Author Topic: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)  (Read 11373 times)

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2014, 10:42:04 pm »

"Always think for yerself, and let no human control ye or yer actions."

Kyo snarled at a human who was attempting to force her out of the stall. This was a short threat to the human that signaled that if they didn't stop quickly, they would probably get a broken leg. Of course, the human didn't stop, and Kyo charged quickly and latched onto his leg, wrestling his power away. Her ripping teeth channeled torrents of fury until the man's leg was broken. She inched backwards into the stall, snarling.

About half an hour later, the humans had wrestled her into a small, cruddy arena and she was soon running about the bloody arena after another pitbull. A whip struck her as she ran, and she charged faster, latching onto the other pitbull's tail. There was a whimper, and Kyo tugged the pitbull backwards before landing in dusty grass and sand. The pitbull turned and bit her feet, and she bit back. In a couple of seconds, the pitbulls were in a tangle of a fight. Kyo leapt to avoid a charge, then the other pitbull charged at her as she charged at them, but the other pitbull leapt over her and bit her tail.

After a while, both pitbulls were bloodied and cut, as well as exhausted. She had pinned the other bull by the shoulders and showed it humiliation, and bit at the back of its skull. The human brutally guided both of them out with a whip, and sat them down to wait a short time for the next job to be done as the mosquitoes bit at them.

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2014, 02:08:27 am »

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2014, 07:59:01 am »

"Just bear it with a smile. It is your greatest weapon of defiance."

Despite her exhaustion, sleep never came to Scarlett. She would always curl up into a ball in the corner of her stall and will herself to forget where she was. That was never possible. She knew at some point she would end up collapsing from exhaustion, possibly even leading her to her death, but for now food was enough energy to keep her going. When the time for the daily morning visit from the humans came, Scaelett barely even lifted her head. The only sign of movement she showed was when the chunks of meat were dropped into her cage. Lifting herself up, she managed to pad slowly towards the meat with her tail between her legs. She sniffed at the meat before taking it between her jaws and pulling it over to her corner of the stall.

Once the strength of the meat had filled her, Scarlett licked her paws free from any blood. "Patchy, c'mere." A voice caused her to slowly loft her head in response to the stupid name the humans had given her. She still went by the name Scarlett, but they couldn't know that. They were too ignorant to even bother checking. Slowly, she crawled over to the end for the cage as it was unbolted and opened. Reluctant to leave the safety of her stall, she let out a small whine followed by a sharp kick to the behind. The man grabbed the chain behind her neck and dragged her along the floor despite Scarlett's best attempts at staying put.

The pair soon arrived at the outskirts of the grounds, Scarlett sniffing curiously at the air. The air was cleaner here, lighter than in the stables were the air was heavy with the scent of dogs. "Just wait 'ere for me tae get her partner." He said this as he tied her chain around a post. "Where else could I go?" She muttered to herself, pawing at the post. She hated guard duty, she often received good kicks or even cpbeatings from random passerbys and her guarding partners usually weren't the nicest of dogs.

(One of your characters could be Scarlett's guarding partner if any of you want, or I could just just roleplay her partner.)
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2014, 01:45:53 pm »

[I guess I could]


"Give me scars, give me pain. then they'll say to me, say to me, say to me; There goes a fighter!"

Sienna remained glaring out the front of her cage, few dogs had begun to be dragged from their cages and off to their first job of the day. To her the first job was always the easier many find it harder but to her it was easy, the jobs they would be given later were the more brutal and harsh ones like fighting, hunting and even force breeding which was rather harsh on both the male and the female dogs. Watching across the way Sien watched as a female from across the way was dragged out her stalk and forced into the outdoors, snorting Sienna let out a growl and sat onto her haunches and watched as few dogs continued to be lead out, the larger Pit Bulls always seemed to be fought in the morning and the younger and smaller ones would go later, but luckily she wasn't fighting first today and had a more relaxed job which would be guarding - since she hasn't don't this job in several days.

Watching a plump is man heading her way the black dog filter her head for a moment and narrowed her eyes, he seemed to have a whip tucked down his pants and a thick, heavy chain hanging limply in his hand. Growling, the large female lifted to her paws once again and watched the man carefully as he stopped at her stall door and unloosened the bolts then slowly pulling open the door. "Come on you little Devil!" the light haired male called towards the she dog. Grinning Sienna turned her head to face thevman but didn't move what to ever, her eyes were narrowed and her head was slightly dipped which gave her a rather scary look. Shaking his head the man entered the cage in order to grab the collar but instead received a vicious bite " Gaah you little bastard!! " he yelled as he stumbled out from the stall. Cackling to herself the black dog leapt down from the hay bale and headed out the stall and charged across the yard.

Many humans stopped to yell at the large dog but their commands were ignored as she charged through the land, escaping through holes in fences instead of pushing through gates. Broad paws thudding at the ground Sienna continued her charge across the rough ground, her tail wagging violently behind her and her ears standing on end as she drew nearer to the outskirts where she would do guarding duty. Looking to her left she noticed a car shooting up the road towards the dog - the man in the car having an angry expression on his face. Skidding to a halt Sien watched as a large man stepped out the car and stormed towards her with a whip in his hand, narrowing his eyes as he eyed up the dog.

Standing glaring at the man Sienna allowed her teeth to bare and her eyes narrowed, vicious growls escaping her maw as the man violently grabbed her chain and threw her into a large area that was fenced in but lead around the full farm "You have some balls acting the way you do! " he hissed as he stormed off once again. Rolling her eyes the black dog turned to see another dog not to far off - the she that was seen earlier being dragged out. Chuckling she nodded her head "So, you're my guarding partner?" the dog smiled with a tilt to her head as she examined the black and white dog.

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2014, 12:38:36 pm »

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2014, 02:15:38 am »
Name: Cinnamon (workers call my a very stupid name: Tanny)
Age: 2.5 years
Gender: female
Sub breed: purebred

Personality: I'm a strong dog who is always getting beat up by the workers. I also tend to stay away from males. (In the future)
History: my mum and dad were both killed by the workers, they said they were to old and of no use any more. My siblings were  treated harshly because one of them had only one eye and the other was missing half of one of it's paws. I was the only one who survived.
Family: they are dead and I haven't made many friends. My mum, dad and siblings are safe and never to face the wrath of the evil workers ever or ever again
Time here: since birth.

Job: Guard (and in the future I will be forced to mate)
Extra: the workers beat me more because they know they killed my family so I hate them.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 12:03:07 pm by maddie »

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2014, 02:25:40 am »

You will be accepted but there's just a few things wrong: we aren't in a lab we are in a type of ranch which has been specially made for the Pit Bulls since being banned - there aren't really any scientists more like the Government but they only banned the breed and sentenced them to this ranch. However, there are people (who are NPC's) that can be role-played to give the dogs a beating (which is harsh). But if you just change scientists to the workers and such you will be accepted, also if you need I can tell you how to show your image?
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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2014, 12:00:47 pm »
Thank you and I would like you to tell me know to show and image, but I'm on my kindle

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2014, 12:59:16 pm »

Your welcome and well its pretty simple to get your image shown, whether you're on a laptop, phone and I'm sure a Kindle. On the link to your image all you need to do is use the code i have given you and put the image link in between the two "][" but here's the code:
Code: [Select]

You can copy that and it should work^

If this works then you should get this:

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Re: .Fight For Freedom. (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2014, 08:55:50 pm »
Ok thank you so much
This is cinnamon:  
If it works
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 08:57:41 pm by maddie »