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« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2013, 10:30:36 pm »
Guilt nodded as she narrowed her optics towards Bosco scanning her surroundings and seeing a very tall jump post for humans in gymnastics, she then ran towards it 50mph as wind gusted by Brandi and Madi, Madi rolled her eyes towards Guilt, as she saw he was going to do something they didn't practice fully mor master, Madi quickly got off the swing and screamed "GUILT NO!" Before Guilt could realize Madi calling her she launched at the pole latching onto it with her canine teeth and fidgeting in the air maw still latched on Madi then screamed "STAY HERE!!!" Towards Brandi panicked, Brnadi also panicked tried to throw dog toys hoping Guilt would stop, Guilt kept her maw latched on the pole, Nadi panicked rubbed at 16mph back with a criminal dummy between her arm, Scanning to see how far Guilt would physically fly off the pole when she ordered her to attack, placing it down she whistled and pointed towards the dummy and said "Attack it!" Guilt at the right moment let go but landing on her left paw not landing perfectly and yiping, Madi then said "Guilt!!!!" Brandi ran per towards Guilt he then grabbed his keys and unlocked his car and then said "Get her in my car!" Madi picked Guilt up as she was whining Madi panicked saying "Your gonna be alright Guilt your gonna be alright!" Tears dropped onto Guilt's Bodyim, as Madi quickly placed Guilt in the back, and ran to the second front seat, Brandi then turned on the engine trying to get it up he then muttered "Stupid car work...!" Suddenly the engine came on as Brandi buttered it towards the "Vet's Office." Madi then walked back to the dog park as Brandi waited with Guilt, Madi looked towards the dogs that Guilt was with she then kneeled onto her shins giving them Dog Biscuits, Her head looked towards the solid grassy ground a single tear dropped as she patted the dogs and got up sitting at the bench crying.

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« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2013, 10:53:17 pm »
     The blue eyed canine's optics narrowed. "Guilt!" She shouted as she saw the scene.

     She stayed beside her elder sister until Madi picked her up.
     While they were gone, she paced like a caged animal... When Madi offered her a treat, she didn't take it. She put her paw on Madi's hand as a form of reassurance, but she wanted to know if she was going to be alright. Her paw was large, about the size of the palm of the human's hand.   
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�

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« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2013, 11:08:27 pm »

Qiko licked her muzzle as she stared at the line of trees, wondering what it would be like to slip away into the forest. She glanced back the the trainer, whom she couldn't ever remember his name. Her gaze shifted back to the strange itchy tendril around her neck. Shifting uncomfortably, she raised one hind leg and scratched at the tendril, hoping to loosen it. But it stayed on, no matter how much she pawed at it.

Sighing, she glared at the trainer, her tail curling around her hindquarters. The male human was busy staring down at an unknown object, which light came out of it. Unsure of what he was doing, Qiko let out a whine and placed her paw on the human's leg. But the trainer ignored her and pushed her paw off of his leg and muttered something in his own language.

Growling with frustration, Qiko let out a bark and poked the male's leg again with his muzzle, letting out another bark. Her tail thumped against the bark of the seating as she let out another whimper. Satisfaction lit through her as the human finally noticed her, and patted her head. He then moved to release the tendril around her neck.

Shaking her pelt, Qiko leaped down from the bark and began to pad towards near the edge of the clearing. Her nostrils flared as she scented other dogs, and her paws tingled as she also smelled wolves. But she avoided them, wondering if they would accept her or not. She was pretty new here; and most of the wolves probably wouldn't know her.

As she sat back on her haunches, she noticed several dogs clumped together. A larger dog snarled something at the rest of them, but another black wolf stepped in front of the larger dog, who Qiko recognized as Bosco. Her neck fur bristled as she recalled the troublesome maker as a bully. Qiko pricked her ears as she tried to catch some of the words the black wolf said.

"...dumb to realize that Guilt isn't interested, so you might--"

The voice of the black wolf was drowned out by a loud rumbling noise, and Qiko whipped her head around to see that a human was heaving a strange looking wall with some others. When Qiko focused her attention back on the group, she saw that they were already breaking up.

Knowing that there was no point in just sitting here, Qiko decided to introduce herself to the others. They seemed friendly enough, except for Bosco. As she trotted up towards the group, she let out a friendly bark.

"Hello, there." She greeted, dipping her head politely. "I'm new here and--"

Before she could finished her sentence, a loud shrieking noise filled her ears as Qiko glanced around, bewildered. When she finally realized that the noise had come from Madi, she noticed that Madi was carryign Guilt into a small weird-looking object. Suddenly, the object roared to life and sped off, leaving a cloud of smoke in the air.

Qiko gazed at the fading creature and turned to the rest of the group. "What was that? And what happened?" She asked, a little curious and scared.

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« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2013, 11:24:11 pm »
      The ebony fae blinked. "She was attempting a move that she hadn't mastered yet, and she got hurt..." She said quietly, ears perking to the sound of Qiko's voice. She cleared her throat and sighed. "My name is Aoi, I'm a bounty hunter, and partner of the Dragon Dog." She tossed her head towards the biker ex-yakuza approaching the park.
      The Japanese man sat beside Madi at a fair distance. "I saw what happened..." He said, lighting an apple wood scented cigar. "Is she going to be alright?"
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�


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« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2013, 12:39:25 am »
Madi then said "I don't know, It's my fault she got hurt!" More tears were shed as Madi heard a firing roar of a engine a puff of smoke and a blazing orange light, she then said "I will be right back." Running towards the commotion Brandi then said "Guilt she is okay! She just twisted a paw so she has to use a dog wheel chair and cast." Madi nodded as she reached him and hugged him grabbing Guilt in her hands, and running back towards the park with the miniature wheel chair squeezed e tween her tannish arm. Running towards her csr and past Aoi, Guilt was ok but whining, she put the wheel chair down and hitched Guilt to it, as Guilt quickly limped towards Aoi 1mph still having a bit speed.

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« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2013, 12:52:02 am »
Name: Korai is her name.

Gender: She is a female.

Age: She is rather young- but not a pup.

Breed: A mistake- a untrusted mix. She has the blood of a pure wolf, mixed with the blood of a great dane. She is powerful and deadly- and the ones who had bred her must have been crazy. There is even a hint of borzoi and greyhound somewhere mixed in, she is just a pure out mutt. She doesn't enjoy being a mix, but she knows that she has to deal with it-its not as if she could change it.

Owner if one: She has been taken by a police officer recently, and isn't happy right now, she used to be somewhat of a loner and a burglar before she had grew to lover her owner, Zaroya. She is a girl with dyed red hair with the teenest bit of freckles, Korai loves her to bits. Zaroya had recently been in a different office- but has been transferred to the one the role-play takes place in now.

History: As a young pup she had grown up into the wild, her mother having escaped her breeders the night she had been born. The mother had to sadly make a choice to which pup she would keep as she could only carry one, and she had chosen Korai. She had barely escaped, and after some thinking from the sad mother- she attempted to go back and rescue the rest, she had only managed to bring home an injured female. She had named the female 'Miracle', and Korai and Miracle instantly bonded and became close as they grew up together. The two loved to play with each other and cause havoc among the smaller creatures- and they enjoyed each other's company. As they continued to grow, their mother had become more and more protective- and they didn't know the reason until the raid of police men invaded their home. The two had tried to escape, their mother fending the police off- but as Korai ran, she had been snatched up by a female officer. She had squealed and wiggled violently, and even tried to fight back- but as her family escaped Korai had been taken. They tamed her just barely, Zaroya having been the only one who could really get through to her. Korai had missed her old life very much- but she knows she would never get it back now- she was with man. Even as she grows and trains to be a police dog- there's still that rebellious attitude deep within her, and she knows that if she ever got the chance, she'd try to return to her home in the forest, full of birds and fun things to chase.

Job: A police dog.

Height: She is very tall, having been a great dane, and is about 39.7 inches tall. She however is very slender and is a bit skinny, but she has an average weight and a good amount of muscle on her.

Other: Korai wears a blue bandana around her neck.

Ref pic:


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« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2013, 01:10:35 am »
((Accepted!! You cloud start ^^))

Guilt then sat by her sister a little limp unsure of the machine she was attached to.

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« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2013, 01:40:43 am »
Name: Hextic ((Nickname hectic.))
Gender: Fae
Age: 2
Breed: She's 100% wolf
Owner if one: nope...everyone who has owned her mysteriously vanish...
History: She actually has Amnesia so she can't remember
Job(like a police): no job since no one cares for her.
Other: nothing much.
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« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2013, 03:57:18 am »
     She blinked. "Are you ok...?" She asked quietly.
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« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2013, 04:13:00 am »

"I see you are bringing in your prized dog." Those were the words that Zar heard as she walked through the doors- her precious large dog beside her, who gave a small bark at the man in front of them. "I'd never dream of giving away ol' Korai here, she sure is a great dog when she's on the job." The police man just laughed, and the two humans had a conversation for a bit while Korai looked around the office. Her tail wagged behind her, and her nose was poking everywhere curiously, and now that she was in a new place, she could also smell new dogs. The mix gave a small bark, head turning to her owner who waved at her- giving a sweet smile and the signal to 'wait.' Korai grumbled and whined impatiently- but slumped on the floor as she waited for her owner to do whatever she did with that other dog of hers. After a few minutes, Korai felt the comforting feeling of a palm on her head- and she leaned into the feeling before getting up and following after her master who was walking into another door. Korai ran after her quickly- her mixed sighthound blood aiding her in speeding up quickly to her master, and she quickly stood next to her owner, trotting up next to her happily. After a few more doors and a couple more minutes of walking, Korai turned her head to look at her owner who had looked down at her dog. She didn't bother crouching- as the tall dog didn't need it- and instead gave her a rub on the head and a kiss on her wet nose. Korai licked her fingers and her face- and watched as her owner walked out the door. Korai didn't question- as she was often left alone during her time in the other office. The trained police dog trotted around- smelling for dogs, head tilting this way and that as she curiously sniffed around.

((Someone find and meet Korai!)