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Messages - zweihander

Pages: [1]
Videos / Re: fanmade feralheart trailer
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:04:26 pm »
thank you everyone for the sweet comments <3 im glad you all enjoy it!! im gonna release it to the public sometime soon. and yes it definitely reminds me of the old times too!! i miss them lots

Videos / fanmade feralheart trailer
« on: April 28, 2024, 08:39:18 pm »
hey everyone! i've been working on something throughout the week. randomly on a whim i decided that maybe a fanmade feralheart trailer would be a fun project, so i did just that! it's by no means any good, im not exactly a cinematographer. there are tons of random cuts and laggy bits, the music doesnt blend properly, the quality is a bit poopy, but hey i had fun!

im a bit anxious to post this so i humbly ask that nobody is too harsh with me if criticising it q__q" i'm aware that it wouldn't get much attention but i might release it to the public either way if this is well received by the fh community themselves :D

i made this all using a random motion graphics website, shotcut, obs and my 3 alt accounts :sob: it took a while, its my first time and like i said im very aware that it is no good but i did my best!!!!!! its a bit cheesy but i hope you guys will like it, if not thank you for watching at least ;D

also i dont know if i installed the krasnovaar map correctly.. i followed all the instructions but i have no idea if i did it right D: its been ages since i downloaded a map (also if the person who made it happens to see this and doesnt want me to use the map in the video then just lmk)

vv heres the link ^__^ hope you guys enjoy it~ vv

Introduction / Re: holy moly. we're so back, baby.
« on: April 26, 2024, 08:07:14 am »
welcome back! ;D i've just joined back recently too! sadly the community's been dwindling for the past few years from what i've observed but hopefully 2024 will be feralhearts year? hope to see you in game or around the forums some more :) <3

Introduction / hi! returning player here!!
« on: April 23, 2024, 08:27:52 pm »
hi everyone! ^__^

i am zweihander (zwei?? zwei is fine ;D). im a feral heart enjoyer living in the uk who loves orcas and is an enfp 7w6! you may have already seen me around (from my sulky, nostalgic forum post and ive been sitting in game since yesterday) if you see me in game feel free to chat but i might be tabbed out doing something else some of the time. i will start being active again and i'd love to see this game get active again and meet some new friends potentially :D

let me start off my introduction by saying how i found this game! (if youre interested!!)

so! back in the day i was a HUGE warriors fan, probably like how most other people were. i mustve been around 11-13 ish? im not sure what year it was exactly haha but hey im all grown up now!
so anyway, being a lover of game, i decided to search up "warrior cats game" on youtube. there was a game of someone playing a cat and running around in a forest? im not sure what that ACTUAL game was called, and i know for a fact it wasnt feralheart it looked alot different, but it had a link to feralheart and i waited for a chance to sign up and i did! this game was bustling with life, full of people like me who were looking to roleplay and have fun, i met so many awesome people and joined so many fun roleplays. i was on feralheart whenever i had the chance and i miss it dearly!

unfortunately, things happen obviously, and so many people have left the game.. it genuinely saddens me that there are only an average of 15~ players at a time now, even though i always see a considerably larger amount of people on the website (i dont know if those are accurate numbers to be fair LOL). when the game was hacked i actually didnt have access to a pc, so when i got a new one and tried to download feralheart it saddened me greatly to see that i couldnt connect to the game. i only found out feralheart was hacked months after the game came back up strangely.. i mustve lived under a rock or something

anyway, i am also a part of that section of the playerbase that does not want to see the game die, and in fact i do think it can be revived despite some people considering it already dead. while yes this game in itself is pretty niche, i can say with certainty that there would be tons of people more than willing to play this game!! i think this game just needs a nice juicy update and a bit of advertising (maybe via social media) to reach the right audience!! then again im not exactly knowledgeable on how to revive a dying game so i dont know if thats the right way to go around it, but i am more than happy to wait and see what is in store for us. i really hope 2024 will be the year feralheart starts to come back to life.

i also just want to make a quick note that i am fully aware updates take time, especially with a voluntary team who have their own lives. im sorry if i come across as impatient, i just really want to see this game alive again!! :D

hope to see whoever may read this around and i hope to see this game come back to life!! i have lots of hope <3 :D

Game Discussion / where did everybody go?
« on: April 22, 2024, 05:50:31 pm »
im sure im not alone when i say that i miss the old feralheart, the days where the map was absolutely riddled with people. that said, where has everybody gone? has everybody just moved on? did something happen with the community? why has this game become so empty..? even posting this now its almost been a month since the last forum post. for the small handful of people that do still play the game, what do they spend their time doing? what's the average maximum amount of players online at a time these days? do they just sit there with their characters or do people still look to roleplay and have fun?

as you can see, i have so many questions, but my main ones are (how) can we revive this game? is it possible? is anyone still trying to revive it?? i understand that some people may argue that its better to just let some things go, but this game still has a special place in my heart after all of these years and i genuinely do not want to see it die. i still want to keep on enjoying this game, seeing it bustling with life, and im sure many others do too :(

i have so many fond memories of this game, my oldest account WolfGirl4, wondering why everyone was a white marshmellow because everyone used marking packs. i remember sitting in the mating centres, as cringe as it is to admit. i met and had so many fun roleplays with so many people. i was just a kid then and now i'm all grown up but hey, i still would love to enjoy this game at its climax again, even if just for a day.

anyway!!!! if anyone sees this, feel free to answer my absolute amass of questions and share your memories :3 i will keep visitng this game in hopes that there will be at least a somewhat larger crowd on there than there normally is nowadays, maybe ill see some of you around!!

a very very overly sentimental feralheart enjoyer

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