Author Topic: Renati Vigilum~Watchers Reborn. Fantasy Wolf RP  (Read 30442 times)

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Renati Vigilum~Watchers Reborn. Fantasy Wolf RP
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:32:50 pm »
Renati Vigilum~Watchers Reborn

A journey of a thousand steps begins with one

Pack status:

Members: Accepting
Pack Friends: Accepting
Rivals: Accepting
Allies: Accepting
Affiliates: Accepting



Pack Name: Renati Vigilum (ren-ati vig-il-um)
Pack Leader/Creator: Sybil (silentbone)
Member Count (M to F ratio): 3-10
Pack Colors: Blue, Green & White
Pack Song: The Red Violin
Pack Motto: N/A
Currency: Sapphires
Newest Member: Rhianne
URL to Website:



Like any other pack we must have rules to keep things in order.

1???????? Be sure to know these rule before you post anything that is questionable,

2? Do NOT steal peoples things from shops, you you do you will lose 10 Sapphires,

3? Be sure to keep your posts above 100 words and try to keep it even above that.

4? Stay as active as you can and if you need an EFA, just say so.

5? Try to keep things PG-13, we have younger members and want to make them comfortable on our site.

6? No god-modeling! We will not allow it anywhere on our forms. And if you do it often enough to bug me, you'll be banned for a few days.


........Ranks & Groups

We have a thing called 'mini' ranks. They are ranks within ranks and almost every rank has them. For more information about a ranks mini, visit the URL's under the Rank's title.

Symbols to Understand
? - Group #1
? - Group #2
? - Female
? - Male
? - Sapphire Count

We also have 2 groups. Say that you just got accepted and my post says something like "Accepted! You're in group #1". That means that if our numbers were to grow large enough, we would split into two groups. #1 would stay at the original den while group #2 would go down south.
Each group would get to have separate threads, and then we would stay like that unless our member numbers went down. Then a messengers would tell group #2 to come back.

1 Male and 1 Female
The Alphas are thee Boss. Their word is law. Current Female Alpha is Sybil (silentbone), me. The Male Alpha Rank will only be filled by a Wolf that I believe is right for the Rank.
Sybil - ? ? ? - 54

Alphas In Waiting
1 Male and 1 Female
These are your 'second' alphas. They will be the ones to take over the other half if we split into two groups. They have just as much control and deserve as much respect as your other Alphas.

Must be Earned

1 Male and 1 Female
Betas are wolves who are close to the Alpha, have been with the Pack for a long time and have acquired some skills, plus they are familiar with several Subordinate Ranks. Any Wolf under this Rank should listen to these Wolves. Betas also train Deltas.
Silver - ? ? ? - 33

1 Male and 1 Female
Deltas are Wolves who are dedicated to becoming a Beta. They must work hard, for there are only so many spots. Deltas can assists lower Ranking wolves in learning how important the Wolf code is. These two deltas, once trained 99%, are put in the second group to finish their training as actual Betas.
Rhianne - ? ? ? - 0

Warriors are strong and lethal. They will put their life on the line if their pack mates are in danger. Warriors chose to fight and protect all the pack.
Nova - ? ? ? 38

After their training as Shorties is complete, they start to work in longer messages and deliver them back and forth all around the island. Some messengers even get Sapphires for fast and accurate deliveries.

Hunters are the other choice that Scouts can chose once they are experienced enough to start hunting. Though they start off hunting small prey, they can work their way up to deer and elk. Hunters do not have the power to go hunting alone, so they must travel in groups of 2-4.

6 of Either Gender
A Healer is a Wolf who has been fully trained to know the best herbs for healing and knows how to treat wounds properly. They are able to heal a wolf in that is injured at any time.

4 of Either Gender
Instead of only taking care of the pups, they will also teach them Basic knowledge and show them how to survive in the wilderness. Small fights are included in the lesson but these are only harmless play fights.

Pups are the youngest of the pack and do not have a legit rank. They do get to chose their rank once they reach the age of 1 year. These one year old pups then get to start training as that rank and can begin their true lives in the pack.

Newbies are the newest members. They stay newbies until they have posted their biographies and chosen their rank. We do not like when members stay newbies for more than a week, if a member does stay one for longer than a week... their accounts will be deleted.

Ouch, you do not want to be a wanted wolf! These wolves have broken rules or done something to make the pack keep an eye out for them. If they do see a wanted wolf they have orders to bring them in to me.

Pack Friends
If you like the website but don't want to join or you're just too busy to be on that much, just be a Pack Friend. Though you cannot role play, you can still chat, play games and post your character biography. So if you ever do think you may be able to really join, you will have your bio all done so you can hop right into the role play with us.

The Unofficial Ranks

As Many As Needed
Mods are members who help me around the site. Whether is comes to editing a photo, making a thread, editing thread, keeping the chat box safe and a bunch of other things. These guys are there to help you and are experts around the site.
Nova - ? ?
Sybil - ? ?
Silver - ? ?
Winter - ? ?

1 per Month
Also known as Member of the Month, this person was chosen for multiple reasons. This member has been constantly active, helping to move along the role play, following the rules constantly and they've been awesome. These members will have sparkly names for a whole month.



We have these wonderful things called Sapphires, they're our pack currency. This means that we also have a pack store. Members can gain Sapphires from staying active, joining in contests, making their own pack shops and giving me non-used things to put in the shop.
There will be more ways to get more Sapphires as we develop the pack, but until then be sure to try to help me out and you could end up with a couple of extra Sapphires to spend on accessories, powers, armor and more.
You will tell how many Sapphires a member has by looking at the number next to this symbol ?.


........Affiliates, Allies & Rivals

We are accepting all three of those things. For affiliates, you should go to our website to post request an affiliation. Our button and rules are up there so check it out. Here are the request forms for them,

Pack Name:
Pack Thread:
Website URL:
Ally or Rival:


........Joining Application

Wolf Name:
Wanted Rank:
How Many Words Should be in a Post?:


........Pack Friend Application

Could You End up a Full Member?: Yes or No


Thank you for reading this thread, the members of Renati Vigilum hope you join us or become a pack friend!
~The wolf howl is the heart of us all~