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Topics - FlyingGrass

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Forum Games / Acronym-ed Alphabet!
« on: August 18, 2017, 09:28:30 am »
This is a not-so-simple game, it's similar to The Acronym Game but harder.

The only word to create the acronym for is... The whole entire alphabet!
Unlike The Acronym Game where you can make as much or as little sense you want, your acronym for the alphabet must make sense here.
Don't use your acronym to hurt another's feelings.

Good luck!

Game Help / How to transport a map to be edited by another person?
« on: August 18, 2017, 04:15:44 am »
I've made a map which I am trying to give to another person so that the person can edit the map(The person and I are both working on maps for a roleplay being started).
I remember hearing that the recipient must have the objects the map contains, so how do I transfer the objects and what type of object files should I compile into the .zip file to allow the recipient to edit my map? I've got the map's terrain folder in the .zip file(As well as the .map file), am I doing it right?

Game Help / Rendering subsystem switching after crashes
« on: August 15, 2017, 04:55:35 am »
It seems that every time FH crashes, no matter the reason, that small box popping up resets the rendering subsystem to OpenGL. I suspect it is because there's only one option in the drop-down menu for selecting rendering subsystem.
I wouldn't mind having this problem if I didn't have to go into the Ogre.cfg to switch rendering subsystem to Direct3D9.

There's only one option in the list. if that changes to OpenGL, then it will remain OpenGL until I switch rendering subsystems in the Ogre.cfg.

Site/Forum Help / Species section of profile
« on: July 31, 2017, 04:42:33 am »
How do I know which animal I represent the most?
I currently have that part of my profile set to cat as my OC is a cat, but I don't have any clue which animal I represent the most.
Is there any way of knowing which animal I represent the most? Is it behaviour of the animal or is it looking like the animal that determines which animal I represent the most?

Forum Games / Spot a creature in screenshots
« on: July 27, 2017, 03:50:53 pm »
Simply take a screenshot and turn it into a spot the creature/object game for others to solve! You may even solve the other puzzles as that's what they're there for.
Don't type the answer in the comments, if you're wanting to publicly express your excitement then just say you solved (Name)'s puzzle. Please PM whomever posted the image you solved, tell them the general location(Bottom-right of the screen, for example) of the object you think you're supposed to find so that they can tell you how close you were to finding the object.

If the creature is harder to find than a hay-colored needle in a haystack, you may skip.

Digital editing is okay as long as you don't make the goal invisible.
Here's an example:

There's one creature hidden among the forest of dead trees.(The creature is not a character of mine, nor did I ask the creature to pose. I just took this photo at the right time.)

Let's start!

Site/Forum Help / Can't log into the Play Game tab
« on: July 27, 2017, 09:01:15 am »
I've checked my password around 10 times, typing it in very carefully, but I can't log into the Play Game tab, it just keeps erasing both fields.

I've checked everything that could cause the password to be typed wrong, Caps Lock isn't on, I'm capitalising the letters properly, I'm adding the right numbers, having Num Lock on and off didn't help, there are no malfunctioning keys on my keyboard, I can't think of any other way to fix it.

I logged in successfully earlier, are the servers down?

Game Help / "Failed to connect to map server, retry?"
« on: July 24, 2017, 01:46:49 pm »
I can't get into Lonely Cave nor is The Grounds working, but I can enter all other maps.

I've only got one or two "Bad Token" errors, the rest were just messages about failures to connect to the map server.
I've reset home and went home on one of the affected chars, but it wouldn't work.
I've even logged in a char that I knew was in The Grounds, that wouldn't work either.
It takes forever when I allow it to retry connecting.

It started ever since I installed the Summer Party map. After exploring around, I clicked the Go Home button(Set to Lonely Cave) to return from the map and that's when I got the error.

I have 16GB RAM and only my browser up at the same time, so that might rule out overcrowding.

Stories / Land's Carving Light(Short story)
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:09:24 pm »
This is not true, it's just how I think the FH universe was formed

Long ago, before any creatures existed, there was a sentient beam of light traversing the universe faster than the speed of light, in search of a suitable planet to give life to. It set its eyes on a planet and pushed that planet out of the Milky Way galaxy before forming a whole new galaxy around that planet, after that planet was surrounded by a galaxy full of giant space rocks the beam's illumination gave the planet an atmosphere and designated it as the gathering point for all species. After that planet could support lifeforms, the beam travelled across the new galaxy and spread many different species across every planet, billions of species were created on planets all over the galaxy. Creatures from all across the feralheart galaxy came to the planet and are still coming from every part of the universe as the beam of light had put beings on every planet in the universe, excluding earth as it was already home to lifeforms known as Homo Sapiens(Humans). The beam of light is still travelling to this day, putting beings on every planet in every galaxy and many of the existing species have yet to travel to the gathering planet and make themselves known. A highly intelligent reptillian species did what the beam of light did not, and shaped the cave systems to give every species a place to feel like they're home. One of the dug cave systems unexpectedly flooded when an underwater entrance formed, giving home to the more aquatic species. A barely-known species of insects then came and saw the potential in every rock scattered across the land, carving them into rings and forming the bridge in Ficho Tunnels out of the top of a rock arch.

What the rock arch might have looked like before it was carved:

What the rock arch is presumed to have looked like before being carved into the rock bridge that we know today

Poems / So you can say the old tongue twister...
« on: July 08, 2017, 03:36:10 pm »
You've heard of Peter Piper and his peck of pickled peppers
but he's always been picking that exact same peck forever
Then, one day in almost impossibly utterly terrible weather
He dropped the basket the peppers were in and it had to be put back together
Peter Piper spilled his prized peck of pickled peppers
That peck he had been picking for what he thought was forever
Among the peppers that were lost to utterly terrible weather
There was a purple pepper with the same pattern as leather.

"Peter Piper picked a peck of purple despicable pickled peppers"
Close your eyes and say that three times really fast,
"Peter Piper picked a peck of purple despicable pickled peppers"
Tell me when you've got it right at last.

No cheating!

Videos / Make music from FH and/or objects around the house
« on: July 07, 2017, 02:47:18 pm »
Feel free to move this to wherever you feel it belongs.

Why just sit around being bored when you could turn the sounds from FH into music!

You may post what songs you come up with here.

I don't have an example , but it's probably easy to do.

You can remix sounds or just record the one part at a time.
Feel free to add sounds from objects in your home.
You can even add vocals to the music.

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