Author Topic: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)  (Read 13234 times)

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2014, 01:48:21 am »

[[I'm sorry maddie but you will have to edit your post. I doubt the dogs can chew through a chain whether it be a leader or collar - maybe I'm wrong and they could but, it would take a while to be able to do so. Also, it's to early on in the role-play to be planning any escapes and I believe you spoke for another's character? that is counted as power playing and certainly is 'not' allowed. So could you please edit your post? It isn't until much later on in the role-play when I will be announcing that whoever want's may escape but this is also realistic, so no eating though a chain or anything please. Sorry if I seem a little harsh but that's the rule's and I'm not planning on anything major for the plot so far]]
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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #41 on: August 22, 2014, 02:57:31 am »
Ok I will modify my post and the character I was 'contolling' wasn't really an actually person. It was someone I made up just to be my guarding partner for just a short while.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 03:00:55 am by maddie »

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2014, 11:25:26 pm »


"Give me scars, give me pain. then they'll say to me, say to me, say to me; There goes a fighter!"

It had been many hours since Sienna had even stepped paw back in the barn, the humans had kept her outside for many hours and in the time being a lot had happened around the ranch. Many new dogs had came, several fights had happened and dogs had been transported to a different barn - however through all of this they had seemed to forget about the 'devil' whom they still had taking care of guarding duty. From where she was nothing had really happened, a few rabbits or coyotes had wondered past but hadn't seemed interested in entering the property today, well that was after she made a savage attack on a trespassing rabbit, but after everything was quite calm. Obviously apart from what was happening back at the barn.

The sound of faint foot steps caused the Pit Bull to turn her broad head, reddish eyes locking into a fairly normal sized bloke who seemed to be heading towards her with a leash and nuzzle hanging from his grasp "You have got to be kidding me, am I really that bad?" she spoke with a growl which was soon followed by a ghostly grin. Watching as the being drew closer Sienna allowed a crazed look to take over her face as she cocked her head to the left, her tail wagging as she slowly approached the man - for now she wasn't looking to cause trouble she was just happy her damn shift was over. When approaching the human she looked up, a stern look across his face as he shoved open the metal gate and squeezed through the small gap - growling she backed up a little. Quickly the man managed the place the chain around her collar but decided no muzzle was needed for now.

Once the gate was open and she glared down the rough path her face lit up, this was like freedom to her. Despite the daily walks which were short even being out now was like freedom. Thin tail wagging the small devil began to tug violently on the leash, remaining in front of the being as she pulled him down the path - his struggles were obviously and didn't seem to be doing much however, he did manage to prevent her from making him loosen his grip which was a start. Paws scraping across the pebbels Sienna continued to drag the young looking lad down the long path and back towards the barn where she would have a short amount of time to rest, but at least it was something.

Hurrying into the barn Sien allowed the man to throw her in a stall, but this time she put up more of a struggle - besides, she wasn't letting him off that easy. Turning, she lashed out at the human and began letting out vicious growls and violently snapped at the tanned mans hand which caused him to let out a bellowing cry "You damn mutt! You sure changed your tune!" he growled as he stormed away. Chuckling Sien shook her head as she turned around and headed toward the metal bowl, leaning down she allowed her tongue to slide out of her mouth and into the cooking liquid which helped her to refresh herself - returning to the front of her stall she leapt onto the bale of hay once again and looked out at her surroundings.

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"

As the large male was lead across the yard he could hear the grunts and growls coming from the young male who remained behind him, shaking his head he let out a sigh. It was obvious this dog hadn't had much training and that would be less of a challenge in the ring, but he didn't care - if a male dog was involved Tatum couldn't help himself, he would just attack, not be able to stop and sometimes the scenes were unbareable and death was even caused now and then. He was known for being one of the most vicious fighters in the US and he would sure prove it to these idiots today, but they would probably give him a new fighting name also, a fresh start you could say. Which was probably good for him, being well known but a fresh career.

Giving his head a shake Tatum glared forwards towards the wooden pit that had been set up for the two fighters, it was large and seemed to have another cage around it so the handlers could gather and if need be split up the fight. This scene was all to familiar to him, but it was something he enjoyed, sure he was pushed to do it but the pressure had taken a toll on him. If given the chance he could maybe be a lovely dog, but he was never given the chance. Being larger than most Pit Bulls is weight, muscle and height he was a good target for those wanting a successful fighting dog, and that's the road he had went down. But being a successful and money making fighter he was sure to be treat like luxary co.pared to others here. However, the training would be tough without a doubt.

A smirk grew across the brutes face as the scent of blood wafted into his snout causing a grin to appear across his face and his tail to wag in anticipation. Looking behind him he watched the over cocky youngster give him a look yo say 'you're going down' but, being the confident fighter he was Tatum was sure this wasn't going to happen. Grinning at the brindle dog and shaking his head with a cackle the rhino like canine was lead into the caged area and was told to leap into the ring - of course being to heavy to lift, even though he was hard work Tatum would listen to his handler. Placing his large paws on the wooden frame he leapt in. Suddenly the sign of old smeared blood could be ween around the sides of the pen along with old bits of fur stuck in it, this made him even more eager to start.

Feeling the chain leash and collar being unclipped Tatum looked back at the muscular male from earlier who was holding the Put back, grinning he turned his attention onto his opponent. Like earlier he glared at the younger dog with narrowed eyes, hackles raised and muscles tenses, a crazed growl escaped his maw as saliva dripped onto the ground beneath them - if he wanted to Tatum could send this man tumbling and attack this dog, but he waited for the command that was it was a fair fight. The young male didn't seem at all nervous and this made things even more interesting to him, but Tatum was ready and looking to kill. "Release the dogs! " a raspy voice called.

With that command the two humans nodded and released their grips on the dogs, now pushing themselves to the sides of the pit they watched the dogs. The two dogs hurled themselves towards one another, paws thudding the group d as they slammed chest first into one another, mouths open and paws up as they began to violently swipe a paw and latch onto one another. Because of the impact and severe amount of biting the two dogs now had small patches of blood on them. But the fight progressed and got a whole lot worse. Despite receiving a cut across his rump Tatum managed to grab the side of the males neck and slam him to the ground, sharp teeth piercing his skin as the 'rhino' began thrashing his head back and forth causing the dog to yelp, moving from his neck Tatum was now ripping into the males side - it was like a blood bath. Despite the males efforts of trying to claw and snap at the large dog it didn't work which resulted in the brindle canine yelping and begging for help. It was only a matter of time before this fight would end the hard way.

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