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Messages - .effervescence.

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Characters / Re: My characters!
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:58:07 am »
Iqaluit, Seriously? Please don't spam like that, and don't use that term here. It is not only offensive, but very disrespectful. It is quite rude that you have to spam that on someone's thread.
Hi Fireboss, um sorry not to be rude, but who are you talking to? No one is spamming? atleast, i dont see any. Im sorry if you think im being rude, i was just wondering. Please dont think im being offensive or rude. Im just wondering. ;) Best Regards!

Characters / Re: My characters!
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:52:47 am »
Oo Luv the characters. Very cool! I like the username too. Its the bomb!! ;)

Game Help / Re: I need help finding a wolf fur texture that works!!
« on: August 12, 2016, 02:29:24 am »
Thank You so much!!! :D This really helped!

Game Help / I need help finding a wolf fur texture that works!!
« on: August 12, 2016, 02:18:04 am »
Hello! I need some help finding a good wolf texture for my characters, i cant seem to find any. I found the 'Tearless Wolf Texture' went to the link for download, and couldnt download it. So i found another link that went to MediaFire to download, and put the files in my texture folder, opened FeralHeart, and it didnt work! D: If anyone has a good fur texture that works with the update, can you give me the link? Thank you!!! Blessed Be! :)

Thank You once again ;)

yes this is very helpful, since i keep on redownloading FeralHeart to set everythin' back to normal when ever i make a mistake cx So yeh, this is awesome that you have thought of this to put up. You're amazin' -adds floof- ;)

Site/Forum Help / Re: What just happened to people's signature.
« on: August 02, 2016, 02:15:11 am »
same thing happend to me. I wonder why Tinypic aint workin' taht's the only thing thta i understand. WHY FERALHEART WHY??!?!?!?!??! o3o

Introduction / Re: Hello c:
« on: August 01, 2016, 12:29:15 am »
Ah Welcome! I hope you have a great time on FeralHeart. Don't be afraid to message anyone if you have some questions :) I added a floof to ya for being new. Hope you enjoy FeralHeart (AKA FH :D and we have a great community on here. Hope you enjoy your time!)

This tutorial is very helpful ^^ God bless you! -Adds floof-

Site/Forum Help / Re: Not letting me log in
« on: July 17, 2016, 07:58:25 am »
Well, depends on how long you have been away from your account, like havent been on FeralHeart for a while. If you could tell me how long it's been since you have logged in, (like 2 years or 3) the server may remove your account, that i believe is probably what had happened, so you might need to wait awhile until registration is enabled because it is currently disabled. The server might of removed your account as i have said up there ^ if you havent been on FeralHeart, like lets say a month or two, you might have to look through your emails to see what email you used to do the activation for your account awhile back when you made it, then try to reset it as you have tried, but try again. Then once you got onto the login page on the site, make sure your username and password are EXACTLY how they were when you made the account a while ago. This exact think has happend to me once on my other account 'fiercestar3334' So anyways, You need to make sure that you username matches the original and the password too. There really is no need to reset your password unless your account got hacked. But other than that, i think it was just a mistake maybe in the spelling, capitalization, numbers ect. So next time you get logged in, save your password. It helps. Hope this helped you! ;D

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