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Messages - Etis

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Forum Games / You know you play FH when....
« on: April 30, 2012, 08:57:30 pm »
You know you play FH when.... a warrior cat says, "Dem fishes be crafty."
You know you play FH when.... you see someone post, "-rape face-" (As a joke) and you know EXACTLY WHAT EMOTE THEY ARE USING.
You know you play FH when.... you know and have had disscussions with ClosetFurry in general
You know you play FH when.... you know what a mate begger is and you hate them
You know you play FH when.... you know what a "couch" is and have been one
You know you play FH when.... you know to mostly avoid Bonfire Island
You know you play FH when.... you really hate climbing up Ascention
You know you play FH when.... you know what a sparkle-tard is.
You know you play FH when.... you found Atlantis and was like. "It's so barren!" -goes underwater- OMG! AWESOME!
You know you play FH when.... you have fallen off Stone Bridge many, many times
You know you play FH when.... you say "HI MOD!" everytime one talks
You know you play FH when.... almost every character has had their parents die in some way
You know you play FH when.... you have just goofed around on a map (private or public) rather than rping
You know you play FH when.... you have used F3 to enter someone's head/body
You know you play FH when.... you have used F3 to follow someone
You know you play FH when.... you hate mapless rps JUST because they say to meet up at the Cape Portal
You know you play FH when.... you know how to get into a tree without wings. ;D
You know you play FH when.... you play a deer JUST to be chased and eaten because you're bored
You know you play FH when.... you kill off characters because they got boring
You know you play FH when.... you make a bunch of random character JUST to see how many you can have
You know you play FH when.... you take screenshots randomly
You know you play FH when.... accidentally click somewhere while sitting/laying someplace and get angry because you were in the perfect postition
You know you play FH when.... you curse yourself for hitting the enter button in the middle of an rp post
You know you play FH when.... you can say, "Homestuck" and about half of the people online will start nerding out with you, and the other half will start saying Homestuck sucks
You know you play FH when.... you shake your head at Pokemon rpers in pity
You know you play FH when.... you purposely avoid people who try to rp as a canine/lion form
You know you play FH when.... you remember when Bonfire was the place you first logged into and how you were scarred from the things going on there. (Bonfire be CRAZY...)
You know you play FH when.... you know that half of the new people quit because of what they saw when they first logged into Bonfire
You know you play FH when.... you feel lonely in Lonely Cave
You know you play FH when.... you say hi to Red when he logs on

Game Help / Re: I can't see my friend
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:00:15 pm »
Lol, no. We were in Sky's Rim. And we are trying to meet up again, so hopefully it'll work.

Game Help / Re: I can't see my friend
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:43:19 pm »
My friend checked and he didn't block me either

Game Help / Re: I can't see my friend
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:33:15 pm »
Yeah, I didn't. I doubt he did. And I even re-installed my game, it didn't help.

Game Help / Re: I can't see my friend
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:24:51 pm »
I'm pretty sure I didn't. 0.0 I'll check, though

Game Help / I can't see my friend
« on: April 01, 2012, 06:59:00 pm »
Hi. Okay, so I'm on FH right now, and so is my friend. We are on each other's friends lists, and in the same group, but I cannot see him in game at all. Not in the group, not on my list, not his character. Can anyone help? I tried restarting my FH, but that didn't work. Please help!

Ummm yeah, but I don't have the adress to the forum. I think? I'm confused. I just need the download link.

Tearless, can you please PM me the download link? My Feral Heart revolted against me today, and I somehow lost all my maps. Please and thankies!

Pack: Second
Name: Fade
Age: 21 (Three in dog years)
Gender: Female
Breed: Greyhound/Lab
Personalitly: Cautious is a good word. Too much has happened to Fade to allow her of letting her guard down. She isn't sneaky but can trick you easily. Her mother named her Fade after how quickly she could disappear in the wreckage of Hunger City. She is proud and confident, but has nightmares of the horrible night her parents were taken away to the weird building on the outskirts of the city, the one with all the dog crates in the back. Fade can be a bit snooty and has a short temper. She's always willing to help and is very protective of those in her pack and those who are close to her. True, her pretty face has attracted many, but Fade doesn't want just anyone. And yes, she may look skinny, small, innocent and helpless but Fade has killed before and she is not afraid to again.
Strengths: Knows the city well, can disappear fast. Good fighter. Great at finding food. Good hearing, good sense of smell. Can tell lies easily. Not afraid to kill. Can look innocent.
Weaknesses: Too protective. Not fast. Not trusting. Small. Short temper. Still haunted by her past.
Anything Else: You can usually find Fade on top of a skyscraper or hiding in an alley. She enjoys going to the burbs, occasionally, to get away from the city. She never goes near the swamps or the lab.

I'm already in, not applying, just posting Fade up so everyone can see and cuz I couldn't fit everything as a in-game bio. .-. ::)

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