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Messages - Phatom

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Phatom and Minxy's roleplay.
« on: November 09, 2013, 03:46:37 pm »
So me and Minxy have been roleplaying three characters, mine are Stefan and Damon, hers is Astoria. So we were thinking and we decided to make a FeralHeart roleplay so people can join in. Right now its map is being made by Minxy with help of Twoface for the heightmap!

The map is and has only been started off so the RP won't be started up for a while yet, so to be able to join you may have to wait a little, you have to be patient and you'll have to be able to download maps!

Species available in this roleplay:

ShiftersXVampires (Hybrids) - These are shifters who are also vampires, for the start of the role play this option will be closed off to others, only Damon, Stefan and Astoria are them. This is because we have roleplayed it and this is how it started. Also known as Hybrids.

Shifters - Only shifters are known is lions but wolves are allowed.

Also, Minxy is looking for some help on ideas for maps. We've already planned the Diverso home (Home of Damon and Stefan, now also Astoria). So if you're good at ideas, go note her on dA or something~ (Erairety on dA). Thank you!

Art Gallery / Re: Dorian then and Dorian now.
« on: October 03, 2013, 11:10:01 pm »
Nice change there! I really like Dorian's fur colors. ^^
Both designs are really nice. :)
Aw, thanks floof!

Leaving / This floof has no time!
« on: September 29, 2013, 11:06:50 pm »
Hello Floofs!

This isn't something I wanted to do or for it to come too but it isn't permanently! So, college started a few weeks back and I get coursework each week so it is somewhat stressful. The only days I get to myself is the weekends and Monday's which are my days off. So pretty much, I'm packed up with time and it's a tight squeeze here and there.

But, yesterday (29th) I became an auntie for the first time, so as my sister's a new mum I said to her I'd help her out. So I have more responsibilities. I don't want to leave FeralHeart but I don't have much time for it, I'm barely on dA anymore. I try get on both as much as I can because write now I'm typing this up on my phone. I'll try get on as much as I can throughout the weeks but I can't promise it won't be long.

I hope you floofs understand!
I'm still available on deviantART, you can click my link below or you can just search up Zinci on deviantART.

Game Discussion / My username/nickname,
« on: September 16, 2013, 08:28:09 pm »
Hey floofs, I'm back on the forum.

So, I haven't played FeralHeart properly for two weeks due to me starting college so trying to get free time is quite hard lately as I'm trying to fit everything else around college whilst trying to look for a job but anyway, getting to the point. I was sitting on FeralHeart with two friends and this person rudely whispers me and goes to me:

"So you're name is Phatty, so that's basically fatty. :I"

I'd like to clear it that mine name isn't 'Fatty', my nickname on FeralHeart may be Phatty but doesn't mean it's pronounced the way you think it is. My username is Phatom, it's not Phantom. It has no n, but as if you were pronouncing the word Phantom, you pronounce it as Fan-tom. So my user name is Phatom, you pronounce it as Phay-tom. So therefore the word Phatty is pronounced as Phay-tee.

Videos / Re: Mate Beggers...
« on: September 05, 2013, 02:03:19 am »
Oh this is hysterical! I had nothing to do and it's 3am, so I went through FH forum and I saw this I was like "Not another friend about it" but this, this is amazing. Bravo! I cried of laughter and got a stitch. -claps-

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: September 05, 2013, 01:57:36 am »

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 30, 2013, 02:44:30 pm »

Characters / Re: Its Nightingale~ <3 (New pics)
« on: August 22, 2013, 02:54:38 am »
You have a very beautiful and unique character Nightingale. I look forward to seeing more photos of her and I look forward to her background. She's defiantly caught my eye!

+ Nuzzle
wow thanks so much~! :D
You're welcome floof! c:

Characters / Re: Its Nightingale~ <3
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:34:38 am »
You have a very beautiful and unique character Nightingale. I look forward to seeing more photos of her and I look forward to her background. She's defiantly caught my eye!

+ Nuzzle

Introduction / Re: WHHHEWWWW, I'm back. 8D
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:30:11 am »
Hey floof! Welcome back to FeralHeart. It's good to hear you've came back and moving went well. Oh school sucks, if it's any constellation I start college for the first time in two weeks.
See you around floof!

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