Author Topic: Kitteh's kittens... and pups (WiP!)  (Read 2675 times)

Offline Kittens

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Kitteh's kittens... and pups (WiP!)
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:40:00 pm »

Welcome to my character thread!
Here you'll find information about all of my characters, whether they be silly OoC characters, IC Chat Experiment Characters (ICE), roleplay characters, or even my psycho fursona!
I'm always open for roleplay, so if you think any of my characters are interesting and you want one of your characters to meet em, just post here and ask, or PM me :D I promise I won't scratch. *drumline, brick'd*

The Feralsona

Age: Nearly 16 in human years.
Gender: Female!
Species: A !@#%'d up housecat.

Parents: Don't approve of this game |D
Siblings: Brother, also doesn't approve of FHs.
S.O.: Straight
Mate: Prefers hate over love.
Offspring: Nasty little things.
Pack/Clan: None yet :B

 Hm, where do I start. I guess she's pretty shy around people at first, and that's an understatement. Once she warms up to people, though, which could take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks, she turns into a hyper, dirty abomination of a cat. She's just a little psychotic, but thats only because acting that way seems to feel right to her, not because she has any mental diseases. She has some serious OCD, and will freak out if she steps on sidewalk cracks. Her favorite foods include Chex Mix, CHOCOLATE THIN MINT COOKIES OMADFAS<3<3<3, and pink lemonade. Also, she seems to be totally against love. Probably because loneliness has made her bitter. I unno.
 Is still being written. Ferreal. It won't be done until I'm six feet under.

Roelplay Aminals


Age: Around four years
Gender: Female
Species: Lioness, outlander

Parents: Forgotten
Siblings: A brother that she was recently reunited with.
S.O.: Straight
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Pack/Clan: Loner, may eventually join a pride

 Generally a nice lioness, but her mental stability is starting to deteriorate. She was my first ICE character, now all grown up, she has been through a lot in her life. She's still a little naive, having never really had any proper parenting, and she's innocent and fairly afraid of blood and violence, hence why she tends to avoid packs and prides. She's also very shy around males of her own species, and has very low self esteem. Cubs aren't on her list of top favorite things, but she can tolerate them. She can't see herself as being a mother though, and if she ever gets a mate, she'll find out that she is indeed infertile. Lastly, she has a horrible fear of rabbits, and she refuses to get near them, nor will she eat them.
 Her parents were brutally murdered from a rogue pack of hyenas. After the incident, she roamed alone, meeting many animals of different species in the lands of Impressive Title. She made friends, not many enemies, and eventually the horror of the scene of her mother's death was forgotten, and her natural enemies, forgiven. She had an awful experience with a giant cabbit, which left her scarred for most of her life. Those scars have faded, but are not totally lost. She had a best friend growing up, but he, along with many of her other friends and family, have been forgotten after she fell off of the Great Falls cliff and passed out. She awoke to find herself in a whole new world...

Age: Three years
Gender: Female
Species: Common Housecat

Parents: ???
Siblings: ???
S.O.: Straight
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Pack/Clan: Loner

 At first, she may come off as just your average female housecat - friendly, kind, and caring. But then you can see something in her eye, some kind of fear. She seems awfully paranoid, and if you're quiet, you can hear her talking to herself. Or is she? Listen more closely, and you might often hear her speak of a certain number; 300.
 Unknown as of yet... in other words, I'm too lazy to think one up :B

Lucio Marcelo
Age: Four years
Gender: Male
Species: Melanistic Jaguar

Parents: ???
Siblings: ???
S.O.: Straight
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Pack/Clan: Loner, may eventually join a pride

 Generally selfish, although there is some good buried beneath his rough outer surface. He seems to avoid relationships and responsibility, but that may be because of his past. He is bitterly sarcastic, and possibly the biggest pessimist you'll ever meet. He seems to have a soft spot for cubs, and he's the harshest to females. He also has a bit of a temper, and he snaps very easily. He's an experienced fighter, because he used to be a part of the Jungle Police force.
 Born and raised as an average male panther of the Argarich Jungle; trained his entire cubhood for life in the Police Force. He was taught to strictly follow the laws of the jungle; although cats here are all loners, they are held together by a strict code. Anyone who breaks the code is punished. Anyways, he rose in the ranks, but then he met Rosa. He fell in love with her, and then they became mates. Not only did he stick with his mate, but he also helped her raise the cubs that were soon born. By doing this, he broke two of the Jungle's most strictest laws. Once the other police members found out about this, they were after him. He had no choice but to leave his family, and run.
 After a failed attempt to save a cub, and also after he had made some friends, Lucio found himself confronted by a jungle police patrol that had tracked him all the way from the Jungle. They informed him that his mate and cubs had all been executed, and that he was to be killed next. After a fight, Lucio killed one of the patrol, but the other two managed to toss him off of a cliff. He miraculously survived, but now he's forever changed, for the only reason that he 'survived' that fall was because he was bitten by a vampire right while he was on the verge of death. Lucio doesn't know this yet, though.


Traitoralso The Traitor, or Shade The Traitor
Age: Three years
Gender: Female
Species: Timber Wolf

Parents: Sheila x Brutus (deceased)
Siblings: Shadowlier, Synetos, and Celia
S.O.: Straight
Mate: N/A, not looking
Offspring: N/A, unwanted
Pack/Clan: Loner

 A bit of a shaken she-wolf, she isn't 100% 'there', if you catch my drift. She always seems to be lost in memories, and shrouded in mystery. Very few wolves have actually met her, for she has been driven away by nearly everyone she has tried to approach, but the few that have said to meet her tell of a hostile, brutal she-wolf whose maw is still stained with the blood of her dead younger siblings. Otherwise, meet her for yourself, and see if you live to tell the tale.
 Perhaps if you meet her sometime, she'll tell you the full tale. She more than likely won't, though.
Anyways, all we know now is the rumors that have been going around frequently. They say that she comes from a small pack somewhere on the mainland near Bonfire Island. Formerly named Shade, she was the daughter of the alphas, and was always a bad egg growing up, very ambitious to become next in line for the alpha. Her poor mother and father could hardly control her as is, and when her mother gave birth to a new litter, she finally snapped. Not only did she kill her own father in cold, blood, but she also killed, and devoured the pups of the alphess. Her poor, poor mother was terribly devastated, and she valiantly chased her daughter out of the pack, not only leaving her with the scar-brands of 'pup-killer' and 'cannibal', but also with a new name; Traitor.
 To avoid any other tragedies, Sheila has been spreading the rumors of Traitor's crimes, discouraging any packs from letting her near them.

Hector Banes
Age: Two years
Gender: Male
Species: SparkleWolf/Dog

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: N/A
S.O.: Undecided
Mate: N/A, not looking
Offspring: N/A, unwanted
Pack/Clan: Loner, seeking

  A small wolf who just seems out of place in the Feral world. He focuses more on fun than survival, and he doesn't even know how to hunt or fight. He's very girly, but can also be tough when he needs to be, which causes much confusion about him. His favorite thing to do is flirt, and he'll flirt with anything; other species, and either gender, as long as he finds them attractive. He's also the DJ of Club Awesome (coming soon :P), and goes by the name of 'DJ Bane'.
Being re-written xP
To sum it up, he was taken as a pup by some humans and sold as a pet. He lived in the city with great owners, although they were party animals. Hector became accustomed to this life, until his owners decided it was time for him to live the rest of his life in the wild...

Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Canine... uncertain

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
S.O.: Unknown
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Pack/Clan: Rogue

Do you believe?
Do you fade like a dream?
Let me hear you breathe
Let me watch as you sleep

The sparrow's eyes
Promises shift into judgments
I cannot deny...
That you were designed for my punishments

The blood and the body
Control the cut so it's seamless
Show me your heart...
Show me the way to complete this


Now I can finally be myself...
Cause I don't want to be myself

Free my severed heart, give me you...
I don't want to be myself


Sir Giggles
Age: Three years
Gender: Male
Species: Hyena

Parents: ???
Siblings: ???
S.O.: Straight
Mate: Jendai
Offspring: Trying
Pack/Clan: The Children of the Raith Sidhe, Leader

 Don't be mislead by his generally easygoing attitude, or his rather... interesting name. Below that is a dirty, bloodthirsty brute who loves nothing more than all of the evils of life. He has devoted himself to leading a cult of animals equally as dark and twisted as himself to worship the Raith Sidhe, a trio of evil deities, through disgusting rituals involving skinning other animals alive! The only compassion that this hyena seems to show is towards his mate, Jendai.
 WIP. If I ever feel like thinking him up one x3

Age: Hundreds of years
Gender: Masculine
Species: Fallen Angel

Parents: ???
Siblings: ???
S.O.: ???
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Pack/Clan: None

 A shapeshifting fallen angel. He only has two forms, though; lion, built for strength, and wolf, built for speed. He feels nothing, and is always starving to death. Thus, not only has he lost most of his sanity, but he's developed an enormous appetite, and with this appetite he became slightly mutated. When in his wolf wolf, his jaw can unhinge like a snake's, thus enabling him to devour beings nearly as big as himself whole. He also has a double stomach to hold more food, and his saliva is highly acidic, not only a weapon, but also used to dissolve things like hair and bones. He also has two rows of teeth. Little does he know that all of these things were added to him by his master as his punishment as a fallen angel, so that he will never have a chance at a decent life.

ICE Aminals

Firstly, I'll inform you of what ICE characters even are. They're something I made up back in IT, although I never gave em an official name. They're really kind of experiments to help me with character development.
Anyways, ICE, or In Character Chatting Experiments (I would have named them ICCE, but... ICE just sounded cooler XD), are character that, when I play them, are always in character. Their characters are developed depending on how other in-game users treat them, through roleplay or though in character chatting, which is basically a step below full-out roleplaying. ICE characters always start out as cubs (and they have no knowledge of anything except for speech), and very slowly grow up into full adults. My only grown ICE character as of yet is Nyota, and, well, you can see how she turned out by looking her up under my Felidae charries. Anyways, once ICE's are grown, I just retire them as strictly roleplay charries (once again, see Nyota. :B).
So yeah. It doesn't really have much of a point, its just for fun to see how totally naive cubs will turn out when released into the FeralHeart community.

Age: Six months
Gender: Male
Species: Lion, outlander

Parents: ???
Siblings: ???
S.O.: ???
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Pack/Clan: None

Personality (thus far)
He understands life and death. Still very immature. He doesn't know the proper name for wolves, so he refers to them as 'fluffies'. He doesn't know that he's a lion yet. He hasn't had any bad experiences with any particular species, so he's very outgoing to any kind of animal. He does fear darker looking animals with red eyes, though.

Background Scenario
Father left the family, mother abandoned him.

Big life events
Chased by a cubkiller (one of no real obvious species)
Met a few different friends who informed him of things (life, death, etc.)
Met a hyena (fortunately a nice one)
Met a bear (once again, a nice one)

OOC Tards

« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 11:47:02 pm by Kitteh »