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Topics - McKenzie

Pages: [1]
Stories / Is this good?
« on: March 01, 2012, 05:22:27 am »

Game Help / Glitches and Bugs?
« on: February 01, 2012, 02:10:41 am »
Alright so I realize a reason for shutting down FH for a week was to establish some new rules and such but I was almost positive they were going to fix the horrible problems the game had suddenly obtained. I know that ever since the update before or when the wings were added that my chat box and menu (and if its really bad my characters tail and water) will flash and disappear its very annoying but i put up with it because i thought they were working on fixing it. I get back to FH and it is still glitching... and  I know other people who are having this issue as well. Also the game would always shut down at least once a day and cut off rp's it was really annoying... I thought this was going to be fixed, but it isn't. Im starting to wonder what they really did for that whole week because im not seeing any difference. I understand it probably takes allot of hard work and they are working as fast as they can but truthfully i would have preferred it if they had taken another week and actually fixed these issues. I just was wondering if the people working on it know about the chat box glitch and what is going on with the game shutting down i thought that was done and over with... I'd really like to see these things fixed and im sure other people would to.

    Edit: I have also been loosing connection like every 10-20 minutes ever since FH was down for a week. I didn't have this problem before and would only loose connection when i lost my WiFi signal but I always check and im loosing connection but my internet connection is fine. Whats going on with this?

Game Help / Please help. Map/Server issues.
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:47:37 pm »
Alright so one of my private maps have stopped working for 3 days now. Every time you try to go on a character that's in there or bring another character in it says something like "Cannot connect to map server....blah blah blah" at first i thought it was just a problem with my computer or something and i tried re-downloading the map. That didn't work....then i learned that this has been happening to everyone in the pack that stays at the map....the map is accessible to no one. Of course all of our other maps are fine everyone can get into different maps and we started using a really old one just to talk.... but all of our characters are in the other  map that's down and we would really like it back. No one knows whats wrong with it and we really need it back i don't know if it has something to do with all these crashes that are happening but it was fine 4 days ago but then the next day it just didn't work. Is anyone having this problem with there maps? And does anyone know how to fix it or what might be wrong?

P.S my dates might be a little off it may have been off for 4 days and 5 days it was fine but its something around that time.... the point is it was fine and now its not working and we need it ... its our main map, -.-"

Game Help / Maps?
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:32:52 am »
OK so i have made a few maps before and they have all worked fine... i made this one map for a pack of mine and i wanted to make a winter version. I copied and pasted an image of my old Map terrain and made a new one out of it. I went to use it and every time FH shuts down as soon as i type in the file name. Does this have something to do with me copying and pasting the image to make a map. I no longer have access to the original map terrain so i don't know what to do. I use Gimp i have the newest version does anyone know what i should do to make this work or what the problem is...its not as complicated as some of my other terrains and takes up less space so i know thats not the problem. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

Site/Forum Help / Attachment Size?
« on: November 25, 2011, 10:30:47 pm »
Okay so I have been trying to request a preset and every time i go to post my reference it says the file is to big when I know its far under the maximum size. I have always had this problem but I never really needed to post a picture that badly but now I would really like to and its not working. Does anyone know why this is happening and what i can do to fix it? I have tried several pictures i know they are an allowed type and under the size limit but it wont post and always says its to big. :(

Game Help / Crash
« on: October 24, 2011, 12:09:24 am »
I was playing just a few minutes ago and i randomly got the loading page as if i had gone to a new map it said it couldn't connect to server and logged me out. I tried to log back in several times and its saying it cant connect to front server. I restarted and the same thing happened i couldn't log in because it couldn't connect. The game isn't down again right? And if its not whats wrong and what should i do? I have a good wifi connection and my internet is obviously working fine.

Game Help / Can't log in "Bad Token"!?
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:58:33 am »
So I uploaded the new patch and couldn't get on to my characters. I kept getting bad token which I used to get every once In a while but I was getting it repeatedly. So finally I tried logging on to one of my new characters that was still in bonfire. And it worked I needed help but wanted to rp on my other chars ASAP so I decided to go to flaurite to ask a mod ( I see most mods in flaurite) so I go into ficho tunnel and go to the flaurite plains portal step in and get.... "Bad Token". I then tried logging back on to that char about five times getting bad token each time. I have tried all my characters with and without groups all of them are now in flaurite and all don't work. I have a group that rps regularly and would like to get back to it soon before I miss allot or get kicked, There is obviously something wrong with the flaurite plains map, please help.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Feral Heart App?
« on: April 21, 2011, 01:28:17 am »
I think they should make an IPod app also even if it wasn't free I'd buy it would u guys?

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