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Messages - HeroOfCanton

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Praise / Re: Praise to HeroOfCanton
« on: April 16, 2011, 07:15:10 pm »
AND my hair smells like Peppermint.

I reek of amazingness! XD

Patience. Deino has a ton of RL stuff to do. Running your own group takes alot of work. Honestly I don't know hoe Deino even manages to do it as well as she does. Cut her some slack.

As said before REAL prey can't be added into the map AT ALL because Feral Heart doesn't having the capabilities for that.

First off; Don't double post.

Secondly; No. Choose a rank and stick with it... most packs/clans/etc are like that.
My fox Coven is like that too.

I don't know if hunting is going to be added into Feral Heart. Kovu said no originally but then he decided to consider it. So your guess is as good as mine.

And everything is rp based...

You j
ust rp it...
They haven't added actual hunting into the game and I haven't heard of any standalone addons that do either.

Now that I have everything all finished up for my fox Coven I'll definably be online some over the weekend. Razek has missed you guys -hugs-

Trainee's train for their future ranks. You need to specify what rank you want to train for.

Sorry if I sound bossy. I totally don't mean to -.-

Curses. I got so wrapped up in map creation that I forgot to log on today >:(
BUT I was active every other day of the week so that should count for something... maybe? Possibly? >.>

-.- Sorry Deino. I fail.

I can't access my old account so I had to make a new one. Have no fear though. You'll never get rid of me :D

On that note I won't be online till after 6pm because I'm working hard to finish up the map for my tribe.

Blatant advertisement: :P

I'll see you all later my dears. :3

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