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« on: March 22, 2014, 09:24:05 pm »

Welcome to the Headquarters!

Ever seen the film 'Cats and Dogs' and wanted a role-play on it? Or put yourself in the place as one of the characters? Even imagining yourself as a dog, ofcourse as a spy? Well nows your chance to re-live the life as a spy, but in a furrier body. Who needs the force when you've got these hidden, undercover spies that no one knows about but themselves.

In this role-play-if you haven't already guessed. You'll be taking on the role of a dog and even a cat, that helps stop crime or things from happening. Although the base is only for dogs 'Lou' the head beagle of the whole spy department for dogs-cats now agreeing and joining forces. But only few cats know about this and those are the only spy cats around. These dogs r and cats have a higher intelligence rating than others of their species and are able to read, write, speak, work with computers and even make gadgets. If you're a dog you're assigned a kennel in the yard of your home, but your humans don't know what's inside-with the push of a large red button on the back your bed flips and a computer comes up, you can communicate with those at base, see camera footage of other dogs locations and the ability to ride through the underground in a small capsuel like car that directs you straight to the base. Cats have large jungle gyms with scratch posts and 'box beds' where they also can do the same. Dogs and cats can go to kennels of a friends and travel with one another. Two fit into a car at each time. Every dog has a black collar with a blue, thick bone on which has their tag on, showing they are accepted into the team, a hidden device on the collar which allows you to talk at others at computers, to anothers collar and allowes others to see you surroundings-cat have the same but instead of a bone its a fish.

You'll be taking on the role of a cat or dog that is taking place in the spy industry, some may still be in training and be assigned to a more experienced dogs, some just getting into the force and others experienced. Lou, a black, tan and white beagle is the 'Top Dog' here and calls the shots, along with his accomplace 'Ranger' a large Bullmastiff who usually sets up meetings and everything else. Strange things begin to soon happen around the city, pets mysteriously going missing, burglarys and smugglers. Its our job to stop this, but it won't be easy and will be a slow prosejure, every time something is solved another problem happens.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 09:53:49 pm by Taylor »
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline sparticles

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« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2014, 09:37:51 pm »

1~Please ba realistic, I don't want anyone being invinsable and not being injured-it is obvious from time to time you may get injured if in a fight or something-if not you won't be injured. Pictures must also be realistic so no cartoon based pictures please. Also only accepting up to 5 cats, the rest must be dogs. Mild cussing and swearing is allowed.
2~No godmodding, powerplaying or autohitting. If I witness anyone doing this you will first be given a warning, a second time will be your last chance and if you do it a third time you're gone-i know this is harsh but unlike some role-plays I'll be generous and give you guys more than 1/2 chances.
3~No one liners, it doesn't really give others enough to reply to so please two lines at a minimum. If you do have writers block I will make an accception, but that cannot always be your excuse for having constant short posts. If needing help with being semi-literate to literate feel free to pm me or look on the 'Forum help' section this will tell you.
4~Now, if you're active great! But if not I would suggest you don't join this role-play. I live in Newcastle and often get on around 7/8 am-4:30-6:00 pm all depending on what I'm doing (maybe similar to US time I dunno). If you're going to be missing please inform me, after a day or two we will move on.
5~If you haven't seen or heard of 'Cats and Dogs' I suggest you check them out on Youtube and just watch a few clips. There is a first and second film out so I would look at both to see the kind of things they do. You may also apply to be one of the characters from the movie.
6~Have as many characters as you can handle but please have fun!

« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 09:52:15 pm by Taylor »
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline sparticles

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« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 09:50:40 pm »


Code: [Select]
[IMG]Characters image here[/IMG]
Name: Your characters name.
Age: How old your character is?
Gender: The gender of your character.
Breed: Your cat or dogs breed.
Crossed: If not pure, what are you crossed with?
Personality: What are your traits? What are you like?
History: A backstory of your character, optional.
Job Role: Spy, Council, Technician or anything else.
Years on Job: How long have you been working here?
Experience: Learner, Just accepted, some experience or experienced.
Extra: Anything extra?

So please guys if you've never heard of 'Cats and Dogs' please search on Wikipedia or Youtube about the film before joining the role-play, feel free to pm me and look out for updates. We only accepted around 5 cats. Anyways, I hope you guys have fun!

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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline sparticles

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« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2014, 10:40:19 pm »

Name: Reina
Age: 4 1/2 years old
Gender: Bitch
Breed: German Shepherd
Crossed: Noting
Personality: Reina is a hard working dog who always takes her job serious and approaches it with care, despite getting on in life along with her age Reina is still an energetic dog and can do tasks just as good as a younger dog-so she doesn't really count herself as 'old' and completes most task any young dog could do. Although, Ren is a stubborn dog who won't do something if she doesn't want to she does do well on the job and allows herself to be bossed around-which is rarely needed. Lou describes Reina as a 'Diva' and an 'Actress' hence her techniques to manipulate people and trick them into allowed her into the situation so she can complete her job. Despite being serious when on the job Reina is a very playful, loyal and friendly family pet.
History: Reina was born from a German Shepherd breeder who sold and bred thousands around the world. It didn't take Reina long to be snatched up by the Johnson family who wanted her as a companion to their other dog Baily, a beautiful Jack Russell Terrier. Jane the mother, Brian the father, Liam and Blake their two sons. Brian work as a 'scientist' type thing along with a part time police, the two boys do sports, Blake is a boxer and Liam does football, Jane does cooking and is a Vet. The family has owned both dogs since they were pups and surprisingly they're both the same age. Infact, Baily brought Reina into the spy business and that's where her career started.
Job Role: Spy
Years on Job: 3 years, but was in training when a pup.
Experience: Experienced
Extra: Someone may apply as Baily.

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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2014, 10:33:14 pm »

Now feel free to post!
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

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« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2014, 11:59:32 pm »

You may condenser his markings as semi realistic.  Is this ok?
Drawling by me.
Name: Rocket
Age: One year
Gender: Male
Breed: Cat
Crossed: DSH (Aka short haired mutt.)
Personality:  Rocket can have a hard time learning but he tries hard.  He is smart but he can be distracted.
History: Rocket was born as a wild cat but was taken in by a human at a early age.
Job Role: Trainie, not sure what he wants to be
Years on Job: First Year
Experience: Just started
Extra: Anything extra?

Name: Markus
Age: Three years
Gender: Male
Breed: Husky
Crossed: He may not be pure husky but it isn't clear what less he has.
Personality: I just made him so his personality will grow as the roleplay goes on.
Job Role: Spy
Years on Job: One year
Experience: Ummmmm....
Extra: Anything extra?
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
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Offline sparticles

  • Ancient Silver Mane
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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2014, 07:17:36 am »

You're accepted! I'll make an acception to the cartoon type picture...
One we get a few more members we can begin!
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline sparticles

  • Ancient Silver Mane
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« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2014, 07:01:55 am »
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline jazminj323

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« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2014, 12:24:03 am »
Reserve a cat position???

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Offline Vask

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« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2014, 01:05:45 am »

Name: Duke
Age: 5 yrs
Gender: Male
Breed: Belgian Malinois  
Crossed: None

Personality: Duke takes his job very seriously with no jokes about it. He is known in the Dog HQ for his loyalty to the team. He prefers to be alone with as little distraction as possible, wanting to get a job done and get it done right. Duke is incredibly brave and is willing to throw himself into the eyes of danger if it means protection for his people. He doesn't take a large liking to those who are silly and unprofessional, especially during work. Outside of his work life he is very quiet and reserved, and not much of playful. Duke has grown a hatred for those standing on two legs(humans). However, Duke might just be the dedicated hardworking dog this agency needed. Additionally, Duke can be described as active, incredibly alert, prepared, aggressive when needed, intimidating(just because he's so serious and very large in size), and protective.

History: Duke was raised by a Luis Aaker as a pup. Luis followed in his passed fathers footsteps and entered the US army, but refused to leave Duke alone. The General where Luis would be stationed allowed Luis to take Duke on one condition. Duke had to train to be an army dog. Luis's love and compassion for his canine companion was too strong to leave him behind, so he agreed to the General's proposition. Duke went along with Luis to Iraq, where they both trained to be top notch soldiers. Duke was one of the best army dogs the General has ever seen, and Luis saw a bright future for Duke. One day ,on Duke's 1st birthday, while they were out in a sandstorm trying to get back to camp, Duke found his eyes pelted with grains of the sand. Duke stumbled off without anyone's notice. Before he knew it, Duke looked around and saw his whole troop gone. His troop had carried on assuming Duke was right next to them, as he always was. Duke thought his troop left him for dead...on purpose. This made his love and trust for the humans diminish and fizzle out. He only had his mind set on survival at that moment. He found his way around back to civilization, and managed to smuggle himself back into the US. There he found himself an agency almost immediately. He grew a strong hatred for the humans, but dedicated the rest of his time to the agency. Living on the streets was just fine by him as long as he had a place to belong. 3 times Duke has been asked to join the Council in the agency, but all 3 times he has turned it down because he loves what his job is already.

Job Role: Spy

Years on Job: 4 Years

Experience: Experienced

Extra: Still has his military tags around his neck