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Topics - foreveryoung92

Pages: [1]
Site/Forum Help / PM's not going to the right person...
« on: October 30, 2011, 06:56:55 am » this has now happened to me with two different users.
It first occurred when I tried to send preset files to a member who had requested it.. their name here (they've changed it now) was Aura. When I would send a message, it went to some other member with the name aura. Same name, just lower case "A". This is incredibly annoying.
The second case of this just happened. Someone sent me a PM and when I directly clicked "reply" it send it to someone with the same name, just an upper case first letter. Why is this happening??
I know the site has issues and bugs just like any other, but this really should be fixed.
I've also received, what I assume to be reply messages, from users I have never spoken with discussing matters that are completely unknown to me. So that means I am not the only one having this problem.
So, MODS and site maker(s), how about fixing this please??  :(  I, along with the community, would be so greatfull if this made it higher on the priority list. ^_^

Game Help / More than 10?
« on: September 14, 2011, 10:43:47 pm »
Is it possible to have more than 10 presets/preset folders? I tried to put preset_11 folder in, but it didn't work. Are we even allowed to have more or do we just have to keep switching out presets if we exceed the amount?
I have been making presets lately like crazy (since I figured out how to finally!) but now I don't have enough folders for them all.
I searched the forums for an answer, but didn't find any. Will someone answer this for me? Thanks. ^_^

Presets & Markings / Sarah's Presets' Downloads -Updated-
« on: September 10, 2011, 07:27:14 pm »
Added Rouger's preset, which I made all by myself. ^_^ I have like....5 or 6 others that I've made from scratch also just because it's fun....might start taking commissions...maybe... But anywho..check out the newest edition!

Hey guys! These are my presets, available for your downloading pleasure so you can see me in-game! ^_^

ALL of these have been made for me by others EXCEPT Beau's, which I made last night all by myself. Judas's preset was originally made for free tweaking, and so I did so. ;D All credits go to the makers and if you would like to know who made what, check out my DeviantArt account:

SO...Now check em out!

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