Author Topic: Chihuahua Dragon  (Read 2101 times)


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Chihuahua Dragon
« on: June 25, 2011, 03:35:01 am »

Chihuahua Dragon
Draco Canis

This strange breed of dragon was started when a very drunk female dragon had, as witnesses claim it said, "A bad night".
Since then, this breed of dragon has become so popular that it was soon spread throughout the galaxy, now becoming a popular pet. It is well known for it's protective behavior and it's attraction to shiny objects.
They usually have long, slender legs, skinny bodies, large heads with equally large ears  and curled tails.  Chihuahua dragons typically come in greens and reds, but on rare occasions it can come in blue.

Life spans:
Chihuahua Dragon, or Draco Canis, typically live about 120 years. On rare occasions it can live longer, depending of the health of the creature. Draco Canis are generally a healthy breed, but may suffer from hip athritis when they grow older.

Chihuahua dragons eat meat, but can occasionally feast on berries.

In the wild:
Despite many attempts to keep it a completely domestic creature, some have gone feral and later wild animals. Chihuahua dragons in the wild tend to be solitary creatures, only coming together during mating season. Chihuahua dragons may mate with up to 50 different individuals during heat.
A chihuahua dragon starts its life hatching from an egg, and from there it must learn to survive.

Chihuahua dragons tend to live in tropical areas, but can also reside in forests.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 02:26:37 am by Malkia »