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Messages - galania

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Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers
« on: July 07, 2015, 07:04:04 pm »
In my opinion mate centers should be disallowed I always though even when I was playing game little bit more than I do now that they should be banned completely. They don't contribute much to the roleplaying nor do they help they pair people up too quickly and the people who find people often end up not liking the people that pick them. so it's pretty much not a good thing.

Game Discussion / Re: Humans in FeralHeart
« on: November 12, 2012, 01:22:58 pm »
i forgot to mention something: too stop insulting people i'm offended that people who rp as humans are being called messed up and creepy. I am one of those human rpers who rps as an avengers character. why do you have to be so rude about it. angela and alex you two are insanely rude for calling people in same grouping category as me creepy or messed up thanks for that it was rather mean and offensive and it has greatly angered me.

it also told me that you think we may have issues: don't ever say someone is messed up it usually implies they are slightly mental and i dont' appreciate that. i'm sure others don't either

think before you all post: really your liable to offend others. o3o i'm actually sticking up for the creativity in feral heart becuase i believe saying such things are not nice and shouldn't be said about anyone on fh not even the wolf rpers or cat rpers or any mythical creature rps /human being/scifi/anime rpers here on fh.

maybe some people are little interesting for rping out births: please don't do that it's gross would appreciate if you could learn to timeskip over the birth instead of making cub stalk out from your rear end like it's being born. o3o it's not that your weird it's that some rpers want to timeskip and say a few hours later the cub is born and the mom is cleaning her cub. instead of oh the agony of birth -_- it's like oh really can you really get room pregnant cheetah mother her mate please timeskip: waits for them to timeskip: it never happens usually and they do sometimes get detailed which is not appreciated to some. just putting that out there about pros and cons of wolf and cat rps.

by the way lion people do do that XD they are just known as trolls XD o3o i swear i have few character that are ocs for avengers with natural colors and lol i get asked to be someones mate alot XD or i used too i don't go on them alot.

FYI: I now annouce to everyone i'm not wolf whenever someone comes near me XD. it usually starts with i'm not wolf i'mjust a avengers character trapped in wolf's body XD. o3o i've only done that to friend in whisper but i think i might go do that on fh today when i get home from classes XD.

Game Discussion / Re: Humans in FeralHeart
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:29:02 pm »
whats weird: rping out births i don't care who you what your playing weather you say it's natural: it is gross disgusting and it may be apart of life but it's not appropriate to rp out under any circumstances please timeskip it. i'm tired of going on the game and watching some of you wolf users and cat user giving birth to cubs kits and pups. and i'm tried of people like yourselves calling people like me creepy for rping the opposite gender too. i'm also tried of people who hold these views above making comments that offend not only myself but others as well.

in extremist views: an extremist would agree with you and say only wolves and lions should be allowed as characters and that would surely anger alot of people. o3o

games mentioned by rainbowfur are not free

Angela and Alex you two are insanely rude: thank you for calling half of fh messed up and creepy that was wrong of both of you and there for you shouldn't have said it.

stop calling us messed up and creepy it's offensive and you shouldn't have said it i'm rather angry that you did and hope you two realize that calling us creepy or messed is rude. your acting as though rping as humans or mythical creatures makes us mental?

So you may also be holding view when you have friends who may also hold different view just think about it. would you really want to risk offending friend with view like that. o3o i'm sure alot of people are reading this thread and going o3o wow really thats so wrong or thats so right or thats something i agree with. which is fine as long as you don't go saying we don't belong here. think about the lion king kovu being told he didn't belong there and was chased and exiled after asking for forgiveness

i do not respect people for callign anyone messed or creepy and please think about your posts cause you guys are getting offensive please think before you post.

News Archives / Re: November Update 3/11
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:27:37 pm »
o3o these updates are nice too bad i don't have time to participate in most of these

I'm looking for members for my avengers rp. i've had the worst time in game trying to find someone to play all of them i'm specifically lookign for peopel who can help keep the roleplay active it's brand new. i do allow oc characters i do not allow rudeness.

my username in game is galania if your looking to join try whispering me.

i need some people to play these characters
Captain America
Black Widow
Black Panther

Presets & Markings / Preset request for a few roleplay characters.
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:09:38 am »
((i can not offer anything in return and if i could believe me i would if i could))

if you can make please let me know.

i need these three presets for two characters i made. [they are all canine based presets]

a preset for an ironman suit should be Light blue and gold with an arc reactor thats smaller then tony stark's.

I also want preset with just the arc reactor on the chest [

I have third preset too.

An arc reactor that fits inside a horse the preset should have realistic pinto horse markings with the arc reactor being inside the chest. [by realistic i do not mean mass markings and i have referance for paint horse markings if needed]

i don't think these are hard to make but i really need this for an rp.

ironman referance [let me be clear  i am not asking you to make it look like ironman but asking you to make something like this that is light blue and gold]

Arc reactor

paint horse [yeah it has an arc reactor in it's chest so it is appreciated if you can make preset with an arc reactor and paint horse markings that are realistic]

i don't have anything to offer sorry. it wouldn't be something i could do. besides i am not good artist why do you think i'm asking people to do it for free can't afford to do anything i have DA but i ahve no points not art on it and nothing i'm not talented so no one wants my at i'm just looking for some who literally make me an arc  reactor on oe of my ocs well two but no ones really offered too.

i'm not really willing to pya for it either and free request threads well i wouldn't use them unless they could ironman's armor.

well that sucks  oh well guess i'm not gonna be able to findsomeone to do my preset.

Presets & Markings / Re: Airless preset thread!
« on: August 11, 2012, 09:15:23 pm »
are you capable of doign preset like ones mentioned in the request thread i have the link to that in my sig. i'm just looking for someone who can do an ironman preset for wolves and two other presets as well.

i don't think they would make it maybe they will maybe they won't but honestly i wouldn't want to see prey on this game. for one reason. everyone would get too distracted by the prey and less pring would be going on. IW is liek that you get inot rp and people get distracted by item collecting and prey hunting thats why i play on fh more often more active rp community prey would just ruin the atmosphere i feel like.

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