Author Topic: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [Inactive since 02/11/2012]  (Read 29136 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [Inactive since 02/11/2012]
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:30:28 pm »

Story: In the year 2301 all of humanity, with the exception of a few survivors, disappeared. When the humans first sought to find out what happened to some of their relitives in the hospital, since they came out very sickly. The sick humans in the hospital were directed with a new disese, which was found very contagious. They called it 'Mortis volunt' or 'the death wish', fore it killed on contact. It soon spread from a few of the population to nearly all the population until it was so bad that the air was strong with the stench of the disese.

Plot: Nobody knows where they are, except for somewhere in the state of Arkansas. Two siblings are trying to gather all the remaining survivors and bring them to the 'Refuge' they've created. The undead are still trying to track down the remaining wandering creatures, this includes horses, dogs, cats, birds, and humans. Ruble only covers the ground now, blood stains grass and buildings, everything new is never seen ever again.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 11:25:35 am by Scallywag »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 08:41:28 pm »
1. You may cuss any swears you feel like.

2. Humans only! No animals, sparklepeople, undead, anthros, ect.

3. Gore and romance is accepted and encouraged! Drama is what Mortis Volunt is all about!

4. If your character gets killed, meleed, ect. you have the right to make another. As long as you make the form for the character.

5. No god-moding, power-playing, gary/mary sue-ing, insta-killing, ect. Now, if it's like bashing somebody's head against something and damage their brain cavity, that's something else. Not insta-killing.

6. Please, don't leave just because someone's on your nerves. You have a problem with someone either take it to a PM or talk to me, I'll settle it out.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 08:45:23 pm »
Marcous Hartpit
Played by: KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie)

Agus Hartpit
Played by: KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie)

Played by: Miki_

Jackie Gallagher
played by: Cheary

Survivor 5:
Played by: Open

Survivor 6:
Played by: Open

Survivor 7:
Played by: Open

Survivor 8:
Played by: Open

Survivor 9:
Played by: Open

Survivor 10:
Played by: Open
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 01:29:38 am by KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie) »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [WIP]
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 09:06:05 pm »
Forum Username: [What's the name you Go by on the forums?]
Image/Discription: [What does your character look like?]
Name: [What's your character's name?]
Gender: [What sex is your character?]
Age: [How old is your character?]
Surviving lineage: [Who's living in your character's family?]
Undead lineage: [Who's undead in your character's family?]
Main Weapon: [What is the weapon they use the most?]
Other Weapon(s): [What weapon do they carry on themselves?]
Strongest point: [What makes them feel stronger?]
Weakest point: [What makes them feel weaker?]
Other: [Anything else about them?]
Role-Play Sample: [How your character acts in role-play.]

Forum Username:
Surviving Lineage:
Undead Lineage:
Main Weapon:
Other Weapon(s):
Strongest Point:
Weakest Point:
Role-play Sample:

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [WIP]
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2012, 09:37:03 pm »
Forum Username: KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie)
Name: Agus
Gender: Female
Age: 12 years
Surviving Lineage: Her older brother, Marcous
Undead Lineage: Mother, father, and younger sister
Main Weapon:
Other Weapon(s):
Strongest Point: Forested and snowy areas
Weakest Point: Clearnings
Other: She's highly allergic to poision ivy and bees
Role-play Sample: "Marcous," A soft voice poked out of a little girl. "can I come up yet?" A scream came from upstairs. The little girl knew what was going on, her older brother just didn't want her to see it. Her parents where getting killed by her brother. They couldn't handle the sickness that was upon them, they turned into odd creatures that looked like her parents... Just cruder. Tears swept her face. "No, I don't want you coming up here ever again," A voice boomed from upstairs. "Only for safty. Yours and mine."

Forum Username: KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie)
Name: Marcous
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Surviving Lineage: Younger sister, Agus
Undead Lineage: Mother, father, youngest sister
Main Weapon:
Other Weapon(s):
Stongest Point: Enclosed areas and high places
Weakest point: Unfamilier places
other: He's good at camoflaguing himself and his sister, including their scent.
Role-Play Sample: It's been so long since we've seen any living thing. Whatever those monsters are, they're going down for what they did to out parents. A young man thought, laying his younger sister down for her sleep. They were in a treehouse, their scent hiden by the leaves. Panting came from his dog, it was loud but not loud enough to start a horde of... Creatures. It sent a shiver down his spine.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 04:28:24 am by KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie) »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2012, 04:27:11 am »
Bump? Please join, I spent a lot (I mean A LOT) of time on this. Please. ;n;

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2012, 05:06:39 am »

Forum Username: Miki(SilverMarie)
Image/Discription: Kasimira has a slender but athletic figure, all those years in track are finally paying off.
Name: Kasimira
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Kasmira is very cold hearted when it comes to those...creatures. She kills without hesitation which makes her someone you might want to have watching your back. She also has a very nice and kind side which lately, hasn't been seen, ever since this plague her heart has turned to ice and kindness is not an option.
Surviving lineage: No one, as far as she knows they are all dead.
Undead lineage: Mother, Father, her two brothers, and her grandparents.
Main Weapon:
Other Weapon(s):
Strongest point: Being above ground and in places she is familiar with.
Weakest point: Being on the ground, weaponless, unfamiliar grounds.
Other: She has never ever really used her pistol, doesn't mean she does't know how to shoot, she will only ever use her pistol in extreme situations, or on herself..
Role-Play Sample: Kasimira yawned as she walked down the open highway somewhere in Arkansas, her mask was beginning to bother her but she knew she should leave it on. From behind her she heard a crack of a small stick, she immediately spun around her bow drawn, and looked she released the arrow and hit the creature right between the eyes. She smirked and walked over to the body, patting it down looking for anything useful. Finding nothing but some spare change she put her foot onto it's cranium and retrieved her arrow, she growled as brain matter splattered onto her leather boots. "Dammit! I just cleaned these." After cleansing the bow with an old rag she put it back in it's quiver and continued on her way.
Extra: Kasimira is dressed in black leather, from head to toe "It makes washing off the blood and other gunk a -Removed by Moderator- easier."
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:27:58 pm by Kynvuu »

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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2012, 05:54:04 am »
Accepted. Adding, now. You may begin.

Our living survivors are going to start right when the Mortis Volunt disease starts. You may begin at anytime. I'll start now.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 06:42:25 am by KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie) »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2012, 07:06:11 am »
"Mommy?! Daddy?!" A little girl screamed as she ran to her parents' room. "We're fine, we've just got the sniffles. Koilana, I want you to be a brave little girl and suck it up." A male's voice came, muffled, from behind the door. "But," She was crying a river. "Daddy! I don't want you to die!" A chuckle came from the room. "Mommy and Daddy are not going to die. We're just sick." "Promise?" She sniffled. "I promise.""Koilana! Get back from that door!" A harsh voice snapped. "But Daddy--" "'But Daddy' nothing! Be quiet, and stay away from the door! Marcous is going to fix it." An older girl looked down at the six year old. "O-o-ok." "Let's go downstairs," She told her sister. "This way he can work alone. And... And, take care of M-M-Mommy and Daddy." She felt as if she were choking on glass.
The two sisters went downstairs, sitting on the couch. An older boy came in carrying an ax. Koilana looked back. "No," The older girl whispered, pulling the little girl's face to her own. Then rubbed noses. "Everything's going," She paused, hearing screams from upstairs. "to be fine." A single tear went down the older girl's face. "Everything's already fine."

The older boy opened the door, his dark hair in his face, and raised his ax. He looked as if he were already mourning the death of his parents. The ax glinted in the window's reflection, showing the pale couple in bed. The boy's mother wasn't breathing, but still... Kinda blinked. He went to the bedframe and lowered his ax to his father's neck. Cutting the head off, squarely. A couple innereds squabbled on the the ground. The body of the being fell back, and he moved on the other side of the bed. He raised his ax and waited. His hair was out of his face, revealing his brown eyes and scattered freckles. The mother slowly came out of bed and came closer to her son. Her eyes opened widely. She lunged forward, aiming for his neck. But slowly missed as he left his ax in her skull.
"And stay down, stupid pile of useless -Removed by Moderator-."
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:28:21 pm by Kynvuu »

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2012, 07:09:01 am »

Kasimira yawned as she sat up in her bed, she looked at the clock, 11:35am. She stood up and dragged her self to the bathroom to shower, after grooming herself she proceeded onto doing he makeup and hair. She left the bathroom and bounded down the stairs "Mom! Dad!" she called, after getting no response she called out again "Mom? Daddy?" she rushed around the house not seeing any sign of them. "Oh! I should check the message machine." She ran to the phone and saw she had two unheard messages. 'Message one, left at 7 o'clock am; "Hello, this is Susie with Central Arkansas Hospital. I'm just calling to tell you Mr. Kell and Mrs. Kell were admitted into our emergency room at around 6 o'clock am. They told us to call and let their daughter know that they are fine and okay. Please call if you have any questions or concerns." End of Message one. Message two, left at 9 o'clock am; "Sweetie? It's your mother please get out of the city now! The whole hospital has gone insane. -sobbing- your father is dead-screaming in background- Baby, please please leave now. Whatever you do don't come to the hospital!"-cutoff- End of Message two.' Kasimira fell to her knees and became crying, she didn't know what to do, her father was dead and her mother might be also. She felt a slight nudge on her right leg and looked down to see her kitten, Jynx. She scooped up the kitten and held her close to her chest, never wanting to let go again. She heard her t.v flick into life with a breaking news story on the screen 'Breaking news; "Hello Amy here and we have a serious problem at the Central Arkansas hospital. Today the hospital has received many patients with an unknown virus, we have no name for it yet but hopefully we have the problem resolved. We believe it is airborne and highly contagious, we advise protective gloves and mask for anyone seeing this.-woman then listens to the voice coming from her earpiece- Oh my gosh...-looks at camera man- We gotta go. Now!"-the woman and camera man leave the screen then static- Kasimira was frozen, what just happened? She didn't know, she jumped up and ran to the kitchen and threw on some gloves and a doctor like mask and ran out to the garage. She pried open the old rickety garage door and ran in to grab her dad's compound bow and small pistol, she always wondered why he kept these so far away from him. She then ran inside and locked up the house before rummaging through their kitchen, packing up whatever her a Jynx might need. After gathering her belongings she threw everything into the family SUV, she went inside and grabbed Jynx and put her on the passenger seat. "Ready to go Jynx?" The kitten mewed and Kasimira grinned. She was about to put the car into gear but she thought of something "Where are we going exactly?"
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 07:10:57 am by Miki_ »

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