Author Topic: Lions vs Hyenas & Lion Fighting. (Short guide)  (Read 9560 times)

Offline HIGURASHI Alice

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Re: Lions vs Hyenas & Lion Fighting. (Short guide)
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 02:07:37 pm »
^ That gets me every time, LOL.

/Edit: Typos. >C

Offline Gargantor

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Re: Lions vs Hyenas & Lion Fighting. (Short guide)
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2011, 04:12:47 pm »
First, I find it kind of offense that you say "as they like to say lol" because it implies everyone playing a hyena is like that. >.>

Second hyenas, canines and most other mammal predators excluding most felines and I think bears do not kill their prey before they eat it.  They aren't efficient enough to completely kill their prey, so they dig in while it's dieing.  Felines and bears have longer teeth and stronger jaws which enable them to crush their prey's skull (Jaguar, Bear) or suffocate them (other felines).   Also, hyenas do not eat lions.  Usually.  They rip them to shreds, but don't eat them. (I don't know why, but lions don't eat hyenas either, usually.  That fuels the whole, hyena vs lion war in nature. >.>)

This is informative, I hope others can use it. /someone needs to do a wolf one, lolololol.

if you are not like these guys, then dont take it as offensive... i actually have many run ins with such who come and "jumps and rips his head off" characters (not only hyenas), but mostly they come, because of the lion-hyena wars... i mean.. im laying around peacefully and they are "killing" me in the next moment o.O

hyenas would be able to kill. ohh how they would be. Their jaws is the strongest in the savannah (if not in the whole world). So they could kill any prey.
The actual reason why hyenas dont kill properly is because they are in a rush. after they hunt something, and it bleeds.... lions could be attracted anytime. So to prevent run ins with them, they simply leave out killing, and go for eating. If they did kill the prey, they would have less time eating.
(kinda youtube likes to show me vids where the lion is eaten after- maybe its just youtube o.O)

anyway. just some stuff to clear up things.
dun want argument.