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Topics - Vessan

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Other Mods/Creations / Vessans feral heart horse mod!
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:00:53 pm »
Vessies wonderful horse mod V1.0

Did you ever wanted to have your horse character look like and actual horse?
You did? Well then you came just right, here I have mod for you.
In the future updates this mod will fil your feral-heart game with wonderful horse items, objects, terrain/object textures, horse markings and many more.
For now we have a horse fur texture and modified masks.
Over the time I will attach items to this pack.(look at the saddle pad on the pictures)

This mod is great for any horse roleplay!
It changes the masks compleatly, the tail, nose, tailtip, around eye and underfur are compleatly changed.
-Nose now changes the shade of the muzzle.
-Underbelly is for hooves and inner ear.
-Above and over eyes are now the blaze and star.
-Tail tip colours the whole tail.
The canine textures from mane to tail were horsie-fied.
The face masks such as eyebrows were left alone to keep the feral-hearty feel to it.
The mouth was cut half and a new nose was added.

A few horse examples:
Pictures at various stages of development.

The fur texture I made for this mod must not be used for presets.
But when I release a new version I might reconsider this later!



What will be added over the next months?
-New terrain textures.
-New wearable items.
-A fur coat on the fur texture.
-Horse objects.
-Suggest something horsie related.
-Maybe a map will be attached to the horse mod.

Please do give feedback and ideas for future updates :)

Keep tunned, over time I will update the textures and a release other horse-themed items and textures(+secred update ;3 )!
~~~Message me if you are also a horse item/map/mod/group maker~~~
~~~and want to feature each others horse related thread~~~

Finished Maps / WindLands semi public semi owner mass creature map
« on: August 25, 2012, 02:32:15 pm »

I made this map a nice time ago, but i completely gave up on it and decided to declare it finished, it is around the size of fluorite plains or even bigger?
I did not put too many detail in it so it would not end up too laggy as my other map.
But first i want to thank all the mesh and particle creators and editors.
I wont list what all meshes i used since i kinda forgot  ::)
The land is composed of 1 smaller island,BadLands and a bigger island called Ile of Aron.
It is a 6 texture map and has its...well those light patches where both masks connect.
The map has its own lore but it is up to the players to create their own stories and legends to tell to the young offspring

The pictures go like this: Badlands, home of dragons, greater minor den(not marked on the map sorry for the rain!)
A forest river, small village in the plains(sorry for rain and in the background there are trees but are not visable due distance) then again the badlands, rainy savanna( again sorry for the bad weather)

(so you guys don't get lost)

1 and 2 are badlands 3,4,5 and the unmarked one are a vast forest besides the unmarked one which is half a plain.
6 and 7 are mountains, 8,9,10,11,12,13 belong under the savanna.

Red numbers mark main dens or homes but 6 is a dragon home and 3 shares its territory with 7.
1 Bone breaker den    owner 1 and 2
2Flower cave    owner 1 and 2
3Mountain peak den   No owner free for only one at a time!
4Oak leaf cave    owner 1 and 2
5 Mealvile (village on photo) No owner free for all!
6 Mountain camp    owner 1 and 2
7Mountain cave    owner 1 and 2
8Stone breaker cave    owner 1 and 2
9Plates cave    owner 1 and 2
10Bone ribs camp   owner 1 and 2
11Stone spire camp    owner 1 and 2
12Ol oak camp    owner 1 and 2
13Rocky cave    owner 1 and 2
14Tree side cave    owner 1 and 2

These dens will be private for world RP read the rules with will explain about main den ownership and the territories.
territory: 1 and 2 are free for all, and the village is for all dog, cat farm animal rps! Its inn can also be used for a semi community area but can also inhabit a few players living in them ;)
There are a bunch of minor dens all around the map and a few greater minor dens, i think only two?

Application for main den ownership:
(owner names is username and characters name)
(wolf pack app)
Name of pack:
Name of pack owner:
Is it semi literal?:
Is it semi real(demons/undead can also be here no neon!)?:
Den you chose:
(1,2,4,6,7,8 can be owned by packs)
(Cougar,mountain lion prides but i doubt, so yeah!)
Name of pride/pack:
Name of pride owner:
Is it semi literal?:
Is it semi real(also for demon felines no neon!)?:
Den you chose:
(7,8 can be owned by prides)
(Lion pride app)
Name of pride:
Name of pride owner:
Is it semi literal?:
Is it semi real(it is easy to be)?:
Den you chose:
(9,10,11,12,13,14 can be owned by prides)
(warrior cats app(yes yes they can be here too :D)
Name of clan:
Name of clan owner:
Is it semi literal?:
Is it strictly realistic in colouring?:
Camp you chose:
(1,6,10,11,12 can be owned by clans)
I encourage to check the dens first and each den can have two different packs prides clans so do not huss when two packs(for example) owning the same den are online at the same time!

Note:i can and will replace den owners that are inactive without notice for around 5 weeks.
You loose all rights for owning that den, and it can be now occupied by a new pack,pride,clan.

If you loose interest in the map rp and do not want to own a den you have to tell me so i can give it to another pack,clan etc.
You can switch packs on the den you own you just have to tell me :)
It is encouraged that you bring enemy and ally packs with you!

Wanderer, loner rogue,smaller packs (hyena, fox families, cheetah mom with kids etc.) rules:

You can still enter main dens if you do not belong to them, but only with the packs allowance or when they are offline.
There are small dens all around the maps you can wander from one to another at any given time, but when it is occupied you can: politely leave, politely ask for it, rp play fight :D but do not power play!
But you may not: tease them, do sexual things to them, powerplay killing it and or its kids.

For other rps like dragon hawk, fish, deer, horse, cow, bunny etc.
I strongly encourage! There are two stables and a great grassland and small fenced in are for farm animals, and or cattle rp-ers with a cattle dog.

Anyone from a neutral or ally pack,clan,pride can move on them, strays, dogs, rogues  and other animals(deer for example) can move on the freely!
If you are from a neutral or enemy clan,pack,pride they can(neutral and enemy) and will(enemy only) attack you.
The pack (for example) on the land you are traspasing has the full right to chase rp you off.

Tourists: If you are a tourists put TOUR in your name and you can freely move in all dens at any given time, but do not disturb the RP!

Gods, demigods and spirits:
Nah i will make a group of my own to play around as these =D
you can join too!

RP Rules:

Do not tease or sexually haras!
Do not rp matie or any action in that way, but i doubt anyone will listen so...Do not do it in front of people!
Do not curse at other people unless they know it is only play rp and if they are your friends.

General is for out of character stuff only.
Discuss things in group chat.
RP only in local
No RP in general
Everyone there but tourists(people only there to check out the map) are on the map rp so include them in
This is a mass pack,clan,pride and other RP so you can interact with anyone!
Do not harm tourists they are only here for the looks not the RP!

Enjoy the map i hope you guys will like it a lot :)
oh and the download is split in two packs since i had a problem with it taking too long to upload, so i just split it up
(all things go in exports by the way, it does not contain other kinds of stuff)

/oh and there are two neat places, the dragon caves and the giant snow globe like thingy that is a holy place where all the gods demigods and nature spirits gather and reside, mortals can go there too for rituals and stuff)
It will sometimes snow, also in the savanna, and well lore wise those are ice crystals gods toss on the land.

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