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Messages - Xava

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10

Characters name: Madara

Forum/In-game Username: Xava

Rank being requested: Soldier

Age: 3 Years

Personality: Madara is hot-tempered, but easily calmed. She loves small kits and cubs, the main reason within her wanting to become a soldier; to protect the young ones.
She has no mate, and quite frankly, she couldn't care less about obtaining one. Her eyes are blue, a mutation if you will. She usually doesn't make eye-contact because she's ashamed of them.

Roleplay sample: The pain was blissful, burning, tearing into her flesh. She embraced it calmly, allowing the dancing flames to devour her soul. She awoke mere seconds later, dragging in a large, ragged breath as the hot air burned her lungs. Shifting, she stood and shook the small embers from her small tuft of a mane, as she padded towards the hot, steamy center of what she called home.

Timezone: EST

Time for the eyes and coats~!

And here we have the pelt and underfur colors. Variant shades of each of these colors are allowed for either the pelt and/or underfur. ^~^

Last but not least, the eyes. Now, Green, bright red, blue, and purple are very, very rare. The other colors, feel free to use them as you wish. But, please, ask permission before creating a character with one of the rarer eye colors.

Forum Games / Re: The Last Post Wins!
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:55:35 pm »
Duck, duck..
Moose~! :3

Screenshots / Re: Poemized Pictures. ~Tasha~
« on: March 25, 2011, 08:00:42 pm »
No sad dots. *smacks you upside the head with a fish*


Screenshots / Re: Poemized Pictures. ~Tasha~
« on: March 25, 2011, 07:58:43 pm »
^~^ Hnn~~ Moon and Staaaar.
<3 Did a good joooobuhhh~

Presets & Markings / Re: IT Markings Set
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:34:33 pm »
I just downloaded everything, including the Featherwings, and they don't appear in-game for me, as well as my friend, but everything else does.

Not sure about everyone else though, just thought I'd post to give you a heads-up about it.


^_^ I'll reapply ASAP. I'm about to leave for school~


Name;  Kuma
Username;  Xava
Rank; Assailant/Huntress
Gender;  Female
Activity;  :3 I can go in-game pretty much whenever needed, and I check the forums very regularly~

A little note, I made Kuma before I was told about this pride/clan, so if you don't want her having blue eyes, please tell me and I'll change them.

If I can figure out how to test my presets to make sure they're looking how I want them to look, I will make more.

But, I'm retarded and can't figure it out now. <x<
My preset files are where they should be, I'm fairly sure. They were working just fine before the game was open. Dx

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: February 26, 2011, 01:46:41 am »
Been seein' you around a lot. :3

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