Author Topic: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)  (Read 15590 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2014, 11:52:37 pm »

Ares was about to cause a wildfire. Athanasia sat up in her seat, rotated her shoulders, and kept a protective eye over Loxius' being for his own sake if the deity were to try to harass him physically. Every exchange the two had certainly ended in a collision of warfare that she was definitely not willing to cater to and serve as a negotiator as both were fully aware of how to tick off the other. 'Ah goodness, Ares is going to mention me-- And he does,' a thought strained her mind as her shoulders weighed down in discomfort at bringing brought into a conversation that she wasn't needed to be a part of. As a slight compliment was given, blue eyes wavered over to Loxius that sneered as if wanting to gain approval or support on her behalf. Simply, she tilted her head in such an innocent fashion that only seemingly questioned his own right or more so, privilege to be seeking out this gain of assistance.

The deity instructed was needed to be done and it seemed the man across the table with the book was just as ready to ope his mouth. A very casual but threatening glance was given to him with a sternness of an oak but the softness of a lamb. "Lord Ares, we shall seek to you once the portal is fixed." Ares, still with a flaring red about his face, nodded solemnly and grumbled a word of disrespect towards the Guardians.

[I can't post any further as it'll be pushing my limit of not having Fanta post w/ her character c: ]]
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 12:35:25 am by SoaringAway »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2014, 12:15:09 am »

Loxius straightened his back as Ares interrupted his gaze at Anathasia, narrowing his eyes at his father. "I expect as much.", Ares growled Anathasia's way. Loxius allowed a low chuckle to escape him as he glanced down to his lap. Ares, suddenly drawn in by his son's humorous tone, furrowed a redenned brow at him, "Something you care to share?" Loxius leaned back in his seat, picking his book back up to flip it open. "I'd love to if I believed you could comprehend my words.", he replied, beginning to read his words once more. With a sudden rush of rage, Ares reached across the table, snatching the book from Loxius's hands. "You will learn to respect me!" Loxius, obviously struggling to remain calm, rested his forehead in his palm, exasperation overcoming him. Ares growled to himself, he expected a reply, and he would get one, one way or another. "Your mother is disgraced by you.", he spat. Loxius shot up from his seat, his chair sliding swiftly into the wall behind him as he  leaned over the table, meeting his father's gaze. "You leave my mother out of this, you ignorant swine.", Loxius hissed.


The soothing coo of her familiar voice pulled both of them to a silence. Loxius gazed to the doorway as the wise, sweet woman strolled in. Her long, ebony waves fell past her shoulders, her bright blue optics gazing between them. "Selene.", Ares muttered, pushing off of the table. "Mother.", Loxius stated, straightening his back. "The matter has been settled. They agreed to return once the portal is fixed. Let us part for now and allow the air to settle.", Selene informed, her gentle voice like a lullaby. Ares may have been a powerful god, but Selene was no one to question. Though he lacked care for his son, he did love the goddess. With that, Ares pushed from the group, stomping with a grunt out of the room. "Rest now, you all need it.", Selene stated, turning her gaze to Anathasia, "Do make sure everyone gets to their chambers before sun fall."

"Mother, you come here. Why?", Loxius muttered. Selene's pale hand reached up to graze the guardian's cheeck, "You are my son, Loxius. Never forget that. Now, get some rest., she placed his books back into his hands before waving him towards the door. Loxius bowed gently to her, before making his way out of the room. His mind raced with emotions, and he had one destination in mind. The library. It's vast aisles of oils and books calmed him, and he had no intentions of returning to his chambers anytime soon. Even if sunfall was soon. He never was one to listen.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2014, 09:08:01 am »

      As expected,the meeting turned out to be nothing but chaos as Ares focused his attention strictly on Loxius,showing his son the dissapointment he feels for him.Despite this,Loxius didn't end his passive attitude,in fact he allowed a chuckle,loud enough for the mighty god of war's sharp ears to hear.Truth be told,Calithea felt sorry for her fellow Guardian,and could only worry about the fact that he might have crossed the line.Ares's anger was at its limit,it seemed.Only the greatest of the farseers,such as Uranus,could tell what would have Ares done at this rate if Loxius wasn't his son.
         The tension between the two was,luckily,short, as it ended when Selene made her appearance in the council room.This was a sign that the meeting came to an end,and the deities could leave for their chambers and finally have rest.However,Calithea had one more thing to do,and that was given from Ares,to make sure Abaddon would finish the portal as quickly as possible so they can be given a new mission.The Guardian headed down the large yet empty halls,towards the chamber where the portal was.Everything was silent,except for the sound of her footsteps and the crackling fire,coming from the torches hanged to the walls.Having reached her destination,,Calithea peered inside the room where Abaddon was working restlessly.He didn't notice her presence,succumbed in his work."Abaddon."Calithea called to him,standing in the entrance.This gained the diety's attention."Why  hello,has the meeting ended already?"he asked,wiping the sweat of his forehead with a towel."Anything interesting happened?"Calithea's lips curved into a smile."No,not really,be glad you did not have to attend it."She looked back in the hallway,making sure that Ares wasn't around to say that she was keeping Abaddon from getting his duty done."To be short,our leader wants you to finish the portal as quickly as possible,preferably by tomorrow.You know how impatient he is.the Guardian spoke."I'll try my best."he replied as he got back to work.After giving one last look towards the unfinished portal,Calithea parted towards the chambers.

sorry if i'm causing a slow progress to this RP,i guess it is because of the timezone.when you are awake and continue,i am probably sleeping and vice versa.Not sure how to deal with this though. :) ))
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 09:11:14 am by Fantasyna »


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2014, 12:01:01 pm »
(It's quite fine hun! I completely understand. I'm going to allow a post ahead limit of two posts per person. You aren't slowing as.c: )
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2014, 10:41:52 pm »
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2014, 06:37:51 pm »

? Faethiel ?

"I prefer to walk alone. Always have, always will."

Child of; Artemis and Hermes

Age; 21

Gender; Female

History; Born merely due to a drunken night between the two unlikely gods, Faethiel was born inheriting her mother's great  dominance of the bow as well as the light footed stealth skills from her father. Artemis refused to accept she was her child, though still kept a watchful eye over her out of pity. A few slip ups have occured in the past, causing Fathiel to have stayed hidden at many different residences, including among the city to hide her away from zeus when he was keenly suspicious. She favors Hermes over her mother due to the face that she can be strict and hard headed while raising her and is currently in his care for the time being.

- Silver-tongued
- Stubborn
- Wittingly sarcastic
- Has a dark sense of humor
-  Extremely prideful
-  A wonderful liar

Weapon of choice;
Weapon Appearance
Celtic Bow and Arrow. Crafted to be light and versatile. Because of its delicate plant inspired design, it had been given the name Nocte Flore [Latin for Night Bloom].

Companion; None

Description; Above

Armor Appearance

Her armor set is mainly consisted of thick tanned leather. For a headpiece, there is a  dark grey decorative cowl  with a half face mask. A short side cape drapes off one of her shoulders while the other is reinforced with a large silver paudron molded to appear as a wolf head. She wears light metal reinforced gauntlets, chain body, chaps and boots said to be as dark as midnight itself. A quiver is strapped to her back holding specially made arrows  made by herself.

Other; None

Morgiana Kenway

Age; 21

Gender; Female

History; N/A (I'll fill it out later when I think of something.)

- Bitterly sarcastic
- Sensitive
- Secluded
- Partly Mischievous

Description; Above

Current status;
She is currently enrolled in college at the moment.

Quirks&habits; She is an avid reader and writer, loving do daydream. She also has a tendency to leave playful remarks in response to other people.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 04:07:13 am by Arkanis Void »


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2014, 09:21:00 pm »
(Accepted! You may jump in, currently they are leaving the council room and parting for the day.)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2014, 10:56:56 pm »

? Faethiel ?

     The young woman departed the scene as the rest were dismissed. She had witnessed the events in the council, though had not voiced her opinion. Why would she? She was the offspring of two lesser deities. Had she interfere with the business of a stronger god, let alone the god of war himself, she had the feeling that she would end up with more than a few scratches. Besides, it wasn't her business. "I suppose I'm a bit grateful that I don't have the horror of being related to him," She shrugged feeling a bit at ease from that. Her steps were naturally light and with haste. Though before she could proceed any further, an stern arm gripped her forearm, pulling her aside suddenly to where the two couldn't be seen. It took her by surprise when she saw her father and he looked around cautiously before asking, "Nothing too serious happened in there, did it?" Faethiel gave an innocent shrug, "I suppose not," she paused before murmuring, "Just Ares's hotheadedness" He shrugged, "I expected as much knowing him." He smirked a bit though shook his head, "Just try to be careful dear. I've heard some awful rumors lately. And remember, if you hear anything, tell me." Faethiel nodded to him smiling lightly before watching him disappear. As he left, she felt something in her pocket now, though didn't bother to try and feel it.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 04:06:29 am by Arkanis Void »


Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2014, 11:51:49 pm »

The sudden appearance of the moon came to their conference. Well, the personification of the celestial body being or the celestial being, Selene.  The men of war blood simmered down and were gazing to her, as to all that were present. Even Athanasia couldn't help but watch over the deity's appearance but in an a shade of envy but in a shade of appeal to not be like her but the worth of being in her company. Now, that was a goal she strided for as the deities of Mt. Olympus have on the rare occasion awarded their children with official claims and titles as when two gods breed, another smaller god is made. The case of this secret society was one she would never quite understand.

With the silvery eyes of the deity gazing upon her, the council member seated up accordingly and abided to her command, "At once, my lady." Several members of the society roused up from their seats, two of them that were in a usual flicker of bickering hushed down and seemed to be obedient at once at the lady's command. With such a command, the group disparaged but blue eyes wagered over to see her friend speaking towards his mother. Though, that was went a shade of envy came to her face. When was the last Hestia came to her for conversation? When was it? Never, really. At least she was more in a participating fashion than her father, Erebos.

Closing the doors behind them, the echoes rung down the corridor that left one of the eldest Guardians in the silence. This only meant there was availability on traveling through the land or investigating the Observation deck that allowed them to view into Mount Olympus and on the rare occasion, the other realm that remained untouched. With long strides going and her shimmering teal dress and white trailing behind,  the guardian of polar ends left the area.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2014, 12:43:39 am »

The sun seemed to grey at the presence of Selene, but only once the day had truly ended did the sun fall and the moon shine down upon Mt. Olympus. The halls of the underground encampment soon grew empty, though word of the past council meeting left those that were apart from the group in hushed tones. Ares was angered and even that was an understatement. Word of Selene's appearance soon spread followed by Loxius's outburst. The Guardian hadn't been seen since the closing of the meeting, leaving those bewildered. It wasn't rare for Loxius to remain solitary, he preferred to be alone. But even this amount of time was odd for the god. Usually spotted in the hall or llibrary aisles, his absence drew a confused tone from those who whispered.

Selene was rumored to have spotted him in his chambers, but no one was quite sure as no one was brave enough to dare enter his chambers. Upon Selene's request, several guardians politely denied to enter his chambers and check upon him. In reality, the boy was fine. His showered hair had dried in a casual manner as he gave up on slicking it back for the remainder of the day. His muddled mind kept him to busy to place another shirt upon his torso, so he sat upon the edge of his bed, his black slacks, the only clothing he wore. His chambers were an array of black and burgundy, matching his armor and hair. Tapestries of silver and black hung about as burgundy and gold lined his room. Books lay about, as he stayed silent upon his neat bed. The portal would soon be fixed, and he was well aware his father had plans for them, but of what he wasn't sure. His crystalline optics rested upon a copy of Shakespeare, his favorite. Of course, but that it mattered. He had little when it came to relationships of any kind. His silver-tongue and chaotic ways led to much hatred, when he wasn't reading of course. Anathasia was his one true companion at the moment, apart from his mother, who remained the most important thing to him, Anathasia a close second.

Faethiel wasn't a depressing being neither. In many ways they were similar. Both mischievous, both sneaky. Though he was sure she was far more of a physical fighter than he was, preferring intellect to brute strength. Both had fathers must disliked. He found the girl to be fascinating, but at the moment, he was busy. Pushing from the bed, Loxius strolled towards his dresser, sslipping out a shadowed item. He eyed it in fascination and powerful amusement. The one item he craved to possess more than anything at the moment. It's golden slides opened, as it expanded into full stature, his large hands adjusting to hold it. A large, golden spear, its serrated tip sporting a red, magical glow. It was no ordinary spear. This, was Ares's spear.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.