Author Topic: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay) [Inactive since 05/03/2014]  (Read 8729 times)

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...Will Probably Be...

"No, no, no! This is impossible!" The bustling of the 'scientist' in her 'lab', more of a set-up in a garage, as she reviewed her evidence was all too apparent. "They can't possibly be that far! And I was so close!" She seethed, slamming a fist onto the desk. Almost instantly, the woman swung herself into her seat, fingers flying around her laptop's keyboard. "Come on, come on, come on!" Yes! There was her goal. A grin sprung up on her face as she continued to look. Well... looked like there was an unexpected move to Greenland.

The bustling of the council of dragons seemed to grow as the small dragoness took her stand.
"Farlia, the amount of human contact with these lands has been growing over the past few years. They are coming with more frequency. If we move now, then the chances of another war will be slim, and we will be safer." "And risk further discovery by them? Not a chance." The red-scaled dragon shook her head. "It took long enough to wipe our trances from them, if we move than we risk another war. You, Velieme should know this well enough." The dragon, who we can now identify as Velieme, retorted. "If we don't do something soon, they'll blast a hole straight into the council dome! And then who will stop them!" The red-scaled, named Farlia, sighed. "We will deal with them in the most humane ways possible-" "Kill them? Are you out of your moon-loving, sun-kissing mind!? Farlia, they're just like us! Living bei-" Farlia only snapped in response, "Do not question me Velieme! You have my answer, and that is no." "But-!" "We will not move." And with that, the meeting was adjourned, leaving Velieme in the dome as she pondered over what to do.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 12:14:06 pm by Scallywag »

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 06:16:53 am »
Hoping that caught your attention, welcome! It gives me great pleasure to introduce my first roleplay idea that is finally taking flight. This idea is relatively simple, and is brilliant. All it does really is establish the question 'Are we alone' and takes it to a whole new level. What is this level? You see... what is the intelligence we've been looking for lie right up under our noses, cleverly hidden out of sight? What if those miners blasted into something they weren't supposed to, what if we found intelligent life on our planet. It really started with the commercial for 'Ice Cold Gold'. It gave me the basis of the ideas that came forth afterwards. It's really, really, a mind-blowing plot I have in mind. But first, I have to say thank you to Disney. Without your film 'Frozen', the idea of 'life without being trained to use magic and control it (In other words, no one who knows how to use magic teaching you) leads to chaos' would have never occurred. I deeply have to thank you, as that idea has been the basis for all my magical creatures, and began to bring me to a whoe new level on ideas. Next, I have to thank a certain someone called Cressida Cowell, the author of the How To Train Your Dragon book series. Your dragons, along with the series itself, gave me the basis for the idea of the dragons going into hiding and the inspiration for a roleplay about dragons itself. Finally I'd like to thank my friends, who've supported me in ways they probably haven't known and helped with this idea. None of this would've been in my mind without these two groups and one person.

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2014, 06:43:48 am »
Every roleplay has it's rules. Here is ours.
I. FH rules apply
II. There are a set of 'curse' words used for dragons. I will be listing them below
III. We are starting out with ten people. When it starts to slow down, I'll invite six more.
IV. You get two characters. Dragon/Human, Human/Human, and Dragon/Dragon are your possible choices
V. There are set species to go off of. I plan on adding in a name list for those who want to make one but cannot figure out what they want to use.
VI. Please don't kill someone's character without permission. And if so, be willing to accept in-game consequences.
VII. Hybrids are allowed, but you gain a bit of immunity to one magic and full immunity + the magic of the other.
VIII. We have a class system and disease systems for dragons. Follow off that information.
IX. Please do not have your dragons finding and interacting with humans, vice-versa with humans. As quoting the Marshall, "I have a plan, I need you ready."
X. Humans, please don't curse beyond 'Hell' and 'Crap'.
XI. Be literate.
XII. Do not use images other than your own or ones commissioned or gifted to you.

Dragon curses:
Moon-loving dolt (Usually used for nocturnal dragons, basically idiot)
Sun-kisser (Used as a term for someone who sucks up to those higher.)
Slethi (A term used for 'Moon', basically a female dragon)
Salye (The dragon term for hell.)
(More to be added)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 07:46:08 pm by Iceheart999 »

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2014, 06:45:59 am »
(More to be added)


Polar Dragons
Ice Magic
Polar dragons are the 'ghosts of the arctic'. Once inhabiting lands such as Antarctica, these dragons were forced into hiding and driven all the way to Greenland, where they have found a home. Serrated claws and their ice magic were the key to their survival back in the arctic, nowadays. They are more mammalian than reptilian, originally to ensure their survival, and only give birth to one offspring which was obviously easier to maintain in the tundra.
Traits tend to be artistic-leaning.
Colors are greys, blacks, and whites. Eyes colors are blues and purples, not including the rare green.

Sea-Storm Dragons
Scaled + Feathered Wings
Lightning Magic
Sea-Storm dragons are most known for their illusions at sea, used to protect their home and keep their clutches of eggs safe. They tend to stay in the air, though if needed they can slither on the ground like a snake. These dragons live in flocks of 3-10, usually a group of female siblings or rowdy bunch of males. Since they were driven back to Greenland after the Great Dragon War, the dragons have abandoned this system. Their clutches of eggs can range from 4-8.
These dragons are usually merchants or bankers.
Colors are reds and blues. Eye colors are blues, reds, and greens.

Ignition Dragon
Fire Magic
Brutes of war, Ignition dragons have an attitude to go with it. Mellow and calm dragons in this species are about as rare as a green pelt, but they make up for this with unwavering loyalty to friends. Brutal fighters, equipped with heated metal claws over their dull ones and a fire that's heat is determined by their pelt, these are dragons you would not want to be up against. However, even they were driven to Greenland, in their current They have clutches of 3-4 eggs, and each dragon cares for them.
These dragons, when not in war, make good butchers and blacksmiths.
Colors are (very common) yellow, orange, red, (Common) blue, (Uncommon) green, (Rare) and white. Eye colors are orange, red, blue, and green.

Lotus Dragons
Earth-Plant Magic
Peace-lovers, Lotus dragons never asked to be involved in the war of old. No, they were forced. Though usually calm, it's wisely asked to not try to push their limit in patience. They can be fierce fighters if their family or friends are endangered, but know when a fight is lost. They are most known for their strategic plans and they're truly masters as stealth, which is probably how they got to Greenland. They have clutches of 5-6 eggs, which the family cares for.
Farmers and librarians suit these dragons.
Colors are variants of pinks, purples, oranges, and blues. Eyes can be green or blue.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 07:48:25 pm by Iceheart999 »

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 06:46:53 am »
(Spot Saver: History)

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 07:11:51 am »
Full name of Character:
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name:
Race: (Just dragon species please)
Social class: (Dragons have no low-class, and if from another country, a human shouldn't be low-class)

Physical Appearance:

Eye Color:
Glasses or contacts?: *Humans only*
Hair/pelt//fur/feather color, length and style: (Style is humans only, length is for fur, feathers, and hair)
Appearance overall:
Is s/he healthy?: (If not, why not? Do they look healthy? Why/why not?)


Are they a daredevil or cautious?:
Do they act the same alone as when with someone?:
How much:
Greatest Strength/Weakness:
Soft spot:
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: (If not, add how they hide it)
Biggest Vulnerability:


Hometown: *Humans only*
Type of childhood:
First Memory:
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: (And why?)


Mother: (And Relationship)
Father: (And Relationship)
Siblings, How many, relationship with each:
Other family:
Close? Why or why not:


Most at ease and most ill at ease when:
How they feel about themselves:
If granted one wish what would it be, and why?:


Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Why?:
Drives and motives:
Extremely skilled/unskilled at:
Good characteristics:
Character flaws:

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others:
How are they perceived by strangers:

(Yes, long. But it'll help. Original forum (c) to here: )

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Offline iceheart999

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 07:41:58 pm »
Current characters
Velieme Kisimu
[Image here]
(Polar dragon, age of 767 (Adult), council member)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 08:01:42 pm by Iceheart999 »

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)(WIP)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2014, 07:42:31 pm »
(Spot saver: Characters)

You may now apply~!

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2014, 01:32:04 am »
(I'll add an app. In a bit!)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.


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Re: The Odds Are That We... (Dragon/Human roleplay|Limited Slots 1/10)
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2014, 03:00:00 am »
Full name of Character: Hart

Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: Hart is self-named. I took him a while to figure out that most everyone had a name, and he picked something simple.

Nickname: None yet
Race: Ignition
Occupation: Surviving, and staying out of the way. He does work here and there, wherever he can find it.
Social class: Outsider (I'll explain in detail in the history section)

Physical Appearance:
Age: Young adult (Not sure about the years)
Eye Color: Emerald green
Glasses or contacts?: *Humans only*
Hair/pelt//fur/feather color, length and style: (Style is humans only, length is for fur, feathers, and hair)
Appearance overall: Slender, and aerodynamic looking, with long legs and small wings. Scales are soft reds and oranges, with a pale underbelly. He has few of the natural spines and horns posses ed by other dragons, though his claws are long.

Is s/he healthy?: He is mostly healthy, if somewhat thin.

Personality: Hart is cunning, and decisive. He knows his limitations, and would rather outsmart his opponents/food than have to actually fight it.

Are they a daredevil or cautious?: Cautious verging on paranoid.
Do they act the same alone as when with someone?: Never, Hart barely acts like anything at all around others.
Habits: Hart always looks over his shoulder, and often mutters to himself.
Drinks: (Not sure what you mean here)
How much:
Greatest Strength/Weakness: Hart cannot fly, but on the ground he can travel just as fast as most dragons can fly.
Soft spot: His underbelly
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: It's plenty obvious that his scales do a poor job of protecting him, and he doesn't hide it really, it just makes him paranoid.
Biggest Vulnerability: He cannot fly.

Background: Born to a family of strong and fast fliers, Hart was clearly out of place. When the family was forced to leave the area in a hurry, he was abandoned, because he would only have slowed them down. Because of this, he is something of an outsider.

Hometown: *Humans only*
Type of childhood: Alone, grew up on his own.
First Memory: Being shoved off a cliff.
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: As a hatchling, Hart was nearly killed on his first flying lesson, having jumped with the others. It has made him nervous around heights, even though his wings allow him to slow his falls.
Education: Everything he knows is self-taught
Religion: n/a
Finances: n/a

Family: Hart does not remember much of his family, he was left alone at a very young age.

Mother: He's pretty sure he had one, and she was blue.
Father: The one who pushed him.
Siblings, How many, relationship with each: Three of them, but he never really knew them.
Other family: None
Close? Why or why not: Even if Hart did see his family, he wouldn't know it.

Attitude: Hart hides his shame and loneliness behind a tough attitude.

Most at ease and most ill at ease when: Most at ease when he is running, away from the stares of everyone else. Most ill at ease when asked to fly (or try to) in front of anyone.
Priorities: 1. Survive 2. Don't make enemies 3. Amount to something
How they feel about themselves: Hart hates himself. He is ashamed about his lack of flight, and how vulnerable he is.
If granted one wish what would it be, and why?: He wishes he could have been just like his siblings, so that maybe his life would have been better.


Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Why?: Introverted and pessimistic, Hart tends to mistrust everyone. He is afraid to be left alone again.
Drives and motives: He desperately wants to be something great, but at the same time he doesn't want to fail, or get himself killed.
Talents: Hart is a born acrobat, able to do flips and tumble, all without breaking stride.
Extremely skilled/unskilled at: Hart is a skilled fighter, using his speed and agility to his advantage. Magic, however, he knows next to nothing about.
Good characteristics: Once he can bring himself to trust someone, he is fiercely loyal. He is also level-headed and calm almost always.
Character flaws: Slow to trust others, and often self-loathing to the point of causing himself undue harm.
Mannerisms: Hart often has the blade of his tail clutched in his mouth when he thinks, and sometimes he has been caught flapping his wings futilely.
Peculiarities: Hart is very sensitive to pain, which is probably the only thing that's stopped him from chewing his own wings off.
Regrets: He has done little that could have caused regret
Accomplishments: He can run down any kind of prey animal, and he is proud of that.

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others: Hart has trouble relating to others, he mostly just keeps his head down in public.
How are they perceived by strangers: Most other dragons fail to notice Hart, and those who do just think he seems out of place.
Friends: (Maybe during the course of the roleplay?)
Wife/husband/lover: None
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 06:03:23 am by Dracknorin »