Author Topic: Logan and his microvaves  (Read 1175 times)


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Logan and his microvaves
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:40:25 am »
I just herd about this now so if everybody knows well... sorry. I don't really have much to say so yeah. Watch the video.
     Boy's Microwaving Antics Start Fire That Kills His Mother
Oh! actually I do have something to say! Don't pick on the poor kid. It was obviously an accident. Yes he wasn't very careful and ya what he did was downright foolish, but it was an accident! IDK. it just kind of broke my heart to see this. poor kid. IDK. If anybody has more info or just wants to discuss it than post here.

                                                                                                                 p.s. tis my first actual post thing so if i did if                                                                               something wrong well... ima noob. kthanxbai.