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Messages - GreySkies

Pages: [1] 2
Finished Maps / Re: Farm Map (Horse Farm)
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:12:18 pm »
Oh goodness. Wipe the dust off this I suppose.

The link isn't working? Hmm... Try the one in the description for this:

Finished Maps / Re: Kamiioa Territory ~4 Map Pack~
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:36:23 am »
I am so sorry it took so long to get back to you. That's odd- I'll look into it deary. D8 Once more, so sorry!!

Finished Maps / Instincts (FH Only, Lag resistant, 2 maps)
« on: August 06, 2012, 10:26:10 pm »
Hey there!

I made a roleplay, and like always I never stuck with it. Oi!

Anyway, this is the map I made for it. Well, maps. There's the main town (I called it city, initially it was going to be bigger) then a rebel camp.

These are both quite small, and kind of bare (I included pictures) but I made it minimalistic for those that joined who had bad computers.  You will need to download both map, and map textures.

Thank you so much to the mesh makers who made these amazing objects!

Here are the downloads:

I think I should possibly just start making a  website or something O-o

Finished Maps / Re: Kamiioa Territory ~4 Map Pack~
« on: July 15, 2012, 10:56:03 pm »
I THOUGHT I KNEW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE!. xD  I was sitting in cape, talking with Poptart, and there you are, and I said, "I thought I knew you" Well, I knew there was two Grey's in Kamiioa <3.  GreySkies, and GreyTea.  I believe.  I was Ahkeni. The Smexy Ginger Shaman, who found those bad crystals, and the plant.  <3333.  Thank you for finishing these maps. 
Maybe I can try to bring this awesome Rp back....Never hurts to try, right?

Hi! Oh! I know you! From DS, right?! 8D Well I didn't know you were from this, too! I'm rather busy with another roleplay at the moment, but if you want to try and bring this one back more power to you! I'm sorry I made it public without asking the old members if they wanted to keep it. D8 Let me go ask the old leader if it's alright if you take it over, though I'm sure she wouldn't mind at all.

Finished Maps / Re: Greys First Public Map! :o (Spring Fireflies)
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:44:56 am »
thank you all so much! I love the comments and I'm glad you all like it! I pray you are not finding any problems with it, and hope you're having fun! <3 Much love!

Finished Maps / Re: Farm Map (Horse Farm)
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:43:33 am »
Whew! Sorry all for the REALLY delayed response! @ those who are having problems with Feralheart.exe has stopped working- I am looking into the problem and  hopefully will have an answer ASAP.

@ those for the lovely comments- thank you!

@Emerald.Dreams: Hi! I actually merged a few existing meshes together to get it. Let me get the .objects file for it and I'll post it on here. :3

Finished Maps / Re: Kamiioa Territory ~4 Map Pack~
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:40:40 am »
XD I was in this RP at once, actually. .3. I was Aki.

Really!? :O! Awesome. Well sorry it didn't work out :c Thank you for joining anyway :D.

Finished Maps / Kamiioa Territory ~4 Map Pack~
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:38:02 pm »
Hello people of Feral Heart.

First, I must warn you about these maps- they are VERY.VERY.VERY object heavy, I don't lag on them  but that's up for you to decide if your computer will.

Now, I made these about... Four months ago, and never had made maps on this scale before, so bare with me.

Secondly, this was originally going to be a rp map, but the rp never got started. Thus, it is now for you all to rp on it! Have fun, explore, and find all the secret den sites! Please, PLEASE behave yourselves.

List of the maps:
Kamiioa Territory
Probus Malum
Letalis Territory

(thank you to Dubby for the name ideas)

A huge thank you to all the mesh makers out there.

Now for pictures!


PLEASE follow the instructions with the .fho files , Waterfalls will not show up if you do not. Neither will some of the other meshes.

Finished Maps / Re: Farm Map (Horse Farm)
« on: April 28, 2012, 06:55:25 am »
Dina, what does it say?

Bad token?
Cannot connect to map server?
OR does your game crash? Is your Feral Heart working okay?

Finished Maps / Farm Map (Horse Farm)
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:29:50 pm »
Hello lovies!

I made a simple farm map for those who wish to roleplay with horses, sheep, cats, dogs, etc. It's all open to you! There are no rules (Aside from following FH T.O.S and default game rules). I made the barn mesh out of basic objects, as I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, I plan on working on the barn some more, but I'm so dang tired of it right now, haha! You can get up the ladder as I put a water collision on it, just press 'R' to rise! :)

This map includes meshes that ARE NOT made by me. If you need one, just ask and I'll see if I can find the linkie for you! :)

Also, you'll notice things are not 'to size' with the FH characters. That's because horses are much larger than wolves, dogs, house cats, and wild cats. I tried to make it proportionate to them. :)

ALSO! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me if you have ANY problems what so ever. I removed sound as my media player makes a large snap noise at the end of the music, scaring the crap out of all the unfortunate victims.
ALSO! QUICK EDIT! Do not install the My Plants, My rocks, or my trees file. :) they were left to default crap, so you don't need it. Apologies for adding those in there! XD

Included areas:
-Large Pasture with pond
-House (Wif a mail box! 8D)
-Three storage shed type buildings.
-A corral
-Two story barn.

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