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Messages - Silva5

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MyCatMeowed: There will.

Microfloof: If we ever need help, I'll definitely suggest you. x3

Insanityawoken: What do you mean? We have the website and are working on the game. o 3o

Agreed, MyCatMeowed. x3

Morningflower, there is blood but it's not like you claw someone's shoulder and BLOOD EVERYWHERE. xD Although apparently you can slap people. >XD

Haha, thanks everyone and you're welcome, Jazmin.

Just curious.. Are mods/admins going to be all higher ranks? Deps and med cats too?: Global Moderators(Deputies on the site), Admins (Leaders on the site), Moderators (Right-Claws on the site) and people who help out with the game are staff. Cats IN GAME who are Deputies and such wont be staff unless they already were on the website.[/i]

How far into the game making process are you?: Unsure yet, we SERIOUSLY need coders, mesh makers and other such things. Look here for stuff we need:[/i]

About how much longer until it's ready?: Same as above, unsure. But the release date is THOUGHT[/u] to be out November through January. But if we run into problems maybe later. It all depends on school, people who can make the game and daily life.

Btw, this topic said something about Moonrise being on lockdown:

What's happening?  :(: Well, the whole Frost the hacker thing has stirred up a lot of commotion so once it dies down we'll be opening it again. I'm honestly not sure if we're currently on Lockdown. xD[/i]

aaaaaaah no it cant be on lockdown im so excited for this game o.o: Don't worry, it should be up again soon.[/i]

It's apparently on lockdown because of that hacker, Frost. They're also restricting registration.: Exactly.

Hopefully this answers your questions. o^o

Alright, my internet has been down and I'm busy, so late replies are often. xD Most of the stuff is about being staff, game development and just liking the game.

1. Apologies, but we're not accepting any more staff, except game designers.

2. If you'd like to help with the game, the game designer spots are still open. We need all the help we can get. c:

3. Thank you, I'm also exited for this game, and honored to be one of it's staff. ^o^

If you had any spacific questions, sorry, you can repeat them I probably didn't see.~

Sorry for late replies.~

@--Joker--: Sure. ^o^

@Kikiorylandia: All help is appreciated, just sign up and apply. :3

@Rawrese: Thanks a lot. xD

@WindScar: Mmm, we're not totally sure, but estimation is between September to December. Hopefully as soon as possible.<3

@Flicker: Thanks Flicker, you should sign up. x3 Then you could post ideas and just all around help out. Plus, somehow the website isn't UBERRRR boring. We're always playing games like Count Up Game, I Banned You, Who's That Warrior Cat? Etc. ^o^

Sorry, no f456gh6.

And Mewn update the picture and stuff. D<

User Creations Collection / Re: {Photoness} Jayfeather55's FH Stuff
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:38:28 am »
Hello, Jayfeather. I'm from a Warrior Cats MMORPG called Moonrise and the Owner, Moonstar asked if we could use your Kitten mesh. x'D I don't know if you even pay attention to the FH website, but if you do please answer back. Thanks!<3

//EDIT: Obviously we'd give you credit for the mesh. e^e -Forgot to mention that.-

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