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Messages - Celeyan

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Porcelain wasn't alert, but Minnow sure was. She had caught sight of a canine following them the moment he noticed her humming. The entity wasn't sure of his intentions, but she sure as hell was keeping her sights locked on him. The small young female didn't notice him however, she had laid down at the bus stop, her tail wagging softly behind her at the sight and smell of freshly caught food. How did Darcy manage to get this?

A frown had appeared on her muzzle at that thought, but she otherwise shook her head, and allowed herself to relax once more, her ears turning this way and that in case another dog was indeed on the prowl, but once more, the scent of food overwhelmed her senses. She was hungry, but being able to relax for once was something she didn't experience a lot, so she took her time eating the hog. It was rather big, she wouldn't be able to finish it all, but she'd force it in her stomach if she had too- such a good meal shouldn't go to waste.

Suddenly, Minnow's worry pooled into her mind, causing her to immediately come alert to all things unseen and unknown. She snapped her head to the side, staring at a dog who had suddenly moved up to her, her eyes widened a bit, but the words he blurted out confused her slightly. Her tail swished behind her nervously, but the shock of seeing a dog still seemed to set into her mind, and made her move her food a bit closer to her, in a sense of claiming it as her own. He didn't seem to be a threat, by the way he stood- but he was still staring at her food, in a hungry way. Maybe he was just a hungry stranger? Immediately her personality of one who easily sympathized others kicked in, and she looked at him, lowering her head, before the fact that he asked her a question set in. "No, I-I, my friend got it for me." She had said in her quiet voice, she was never good at talking, what would she say next?

" I don't know how he got it though. He's a cat and this is quite a big hog for some cat." She had said with a light, awkward chuckle. She looked him over, and with slight reluctance, she awkwardly asked. "Would you like some? I mean- its big, and I don't think I can finish it all by myself, you seem hungry."

Game Help / Re: The Front Server, I can' t connect to it.
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:55:55 am »
Update: I tried FH on my brother's laptop- and it still said Front Server, waaaah.

Rii, your character Caillic is accepted. c:))


Accepted, Rainbow. ;o;
Now we can start!

Time: 9:00 AM, life is starting to bustle in the city, but its still considered early for the city to seem mostly deserted.

The small female dog lay curled, sleeping under the bridge of the park. The  correct name would have had to been the 'Garden of Flora', but it was still known as a park to most dogs that lived in the city. Trash was thrown around her, spilled around her body- but it was old, its ancient age showing the remnants of a the dead nation. Porcelain had woken up slowly due to the words brewing inside her head, but her annoyance made itself known as she had huffed, kicking out her paws sleepily, yet not moving her head, or open her eyes to greet the sun that had begun to shine under the bridge she was sleeping under. She had only begun to move, when she felt something hard hit her head, which forced her to open her eyes in surprise, only to see a can of soda, the object that hit her, roll once more into her body.

"Real funny, Minnow." Porcelain had said, her voice gentle and quiet- yet raspy due to how she was just waking up. The small dog had slowly regained her paws, stretching out her slender body, and shaking out her fur- freeing it from most of the debris that had grew on her when she had went to sleep under the bridge. Sure it wasn't the most sanitary place to sleep, but she'd rather be safe then clean. Porcelain had been recently noticing the gangs that were building in the city, and it had greatly worried her. She didn't feel that safe anymore in the city.

Porcelain had trotted out of the garden, she had looked around- knowing it was quite early in the morning, and knowing that most dogs wouldn't out yet. But she liked to take the early morning as her chance to eat, for it didn't get hot until the sun continued to come out, and with her fluffy fur- she often had to take shade at some points of the day due to how hot it would get. Porcelain had walked along, her posture not one of how she'd normally walk around, without other dogs along, she practically marched down the sidewalk, humming a tune to herself. How could one be so happy in a hard life such a this? Well it was an easy life if one had a good source of food, which Porce did have. The fact she had one was  greatly due to her two companions, Darcy and Minnow- and she knew she'd most likely be starving without them.

It was strange however, how her two companions got food. Her feline companion Darcy would disappear every morning, yet come to her soon- with some form of food, which she'd quickly eat up, only to ask where he had got it, only to be ignored. It was a strange, she didn't know why he always avoided the question. But, she didn't want to pester him, it would only lead to some type of argument. She was usually told to wait by the bus station, it was once used by the humans, as told to her by her parents, but she knew something had driven them out of the city. Humans were something she didn't know about, all she knew were they were strange, fur less creatures who stood on two-legs. She was beginning to get lost in her thoughts.  Porcelain allowed her head to lay against the side of the bus station as she waited for her Darcy.

 It didn't take too long for her friend to arrive, and when he did- she noticed he was carrying quite a heavy load, at least, she thought- for a cat. It was a small hog, a dead one.

"Here you go, another piece of food." He had said, panting. She had smiled, and thanked him- and moved forward to pull it close to her, when she noticed a rather large cut on his side. The dog had winced at the sight of such a deep wound, but the cat didn't give her time to question him about it, as he had said a quick goodbye before darting quickly away from her. Darcy had been walking strange for the past two weeks, before he barely bring back rats home, but now he was bringing her hogs? It was all so sketchy, but she still didn't know what he was doing exactly. But it didn't take her long to dig into her food.

Game Help / Re: The Front Server, I can' t connect to it.
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:33:58 am »
I don't have things like that in my particle folder. ;o;
I wonder why it doesn't wooork. x_X

I used to play a lot, I was pretty active on the game before this problem..

Game Help / Re: The Front Server, I can' t connect to it.
« on: December 30, 2013, 11:44:37 pm »
I should also say that I wiped my computer completely before I reinstalled FH- tried to log on, still doesn't work. ;-;

Accepted Taylor!
I've finished dear ol' Porce's app, and her telekinesis 'sister' Minnow.

You could send it to me in a message. c:
Joey, you must read everything and make an app. ;p

OreoHeroz, I don't know if your done or not but uhm, you forgot something in your application. c:

Game Help / Re: The Front Server, I can' t connect to it.
« on: December 30, 2013, 07:35:47 pm »
I have reinstalled Feralheart many times- it says the patch is only if you already had the game, so I don't think I need the patch...

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