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Messages - ElDorko

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Art Gallery / A attempt at a Chrismas drawing xD
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:06:52 am »
Yeah, I made this in paint in like 10 minutes xD
Don't hate, pffpfpftf. |D

(And the little tag says 'Santa Paws' Socornyomfg)


Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: December 16, 2013, 01:39:20 am »
In-Game Username & Forum-Name: ElDorko

Well, a few years back, maybe one or two, a good friend of mine thought it up!
She would always tease me for being such a dork, and trust me, I was!

After a few months of the Dorko-mockery, she had though up


Heh, it sort of caught on, and I picked this username out a while back, although it wasn't my first Feral-Heart username.

Poems / Re: A Random Poem~ ElDorko
« on: December 14, 2013, 11:09:45 pm »
Ah, thank you Vespian. ^-^ I appreciate your feedback.
And yes, I've always had quite a way with poetry and literature.

Lucas D'yral

Age: 21 Years Old; December 21st

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Description: Lucas is the tall and lean type, leaning towards the herculean side. A mess of dark brown hair that stops above his eyebrows, and he usually gels to the side. Brilliantly bright blue eyes, resembling the sky on a summer's day. Flawless lightly sunkissed skin, with dimples on either sides of his cheeks. Thick lashes that fan his high cheeks, as well.

Persionality: Lucas is a very intelligent child, riding into Brickson University on a full scholarship. All top-classes, Lucas wishes to score all his master's degress and wishes to be into Criminal Behavior Anylist. However, he's still a fun, party-loving young adult. A very goofy and mischevious boy, Lucas likes to take risks and chances, as well as party hard.

Backstory/History: Lucas was born into a middle-class family, maybe a bit wealthy. He lived in a small quaint city in Georgia, giving him a light texas twang with some words. Being the eldest of his several other siblings, Lucas was sort of put up on a pedastool, being such the over-acheiver and all. Many college scouts came after Lucas, but he was seeking a college that would give the right amount of acedemics, as well as the experience. Once Brickson University suggested him to enroll, Lucas was sold. The campus was beautiful, as well as the classrooms. Now, with the money his parents are saving him, they've bought him a medium-sized town-house right by the school's campus. A few ares of land, so Lucas' animals have some place to roam.

Phone: iPhone 5s

Car: '14 Mustang (Grey Edition)

Amedaus, a reddish-brown stallion owned by Lucas. About 4 years old, and a very mischevious and rebellious horse, however he listens to Lucas' every command.

Dayrll,  male Harl Dane owned by Lucas. About 2 years old, very calm as well as playful and loving..

Sasha, a female Siberian Husky owned by Lucas. About 1 years old, and very very playful!


Crush: Not at the moment, but he's open.

Relationship: Nope.

Family: Eldest of Elijah and Rosana's children. Brother to Lucinda (Lucy), Erick, and Sebastian.

Extra: n/a

Poems / A Random Poem~ ElDorko
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:19:03 am »
Random Poem!

The street lights flicker out,
causing my heart to give out.

For what am I without you?
A restless autumn leaf scraping across the asphalt on a darkened street?

I guess we'll never know now,
because you had to go now.

The pain and suffering's gone now,
however I can still feel the heartache now.

An aftermath of some sorts,
haunting my frame of mind.

The pain chilling my core,
forming a behemoth sore.

The suffering is like the beating of an eagle's wings.
Constant, and continuous.. A loop of this everlasting anguish.

Like it must flap its wings, its anguish, to continue flying.
To somehow make me feel alive, for without it i'd fall from the dark night sky, into the oblivion below.

(Believe it or not, I just came up with this on the spot.~
Hope I haven't copied or rephrased any single lines, but it's quite late, and I'm not sure!
Just know that I haven't made this under the influence of anyone else's work, this is completely mine! )


Discussion Board / Re: Theme Songs
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:02:07 am »

Helena - My Chemical Romance

| { D a y r l l } |

Gender: Male

Species: Canis Lupis

Breed: Harl Dane

Age: 3 Years Old

Description: An behemoth frame, slender and skinny from malnutrition. Dayrll is a Harl Dane, being naturally thin and lean, tall as well as slender. However, he is beyond the healthy exterior, scars and an exposed ribcage. Despite the current famished state, Dayrll still keeps up with the average stray's about the remaining city. Large, upright ears, as well as a skinny long tail. Long nails, and sharp fangs as well. Light brown irises as well, the right one somewhat blind.

Personality: Dayrll is an intlligent, cunning, and clever brunjo. Using his natural skill and finesse, Dayrll will see that he gets his way, or at least get away with his somewhat sly behavior. Despite his cunning mannerisms, if he respects you, you'll be rewarded with a loyal protector and care-taker.

Family: Dante & Clarey

Background: Dayrll was taken under the wing of a Pitbull named Dante, and his mate Clarey. They've brought him up to the cunning and intelligent male he is today, and have taken care of him ever since. It's quite a bland, non-exciting backstory, however Dayrll will often modify it somewhat to entertain his audience.


{/ Amadeus \}

The stallion's hooves barely touched the dry earth,
sturdy limbs pacing themselves at a hearty gallop.
As Amadeus kept his speed reasonable for the mare's and other stallions behind him,
the stud would swivel his neck every so often to make sure they were keeping up.
A  gust of wind tugged at his flying black mane,
throwing it behind him like a blanket in the wind,
a whinnie of delight escaped Amadeus,
hooves creating a melodic tune across the dry, canyon-like terrain below him.
The rush of leading a group of horses was an amazing, winsome feeling,
creating a joyous and gay feeling within the stallion.
As they continued to race across the terrain, making their way to the fresh-water lake,
where they resided,
Amadeus would keep his hazelnut-hued eyes open for any possible signs of danger.

- | Cesar | -

A combination of black and white pigmented ears perked up as Llsa spoke to him,
then as his owner, Daryll whistled for him.
 Trotting up towards the front harness, Cesar being the single lead dog out of their team of five,
standing at the front with a leader's-pride.
A winsome smile was on Cesar's face, and he turned back towards the other dogs behind him, including Llsa.

"Let's just hope that our current low numbers have an advantage, which I pressume they will.
Good luck, and let's give it our all this practice."

Barked Cesar, his tail wagging casually,
awaiting the single word 'mush' from his owner before he would start charging through the fresh snow.[/font]


| / Amadeus \ |

Breed: Mustang

Age: 4 Years Old

Gender: Stallion

Physical Appearance: 14.2 Hands

Personality: Amadeus is an extremely feral horse,
growing up in the wild for all of his life.
Upon that fact, he's very unyeilding and quite impossible with humans,
very much the rebellious and stubborn type.
He isn't one to make friends easily,
however he can give a good laugh with his snide-remarks,
and his rebebllions against the humans.

History: Amadeus was born in the abundant forests of Texas,
giving him plenty of open free range to roam as a young'un.
Raised by his Pa, Gerardus, and his Mam, Rosalina.
Living as a young colt was fun, having many other herd-colt's,
and even some young foal's to play around with.
He grew up with a normal life, nothing out of the usual.
He now remains within her birth-herd, letting them lead him about in life.

Family(optional): Mother: Rosalina ~ Father: Gerardus

Tamable?(Is your character willing to be/will they eventually be tamed?) Yes

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