Author Topic: Meladne  (Read 1251 times)


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« on: July 19, 2012, 02:59:01 am »

~What are Meladne?~
Meladne are dogs that were blown(literally) off of the face of the earth by humans. They were a mistake of being created, the humans knocked a cup of wolf-dog blood into a puddle of fur and mucus. The first Meladne formed out of the fur, and it's skin was supposedly made of mucus, but some say it just felt like mucus. The Meladne multiplied into two others, on male and one female, they mated and more were produced. The humans did not know that this incident occured, the Meladne multiplied into 3,900. The humans never knew until they tested a dog that had green blood, and intestines made of stretchy tiles and had three tongue tips. The humans didn't know what to do, they tested innocent dogs to find out this odd species. Humans finally found the match of two dogs, the same DNA, they were, in fact, brother and sister. They registered the species as an 'Endangered Species', even though is wasn't really endangered.

Meladne are usually a dark brown or black, depending on it's genes. If it is a dark brown, that means it's genetic tree was healthy and utterly intelligent. If it's black, then it's genetic tree was strong and cold-hearted mostly evil ones are black. Meladne's eyes, no matter what their genetics are, they're always yellow, they have shrunken pupils. They have scars on them, for females they're purple and for males are blue. They have manes, males have small mohawks, and the females have a center mane. Sometimes they're mistaken for maned wolves.

The Meladne's reproduction is very odd... Just like any other female mammal species, the females have a time called 'heat'. When the female Meladne becomes 'in-heat' her tail will grow and will wrap around her own legs, and she will often stretch in front of males so they can get the smell of her. The female Meladne's 'in heat' period with last for 3 weeks, and the females get it 2 times a year. The males often fight other the females, the males fight to the death. The bloody winner get's the girl and leaves the loser to rot. Meladne's love the darkness, so they mate and have their puppies in dark places. When the Meladne female is ready to mate, her tail will go up and she will lay down with her rear in the air. When the male comes back from a hunt, he will see the female. And, once the male is mating with the female, the female makes chirp-like noises. When the male is done, the female with place her butt on the ground and will roll around on the the ground. The female and male with then snuggle with each other and sleep together. The female is pregnant for 34 days, when the puppies are born then male stays with the female and the pups until the puppies are 13 months old.

Will add more information once I write it down. >.<'

Stuff I am going to add: