' Kyler placed his loaded tray down and took up the seat across from the young man. A grin weaved it's way back onto his face, and he sat there quietly smiling back at the interesting figure across from him for a second, before turning to his food and picking up a fork. Mirrie hopped her way down from his shoulder and onto the table, letting out a few chirps of interest as well, her head tilted to an angle. She hopped to the side to try and get a better glance at the creature that had scurried up the young man's arm before she had a chance to say hello, trying to make a friendly connection. She sang a few notes of a nameless melody to try and get the spirit's attention, her head turning from side to side in the way that birds do when they try and focus on any one thing.

Kyler glanced at Mirrie as he dove his fork into a pile of eggs- enthusiastically, but not sloppily or uncourteously- before turning back to his breakfast. A movement in front of him caught his periphial vision; the young man was drawing up his hood again to cover his bright red hair. After a moment of silence, Kyler brought a sausage on the tip of his fork to his mouth and muttered clearly and casually, but in a matter-of-fact voice, pristine grey eyes fixed on the piece of meat, "I think your red hair looks nice."

Kyler bit the end of the sausage, and then returned the fork and the rest of the meat to his plate carefully, following it with his eyes all the way down. Finally, he lifted his gaze to meet the young man's, lingering for a second or two, before pulling them away and clearing his throat, trying to suppress another one of his infectious grins.
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline Galeforce

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2013, 03:39:05 pm »
It was Cethin who felt the ground shake first, till the vibrations lead up to under Kuroi's feet as he stood on Cethin's head, and both glanced down before the ground burst and rubble erupted all around them. Cethin let out a hissing cry as he was flung into the air, and Kuroi had lost his footing and grip, separating from Cethin. His body was spinning, so he couldn't tell what was what, only caught glimpses of his partner and rubble of ground flying everywhere. Remembering his training, Kuroi got his bearings and tucked his arms and legs close, then when he neared the ground he stretched them out a bit and bent his knees, landing on the ground with ease. He turned his head, seeing Cethin fall to the ground but quickly got up, meeting Kuroi's gaze.

Are you ok? He asked, and Kuroi nodded. I'm fine. Be alert. He answered and looked around for their enemy, but whoever it was must have retreated back underground. So this time we're the prey. He smirked. This should be interesting. He felt the ground shake again, but this time he was prepared, and he lept away as the head of a giant mole-like creature popped out, it's entire nose a drill. Someone lept from the mole and came at Kuroi, but he lifted his blade to block the attack only to have a chain wrap around his weapon.

"What?" Though surprised, Kuroi's fast thinking and instinct got him to holding tight onto his blade before his opponent could pull it away from him, so now the two were having a little game of tug of war. "These stimulations sure keep you on your toes." Kuroi commented with a grin, keeping his blade in his hands. The mole was retreating back into the ground, but Cethin coiled his tail around the mole's throat and tried yanking the creature out, and the mole struggled, tossing and turning it's head with an angered cry.

Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2013, 07:08:29 pm »
     Aster rolled the cup around on it's bottom.  Providing a soft echoing noise from inside.  "I think your red hair looks nice."  The comment caught him off guard...  Like usual.  His heart seemed to stop, even as it didn't.  For a brief moment...  He didn't have a response to that.  And just sat.  For...  A minute or two in silence.  Before he responded with anything.  Albeit questioningly.   "Thank, you..?"  He kept his hood up though.  From the shadowed back of his hood Sesthillis stared at the bird nervously.  She wasn't going to be coming out.  Aster didn't notice though.  As frost slowly started to envelope about his hood.  Hardening the cloth and making it fold, turning somewhat white.  Until the color reached the front within his vision.  "Stop that..."  He whispered with a not so enthused look on his face.  He padded down the outside of his hood and...  Extremely reluctantly pulled it down.  "Thanks for soaking my hood..."  He scowled as he lifted the small dragon up, not letting her escape his grasp.  White whisps of frost splitting amongst his red hair.  Before he let her crawl back into his hood, now down at his back.

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2013, 12:07:43 am »

Kyler replied as if it were no big deal, selected a variety of breakfast foods he had dumped onto his tray onto his fork. He glanced over to Mirris, whom was desperately trying- and failing- at any interaction with the young man's spirit as it hurried back into his now-removed hood. He purposely didn't say anything further when his hood was down, and instead Kyler mimicked a short bird call in Mirrie's direction, and she turned her attention to him and hopped over with deflated spirits. "It's okay, Mirrie. Here, have some berries," Kyler offered her a small cup of assorted wild berries, hoping to cheer her up. She seemed slightly more enthusiastic at the sight of it, and went to pick at the fruit, every once and a while glancing up to check to see if the other spirit had changed its mind about saying hello.

Kyler smiled gently, and rubbed a forefinger along the side of Mirrie's cheek, and then turned back to the pair across the table. "Oh, I almost forgot," he chuckled, "This is my mocking jay spirit, Mirris. And I'm Kyler Morriz. Technically I'm a Master rank here, but most I don't compete that often and instead I help train the new recruits and anyone that would like some pointers."

He extended a strong hand across the table as he introduced himself and Mirrie, his signature friendly smile still spread across his face.
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.