Author Topic: [D]ominant [P]rey (Felines and Canines accepted!)  (Read 637 times)

Offline LovinGreenDay

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[D]ominant [P]rey (Felines and Canines accepted!)
« on: August 26, 2015, 07:18:27 am »
[D]ominant [P]rey is a new and friendly group in which accepts any species as long as they're Canine or Feline. We love newcomers and we respect and take care of each other. We also sometimes goof off which is completely acceptable as long as it doesn't get out of hand.
Our leader Ross is very understanding, caring, respectful, and sweet. If you need any help, just contact him!

1. We are soon-to-be Mapped, Literate to Semi-Lit, Semi-realistic, Realistic, Ranked, and sited.
2. We accept Allies and Enemies. (In need of Enemies and Allies)
3. We accept Canines and Felines. (Like Arctic Wolves, Panthers, Tigers, you name it!)
4. We are mature.
5. Active but not SUPER active.

You can visit the website here, for extra information!
In order to join the group, please provide the following information:

- Feral-Heart Username
- Canine or Feline
- Character Name
- Biography
- Age
- Desired Rank (No lead rank. I will decide on that.)
- Role-play Sample. (Must be Semi-Literate or Literate)
- Screenshot of your character
- Active or No?

I cannot accept :
Any other animals except Canines and Felines or Winged characters. Sorry.

Thank you.

(NOTE: If you want to be an Ally, please go to the next form.)


- Group Name
- Group type (Clan/Pride/Pack)
- Group information
- Leader's name
- How you'll help
- How big your group is
- Active or No?


- Group Name
- Group type (Clan/Pride/Pack)
- Group information
- Leader's name
- How big your group is
- Active or No?

We have two territories.
One for the canines and one for the felines and in case you didn't know,
the Felines are one big pride and the Canines are one big pack.

The canine's pack is called Feral Canines
and the Feline's is Feral Felines.

If you don't understand what I'm trying to say, please ask. xD
It's two groups that live together, sewn together into one huge group.

(If I do not reply to your entries right away, it's either I forgot or I'm busy c:)

PLEASE JOIN BY SEPTEMBER 20th! After September 20th, recruiting will be closed completely until we're in need of more members.